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Development of winter wheat varieties for organic farming. Vija Strazdina, Inga Jansone State Stende Cereals Breeding Institute, p/o Dizstende, Talsi region, LV-3258, Latvia E-mail stende.selekcija@apollo.lv. Introduction
Development of winter wheat varietiesfor organic farming Vija Strazdina, Inga Jansone State Stende Cereals Breeding Institute, p/o Dizstende, Talsi region, LV-3258, Latvia E-mail stende.selekcija@apollo.lv Introduction Winter wheat varieties realizing high yield and grain quality potential in conventional sistem often are less suitable for growing in organic conditions. There are some aspects of organic production that may make the genotypes required different from conventional system. Before to start the winter wheat breeding programm for organic farming it was neccessary to compare winter wheat genotypes performances in both systems and select more important indices for organic system. The aim of the research to compare yield and grain quality of winter wheat genotypes between conventional and organic farming systems and select suitable genotypes for organic farming. Materials and methods The trials with 9 winter wheat genotypes in 4 replications were set up at State Stende Cereal Breeding Institute paralelly in conventional breeding crop rotation field and certificied organic field in 2008/2009. In organic field the precrop was pea. In conventional field a precrop was the white mustard, fertilizers N-P-K 6-26-30 300 kg ha-1 and N150 kg ha-1was used. The grain yield and quality traits (crude protein , gluten content, Zeleny index, Test weight and 1000 kernel weight were evaluated in both farming systems and compared. Stastistical analyse were performed using Softwere packedge STASTISTICS Results The grain yield of 9 winter wheat wheat genotypes varied between 6.44 -8.79 t ha-1, crude protein from 111.0 to 147.0 g kg-1, gluten content from 20.7% to 28.2%, Zeleny index from 32.8 to 54.3 mL, Volume weight from 806 to 879 g l-1 and TKW from 43.2 to 53.3 g in conventional crop rotation (C). In the organic field (O) the same genotypes realized yield 50.5% to 60.7 %, crude protein 76.9% to 95.8% and gluten content 67.0% to 96.1% in comparison with C system (Fig.1.). 1000 kernel weight (TKW)and Test weight (TW) of genotypes were more stable traits and a significant differences between growing systems were not found (Fig.2). In O field TKW varied from 96,7% to 101,9%, TKW- 82,4% to 102,1% in comparison with C farming. Three breeding lines (98-83, 99-115,02-28)selected in C crop rotation were suitable for O farming. (I) (III) (II) (IV) Fig.1. Grain quality (protein content -I , gluten content-II) of winter wheat genotypes in C and O farming. Fig.2. Test Weight (III) and 1000 kernel weight (IV) of winter wheat genotypes in C and O farming . Acknolegement.This study was performed with financial support of the Europen Social Fund cofinanced Project 2009/0218/1DP/1/1/1/2/0/09/APIA/VIAA/99 and Latvian Reseach Counsil Project 06.00.37.