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Research Communities WCRP. Observation/Prediction Organizations WMO-WWW GOS WMO-GTN-H CEOS Space Agencies. Leadership. G lobal E arth O bservation comprehensive, coordinated , and sustained capacity-building

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  1. Research Communities WCRP Observation/Prediction Organizations WMO-WWW GOS WMO-GTN-H CEOS Space Agencies Leadership Global Earth Observation comprehensive, coordinated, and sustained capacity-building data exchange in a full and open mannerwith minimum time delay and minimum cost 10 year implementation plan closer coordination between research communities and obs./prediction organizations Implementation of IGOS-Water Cycle Theme GEWEXCLIVARCliC GEWEX Asian Program GHP – GRP - GMPP CEOP as the First Element of the IGOS Water Cycle Theme

  2. Strategy for a Next Step of GAME Close Coordination between the GAME Research Communities and Observation/Prediction Organizations Comprehensive and Cross-cutting Scientific/Application Body in Asia Long-term and Sustained Activity Framework/Perspective and shorter-term implementation plans

  3. Strategy for a Next Step of GAME Closer Coordination between the GAME Research Communities and Observation/Prediction Organizations Comprehensive and Cross-cutting Scientific/Application Body in Asia Long-term and Sustained Activity Framework/Perspective and shorter-term implementation plans Data Standardization/Unified Format Interpretation form Data to Information for Societal Benefit Capacity Building/Education Regional/Country Projects

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