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Eagle Block 2011-2012 August 31, 2011 Eagle Block Orientation . Outline of today’s program . What is Eagle Block? How has Eagle Block changed from last year? Who goes to Eagle Block? What happens if I decide not to attend Eagle Block? When does the first Eagle Block cycle start?
Outline of today’s program • What is Eagle Block? • How has Eagle Block changed from last year? • Who goes to Eagle Block? • What happens if I decide not to attend Eagle Block? • When does the first Eagle Block cycle start? • How do I register for Eagle Block? Nazareth Area High School
Introduction • Nazareth Area High School is committed to supporting and improving the academic achievement of all students. • During the 2010-2011 school year, a period known as Eagle Block was added to the school day to provide enrichment, remediation, intervention, and enhancement opportunities in order to increase academic success and improve the high school experience for all students.
Eagle Block • Eagle Block enabled students to participate in any of the 4 types of programs: • Enhancement – Students chose from a variety of activities that enhanced their overall high school experience such as clubs, athletics, etc. • Enrichment – Students chose to participate in a variety of activities that aligned to a specific course or curricular area and provided additional learning opportunities • Intervention – Students received individual support from subject area teachers to address their specific needs • Remediation – Students received support for specific skills in Reading and Math based upon standardized assessments such as the PSSA and 4Sights
The Basics of Eagle Block • The implementation of Eagle Block promoted ownership for learning as students made choices based on their academic and co-curricular interests. • During every Eagle Block cycle, students benefited from diverse learning opportunities including, but not limited to: individual tutoring sessions, subject specific extension and enhancement activities, counseling and student focus group meetings, open lab time, academic study halls, meetings with college representatives, test preparation seminars and NAHS student club and organizational meetings.
Evaluating Eagle Block • Since the start of Eagle Block, the Eagle Block Implementation Team has gathered feedback from various groups (students, teachers, parents, etc.) to evaluate the effectiveness of this program in meeting the diverse needs of all students. • The information gathered assisted the team as they made changes to improve the Eagle Block program for the 2011-2012 academic school year.
Changes to the Eagle Block Program for 2011-2012
Change #1: Eagle Block will be at the end of the school day following Block 4.
Change #2: Students register for a marking period, not every six days • Choose your selections wisely since you will report to your Eagle Block activities for a marking period. • No more registering for Eagle Block EVERY SIX DAYS!!!! • Students will make their Eagle Block selections for a marking period; teachers will be able to pull students from their selections every 6 days depending upon their grades
Note: There may be times when a student will be excused from his/her assigned Eagle Block session due to requests made by course instructors. • If a student is earning a D or lower in a course, a teacher will see that student for remediation. • If a student needs to make-up an assessment, lab or other class work, a teacher will provide a work pass to the student to make up coursework.
Change #3: Students who participate in Eagle Block • * Junior/Senior exemption from Eagle Block will be waived for any of the following circumstances: • Any staff member requires a junior/senior to attend an Eagle Block session by giving them a pass • Junior/Senior student has their Eagle Block exemption revoked by the administration for disciplinary infractions • Junior/Senior is assigned to either ESMP or MSMP for a marking period and must attend Eagle Block during these remediation sessions
Junior/Senior Exemption Guidelines • Junior/Senior exemption from Eagle Block will be waived for any of the following circumstances: • Any staff member requires a junior/senior to attend an Eagle Block session by giving them a pass • Junior/Senior student has their Eagle Block exemption revoked by the administration for disciplinary infractions • Junior/Senior is assigned to either ESMP or MSMP for a marking period and must attend Eagle Block during these remediation sessions
Eagle Block Exemption-Juniors & Seniors • Juniors and seniors who do not qualify for, or choose not to participate in Eagle Block Exemption will be assigned to Eagle Block study hall or will be permitted to make Eagle Block selections for each marking period. • Juniors and seniors participating in the Eagle Block Exemption program must be aware that any high school staff member may require a junior or senior to attend Eagle Block for any reason at any time (make up work, poor grades, incomplete assignments, etc.). • Juniors and seniors who fail to attend Eagle Block when instructed to do so by any staff member will be assigned a disciplinary consequence and have their Eagle Block Exemption revoked. Non-school related conflicts and plans such as work, personal appointments, etc. will not be accepted as excuses for not attending Eagle Block.
Eagle Block Exemption Permission Form • Students should return their Eagle Block Exemption permission slip forms to the Main Office by Wednesday, September 14th.
Eagle Block-Disciplinary Consequences • Students in grades 9-12 may be required to attend intervention sessions if their grade in any course is a D or an F. • Skipping an Eagle Block session will be treated as a class cut. • Students who cut Eagle Block will be assigned disciplinary consequences as per the following progression: • 1st offense: Loss of junior/senior and Eagle Block privilege (if applicable), Saturday detention & parent, counselor, case manager contact by administrator • 2nd offense: Two Saturday detentions and parent, counselor, case manager contact by administrator • 3rd offense: In-School suspension for each occurrence and loss of privileges for juniors and/or seniors for the remainder of the semester for which the infractions occur; parent, counselor and case manager contact by administrator
Tardy to Eagle Block • Similar to last year, students who arrive late to Eagle Block will be marked tardy. • Once a student accumulates 4 tardies to Eagle Block, the student will be assigned an office detention. • Office detentions will be assigned for a 5th and 6th tardy as well. • 7th-9thtardies: Saturday Detention for each occurrence • 10th & subsequent tardies: 1 day of in-school suspension for each tardy
S E P T E M B E R Club/Activity sign ups in the cafeteria for all students Club/Activity sign ups in the cafeteria for all students When will Eagle Block begin? Eagle Block Privilege Permission forms due back by 9/14
An Eagle Block Activities Guide is available for students in order for them to make their choices. • Copies will be located in: • Homerooms • Counseling Office • Athletic & Activities Office • Eagle Block Selection Center • Main Office • The Activity Guide will also be available to view on the • NAHS website The Eagle Block Activities Guide serves as a catalog that outlines and describes the enhancement, enrichment, intervention and remediation opportunities students can choose to participate in during Eagle Block.
Enrichment Scheduler • To ensure that every student makes his/her Eagle Block selections for the 1st and 3rd marking period, signing up for Eagle Block will take place during homeroom. Homeroom teachers will verify that each student correctly signed up for Eagle Block using the Enrichment Scheduler software located on the Power School webpage. Visit the Eagle Block link for step-by-step instructions on how students can register for the Eagle Block selections on Power School. http://hs.nazarethasd.k12.pa.us
Eagle Block Schedules • Once Eagle Block begins on September 19th, your homeroom teacher will have a copy of your Eagle Block schedule on file if you lose your copy. • Students should report to their homeroom teacher if they have questions regarding their Eagle Block schedule. Please do not report to the Main Office! If you report to the Main Office, you will be told to check with your Homeroom Teacher for your schedule.
Questions or Concerns? • If you have any questions or concerns regarding Eagle Block, please refer to your homeroom teacher. • If your homeroom teacher cannot assist you, then please see your counselor, Mrs. Teles, Mrs. Schoeneberger or any of the principals.