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Proposed Strategic Framework/Biennial Programme Plan 2016 - 2017. Strategic Planning and Operational Quality Division ECA 27 March 2014. Proposed Strategic Framework 2016-2017. Introduction and background
ProposedStrategic Framework/Biennial Programme Plan 2016 - 2017 Strategic Planning and Operational Quality Division ECA 27 March 2014
Proposed Strategic Framework 2016-2017 Introduction and background • Presentation is based on document with the symbol E/ECA/COE/33/12 entitled, Proposed strategic framework for the period 2016–2017; part two: Biennial programme plan; Programme 15: Economic and social development in Africa; • Structure of Strategic Framework: --Overall orientation, articulates the policy and programme priorities and serves as a high level synopsis; --Subprogrammes, structured in a logical framework format consisting of objective; expected accomplishments; indicators of achievement; and strategy; --List of legislative mandates and resolutions;
Proposed Strategic Framework/Biennial Progamme Plan (SF/BPP) for 2016-2017 has been prepared in the context of the reforms that have been implemented at ECA over the past 2 years; • ECA’s new programme orientation which was endorsed by the Conference of Ministers, the AU Heads of State and the UN General Assembly in 2013 formed the basis of the 2016-2017 Strategic Framework/Biennial Programme Plan; • A more focused programme, building on successes already achieved, benefiting from extensive consultation, and effectively addressing Africa’s transformation agenda; • The Plan for 2016-2017 formulated with a view to meeting the priorities and mandates set by member States through continuation of the priorities approved in the revised Strategic Framework for 2014-2015. The challenges have not changed much from the previous biennium; • A number of new initiatives or priorities considered important by member States have been included in the proposals. Among the new priorities which will have implications for ECA’s work is the AU Agenda 2063 and the African Development Goals when they are established; • Other initiatives under consideration at the global level, including the Sustainable Development Goals and the post 2015 development agenda; • Takes on board recent decisions of the UN General Assembly, AU Summit, the Commission and its subsidiary bodies
Proposed Strategic Framework 2016-2017 Orientation/objective of the programme: “Putting Africa First” Putting Africa First: Programme has been prepared in the context of the reforms and institutional renewal at ECA over the past 2 years, with the main objective of helping Africa address its development challenges, with particular emphasis on promoting sustained and inclusive growth for accelerating Africa’s structural transformation in line with the priorities of NEPAD and the AU Agenda 2063;
Africa’s development challenges: • Overriding policy challenge facing the continent: Sustain the current positive macroeconomic trends to drive inclusive, broad-based growth and development for structural transformation. • Sustaining positive trends will depend on addressing the following related challenges: -- Achieving and sustaining higher levels of equitable and shared growth; -- Investment in human development, including improving access to education, health and infrastructure; employment creation; -- Boosting agriculture and food security; -- Speeding up the pace of regional integration; -- Promoting trade, including intra-African trade; -- Enhancing state and institutional capacities for improved economic management. -- Ensuring gender equality -- Building national statistical capacity -- Resource mobilization is a critical cross-cutting challenge that must be addressed if Africa is to make progress in these areas.
Proposed Strategic Framework 2016-2017 Major focus of the programme: • ECA has repositioned itself to respond to these developmental challenges. Consistent with its mandate and comparative advantage, the Commission’s overall strategy for achieving the objectives of the programme will continue to centre around the following nine interdependent and complementary subprogrammes which encompass the key priorities in Africa’s development, and focused on sectors that are central to Africa’s transformation agenda: (1) Macroeconomic policy; (2) Regional integration and trade; (3) Innovations, technologies and management of Africa’s natural resources; (4) Statistics; (5) Capacity development; (6) Gender and women in development; (7) Subregional activities for development – implemented by the 5 subregional offices in North, West, Central, Eastern, Southern; (8) Development planning and administration – implemented by the United Nations African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP); (9) Social development policy;
Proposed Strategic Framework 2016-2017 • Across all subprogrammes, sustainable development will be a cross-cutting issue in line with outcome of Rio+20 on the need for a balanced integration of the 3 dimensions of sustainable development. Gender will also be mainstreamed across all the subprogrammes. • As a new area of work, attention will also be given to promoting better understanding of the concept of an inclusive green economy in the context of sustainable development and the poverty eradication in the follow-up to Rio+20;
Proposed Strategic Framework 2016-2017 Strategy/modalities: • Addressing Africa’s development challenges through policy research and capacity development buttressed by quality statistics to provide an empirical basis for policy formulation and decision-making, inform priority-setting and track performance; • Enhanced, more strategic and substantive partnerships in support of Africa’s transformation and guided by ECA’s new partnership strategy and based on comparative advantage – with a wide range of partners, including the AU Commission; African Development Bank; other UN agencies, particularly UNDP/UNDG entities; WTO; major policy think tanks; universities and research institutions; private sector and foundations; and civil society organizations; • Increased focus on results and impact: Proposed programme plan reflects ECA’s continued commitment to achieve outcomes and impact with clearly articulated and measurable indicators within a results-based framework. In this regard, the logical frameworks under each subprogramme have been formulated to make the indicators of achievement more measurable and to reflect the increased focus on policy change at the level of member States.
Proposed Strategic Framework 2016-2017 Highlights of subprogramme objectives in the 9 main result areas • Macroeconomic policy:To accelerate Africa’s economic transformation through the design, implementation and monitoring of development plans, policies and strategies for better economic management; • Regional integration and trade.To promote regional cooperation and integration among member States to tackle the challenges of structural transformation and to strengthen Africa’s role in the global economy through trade, investment, industry, agriculture and land for inclusive and sustainable development; • Innovations, technologies and management of Africa’s natural resources:To promote the adoption and implementation of new initiatives with a view to fostering sustainable and equitable development in Africa;
Proposed Strategic Framework 2016-2017 • Statistics:To improve the production, dissemination and use of high quality statistics for evidence-based planning and policymaking in support of Africa’s structural transformation and sustainable development agenda; • Capacity development: To strengthen the capacity of member States, pan-African institutions, regional economic communities and other intergovernmental organizations to formulate, implement and monitor evidence‑based policies and programmes at the national, subregional and regional levels in support of Africa’s development; • Gender and women in development: To promote gender equality and women’s empowerment as a key dimension of Africa’s structural transformation, in the context of global and regional commitments to gender equality;
Proposed Strategic Framework 2016-2017 • Sub-regional activities for development: To strengthen the capacity of member states, regional economic communities and intergovernmental organizations to formulate evidence-based policies to support structural transformation for inclusive and sustainable development in the five sub-regions of the continent (North, West Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa); • Development planning and administrationTo improve public sector management and development planning in support of economic and social transformation in Africa through training and other capacity development activities; • Social development policy:To promote inclusive and equitable sustainable human and social development for transformation in Africa;