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Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303. Strategic Plan. Creating Futures Together… 2003-2008. “Allah never changes the grace He has bestowed on any people until they first change that which is in their hearts and that is because Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing” -Glorious Qur’an 8:53.
Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 Strategic Plan Creating Futures Together…2003-2008 “Allah never changes the grace He has bestowed on any people until they first change that which is in their hearts and that is because Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing” -Glorious Qur’an 8:53 Triennial Conference Dubai, UAE 11 October 2003
“We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 “I do not fear poverty amongst my Ummah more than I fear the consequences of poor planning” -Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) “Plan for the hereafter as though you will die tomorrow, plan for this world as though you will live forever.” -Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) “Raise your children differently from the way you were raised, for they are going to live in a different time” -Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS)
“We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303
Agenda “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 • Executive Summary • Current Situation – “Where are we today?” • Community Needs Analysis – “Where do we need to go?” • Strategic Plan – “How are we going to get there?” • Monitoring Process – “How will we know if we get there?” • Summary
Executive Summary “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 • The strategic planning team has engaged a process never before undertaken by the World Federation • The strategic planning process will continue to measure and track its performance in meeting the community needs “… Indeed I see the Strategic Planning exercise not as an event, but very much as a process. I envision a very lively discussion on the report and believe that this heeds to be a dynamic project as we chart own future strategies in this era where the pace of change has never been faster …” --Dr. Hasnain Walji, President, World Federation • The participation of all members is critical to make sure the process is successful such that the World Federation can enhance its services to the community `` “… I urge you all to engage yourselves and actively participate in this process to enable the World Federation to enhance its level of services to the community …” --Dr. Hasnain Walji, President, World Federation
Executive Summary “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 Primary Objective To provide the World Federation with a strategic direction in order to better meet the needs of the community and carry out its work more effectively. Related Objectives • Survey the world-wide Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri (KSI) community in an unbiased and scientific method to: • Understand their current environment • Understand their awareness and impressions of the World Federation • Understand their needs and expectations from the World Federation • Analyse historical documents such as conference reports and board reports for key themes and trends • Examine external factors and world events and determine their impact on the KSI community • Share results of the above analysis with the World Federation Boards and Desks • Meet and work with WF Boards and Desks to set 5 year goals with annual interim targets • Introduce a rigorous management system that makes sure targets are met
Executive Summary “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 What community members have said about the strategic planning process “Asking the community members about their views is something that really needed to be done. With this strategic plan I feel that the World Federation can carry out its mission more effectively…” --Community Member, Tanzania “I am very impressed with this project. The strategic planning process is comprehensive and well thought out. I pray that these efforts come to fruition.” --Community Member, U.A.E. “Wow! We are becoming objective and professional. To think that this was done with young and old professionals from within the community highlights our available resources within.” --Community Member, U.S.A. “Coming up with all of these responses is no easy accomplishment. This process clearly lays out where our community needs to go and puts in place some tools that will help us get there.” --Community Member, Canada
Executive Summary Goals of the World Federation:Promotion of Shia Ithna-Asheri Faith Relief of Poverty in the CommunityEducation of Community Members “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 Creating the strategy • Educate the community in both Islamic and secular teachings leading to spiritual and economic upliftment • Design programmes and functions to involve all members of the community which will therefore increase the level of awareness of the World Federation among community members • Develop opportunities for the community to network and know one another • Promote a progressive and modern approach to community work and solving community problems • Ensure coordination among policies and share best practice across Jamaats and the World Federation
Executive Summary “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 Creating the strategy • A group of professionals with experience in strategic planning was assembled to manage the process • The worldwide community was systematically and objectively surveyed to determine their current living situation and future aspirations • Internal community documents were analysed to understand how the community would like to move forward • A snap shot of global trends that will impact our community was taken to help understand the forces that will shape the community • The results of the analysis were shared with the Boards and Desks of the World Federation, who have a vast amount of experience in performing the community’s work, to help them devise objectives that they will accomplish over the next 5 years
Executive Summary “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 Creating the strategy • The community expects the following • Islamic and secular education • Medical advice and support • Islamic centres and the dhakireen meet the community’s religious needs • Address the needs of the community’s youth, seniors and women • This needs further investment in • Human resources development • Further detailed planning with performance management
Agenda “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 • Executive Summary • Current Situation – “Where are we today?” • Living Conditions of Community Members • Perception of World Federation • Community Needs Analysis – “Where do we need to go?” • Strategic Plan – “How are we going to get there?” • Monitoring Process – “How will we know if we get there?” • Summary
Where are we today? “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 For the first time in its history, the World Federation asked community members to give their opinions about the organisation Sample by Region Sample by Age 175 117 111 Number of Respondents 103 Number of Respondents 94 82 70 65 64 59 42 22 25 5 2 Age Note: N/A indicates that respondent did not provide his/her age Source: WF Strategic Planning Survey Data
Where are we today? Living Conditions of Community Members “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 Individuals were asked about these areas of their lives Islamic Education Secular Education Career Training Current Activities of theWorld Federation of KSIMC Political Representation Medical Advice & Support Senior’s Youth Services Women’s Services
Where are we today? Living Conditions of Community Members “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 All community members agreed secular education is becoming prohibitively expensive. This sentiment is felt especially in the Africa, United States, and the Middle East and among the youth “Providing Secular Education is Expensive”By Age “Providing Secular Education is Expensive”By Region Agree Agree 76 75 74 73 69 Avg. = 66 65 Avg. = 66 65 64 63 59 57 Neither Agreeor Disagree 56 Neither Agreeor Disagree 57 50 Level of Agreement Level of Agreement Disagree Disagree Age “The World Federation should focus on one core cometency and at present education is one of the top priorities of our community” - Community Member,Oman Source: WF Strategic Planning Survey Data
Where are we today? Living Conditions of Community Members “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 Additionally few respondents agreed that finding a decent job was easy. This was a particular problem for the women in our community “It is Easy to Find a Decent Job”By Region “It is Easy to Find a Decent Job”By Gender Agree Agree Neither Agreeor Disagree Neither Agreeor Disagree 54 50 Level of Agreement Level of Agreement 45 Avg. = 42 45 40 33 34 35 31 Disagree Disagree Age Source: WF Strategic Planning Survey Data
Where are we today? Living Conditions of Community Members “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 Obtaining medical care appears to be more serious problem in Africa and Pakistan. Among age groups, there is relative uniformity in the responses “It is Easy to Obtain Medical Care”By Age “It is Easy to Obtain Medical Care”By Region Agree Agree 65 60 63 61 60 Neither Agreeor Disagree 56 Neither Agreeor Disagree 55 53 50 Avg. = 50 51 Avg. = 50 Level of Agreement Level of Agreement 44 40 37 36 Disagree Disagree Age Source: WF Strategic Planning Survey Data
Where are we today? Living Conditions of Community Members “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 Religious persecution is a major issue for our community. This is especially true in Pakistan. “Religious Persecution is a Major Issue”By Age “Religious Persecution is a Major Issue”By Region 99 Agree Agree 83 76 71 71 57 66 63 63 Avg. = 66 Avg. = 66 66 62 58 Neither Agreeor Disagree Neither Agreeor Disagree 56 50 Level of Agreement Level of Agreement Disagree Disagree Age Source: WF Strategic Planning Survey Data
Where are we today? Living Conditions of Community Members “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 Individuals perceived that the dhakireen are not effective at communicating as they could be. “Dhakireen are Good at Communicating to all Parts of the Community”By Age “Dhakireen are Good at Communicating to all Parts of the Community”By Region Agree Agree Neither Agreeor Disagree Neither Agreeor Disagree 53 50 51 50 47 Level of Agreement Level of Agreement 45 45 45 42 Avg. = 43 41 Avg. = 43 40 39 34 15 Disagree Disagree Age Source: WF Strategic Planning Survey Data
Where are we today? Living Conditions of Community Members “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 There is concern regarding the perceived effectiveness of the programmes at Islamic centres especially among the youth and the seniors “The Programme of Events at my Islamic Centre is Relevant to my Needs”By Age “The Programme of Events at my Islamic Centre is Relevant to my Needs”By Region Agree Agree 64 Neither Agreeor Disagree Neither Agreeor Disagree 52 53 51 53 51 Avg. = 46 46 Avg. = 46 Level of Agreement Level of Agreement 44 42 42 40 39 36 30 Disagree Disagree Age Source: WF Strategic Planning Survey Data
Where are we today? Living Conditions of Community Members “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 Most communities feel that the needs of the youth are not being met “My Community Understands and Meets the Needs of the Youth”By Age “My Community Understands and Meets the Needs of the Youth”By Region Agree Agree Neither Agreeor Disagree Neither Agreeor Disagree 48 Level of Agreement Level of Agreement 42 42 44 43 42 40 40 Avg. = 39 41 38 Avg. = 39 36 30 30 30 Disagree Disagree Age “Sadly the World Federation has not provided an extensive youth structure outside the UK”Community Member, USA Source: WF Strategic Planning Survey Data
Where are we today? Living Conditions of Community Members “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 Seniors especially feel that the community is not meeting their needs “My Community Understands and Meets the Needs of the Seniors”By Age “My Community Understands and Meets the Needs of the Seniors”By Region Agree Agree Neither Agreeor Disagree Neither Agreeor Disagree 57 51 53 46 47 47 47 Level of Agreement 46 Level of Agreement Avg. = 42 Avg. = 42 38 40 34 30 24 10 Disagree Disagree Age Source: WF Strategic Planning Survey Data
Where are we today? Living Conditions of Community Members “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 Meeting the needs of women received the lowest score of any group “My Community Understands and Meets the Needs of the Women”By Age “My Community Understands and Meets the Needs of the Women”By Region Agree Agree Neither Agreeor Disagree Neither Agreeor Disagree 47 Level of Agreement Level of Agreement 46 45 42 41 40 41 40 40 Avg. = 37 Avg. = 37 35 28 24 29 10 Disagree Disagree Age Source: WF Strategic Planning Survey Data
Where are we today? Regional Summary… “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 While all of the previous issues are important in every region of the world, particular regions face unique challenges that need to be addressed • Canada: • Finding jobs • Communication of dhakireen • Europe: • Finding jobs • Meeting the needs of women, youth and seniors • Australia: • Communication of dhakireen • Meeting the needs of women, youth and seniors • Middle East: • Secular education, finding jobs • Meeting the needs of women, youth and seniors • United States: • Providing secular education • Meeting the needs of women, youth and seniors • Africa: • Access to medical care • Providing secular education • Pakistan: • Religious persecution • Meeting the needs of women, youth and seniors Source: WF Strategic Planning Survey Data
Where are we today? Perceptions of WF “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 Most respondents are aware of the World Federation’s existence, but not of its specific activities Percent of Respondents Answering “Yes” to Awareness of WF and its Activities “The community just doesn’t know what the World Federation is beyond its name.” --Community Member, U.S.A. “We need to create more awareness of the World Federation especially amongst the youth of our community” --Community Member, Tanzania “The World Federation is weak in publicity about itself so the community doesn’t even know what services it has to offer” --Community Member, Canada 95 75 73 73 57 55 54 53 Percent 51 51 41 40 41 39 34 Worldwide results, including Pakistan Worldwide results, excluding Pakistan Source: WF Strategic Planning Survey Data Note: Score for women’s needs was the same with & without Pakistan
Where are we today? Perceptions of WF… “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 Overall the community does not perceive the World Federation to be effective Perceived Effectiveness of WF and its Activities Relatively Effective Perceived Effectiveness 49 50 Score Score = 50/100 47 39 38 38 38 39 37 34 31 29 29 29 28 Relatively Ineffective 23 World-wide results, including Pakistan World-wide results, excluding Pakistan Source: WF Strategic Planning Survey Data
Where are we today? Perceptions of WF… “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 The World Federation has moderate to low credibility and influence across all regions “How Credible is the WF in the Khoja Community?” “How Influential is the WF in your Local Jamaat?” Very Influential Very Credible 58 Score Score 53 53 47 45 43 Avg. = 36 35 35 Avg. = 29 28 19 11 10 1 1 Not Credible Not Influential “Unfortunately, the World Federation is barely felt in our Jamaat!”Community Member, USA Source: WF Strategic Planning Survey Data
Agenda “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 • Executive Summary • Current Situation – “Where are we today?” • Community Needs Analysis – “Where do we need to go?” • Desktop Research • External Environment Analysis • Survey Results • Strategic Plan – “How are we going to get there?” • Monitoring Process – “How will we know if we get there?” • Summary
Where do we need to go? “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 Three techniques were utilised to assess the community’s needs DesktopResearch External Analysis Surveys “Where do we need to go?” + +
Where do we need to go? Desktop Research External Analysis Survey Results Where do we need to go? “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 Five key themes emerged from the desktop research CENTRALISED COORDINATION EDUCATION NETWORKING Goals of the World Federation:Promotion of Shia Ithna-Asheri Faith Relief of Poverty in the CommunityEducation of Community Members FOCUS SHIFT: TRADITIONAL TO PROGRESSIVE INCREASED INVOLVEMENT Education must underpin all our activities Centralisation is the key for coordination Networking can bring together like-minded individuals for the good of the community Community members are looking for a progressive and modern mindset We need greater involvement from all segments of the community
Where do we need to go? External Analysis Desktop Research External Analysis Survey Results Where do we need to go? “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 The constituents of the World Federation are spread all over the world. In each region where the community has settled unique external factors need to be examined
Where do we need to go? External Analysis India Pakistan Desktop Research External Analysis Survey Results Where do we need to go? “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 Given the unique characteristics of each region, it is critical to examine the forces that will be impacting these areas over the next decade • Population will swell to over 1.2 billion with a growing divide between rich and poor • Technology will drive improvements in all sectors including agriculture • Population will grow to 195 million by 2015 – weak economy and scarce resources will be further strained • Sectarian tensions and instability will increase • Ineffective regimes continue to be supported by oil revenues • Disgruntled youth create further pressure for more jobs and health services • The benefits associated with globalisation will not reach the closed societies within the Middle East Middle East Africa • Africa will miss out on the social and economic benefits of globalisation • Populations explosion and rapid increases diseases will lead instability
Where do we need to go? Desktop Research External Analysis Survey Results Where do we need to go? “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 Given the unique characteristics of each region, it is critical to examine the forces that will be impacting these areas over the next decade…continued Europe • Europe will enjoy continued stability and economic success • Ageing population and the growing immigrant community will require more resources Canada • Skilled immigrants from East and South Asia will migrate to Canada • Canada will remain stable amidst constant, dynamic change United States • The U.S. will remain unparalleled in its economic and military power despite some shift to Asia • The EU and countries such as China and India will check the role of the U.S. Nonprofit Sector • 67% of nonprofit activities will be involved in education, health and social services • Delivering development and humanitarian aid on behalf of governments • Codes of conduct imposed on nonprofit organizations
Where do we need to go? Desktop Research External Analysis Survey Results Where do we need to go? “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 Impact on the World Federation • Greater urbanisation and overcrowding of cities increase price of land • Develop a real estate strategy to capitalise on the increasing scarcity of land • Better healthcare increases life expectancy • Seniors’ support strategy will be required Population and Demographic Trends • Infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS will spread in the community especially in areas with limited medical infrastructure • The Medical Advisory Board must take steps to curb growth in infectious diseases Health • More education will be required to secure decent jobs • CETAB should provide more focused and relevant training • Creative thinking methodologies will need to be instilled in the community ethos Science, Technology and Education
Where do we need to go? Desktop Research External Analysis Survey Results Where do we need to go? “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 Global trends continued… • A Wild Card is a low probability high impact event such as the unfortunate September 11th attacks in the United States • By 2015, natural and man made disasters will be on the increase • The World Federation needs to engage in disaster planning Wild card events • Nonprofits will be working as partners with corporations, governments and international organisations • The World Federation needs to reconsider registering itself as an UN NGO Role of Nonprofit Organisations
Where do we need to go? Surveys Desktop Research External Analysis Survey Results Where do we need to go? “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 The strategic planning team surveyed a statistically significant number of community members for their input and advice Sample by Region Sample by Age 175 117 111 Number of Respondents 103 Number of Respondents 94 82 70 65 64 59 42 22 25 5 2 Age Note: N/A indicates that respondent did not provide his/her age Total Number of Surveys: 518 Source: WF Strategic Planning Survey Data
Where do we need to go? Desktop Research External Analysis Survey Results Where do we need to go? “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 Across most regions and all age groups, especially the youth, there is a strong demand for Islamic education, but perceived performance is below expectation Demand for Islamic Education Ratingvs. Current Effectiveness Rating By Age Group Demand for Islamic Education vs. Current Effectiveness RatingBy Region Gap Gap 41 47 31 41 45 34 53 37 29 27 25 32 43 No Response NR Key Demand by Community Supply / Effectiveness by WF Source: WF Strategic Planning Survey Data
Where do we need to go? Desktop Research External Analysis Survey Results Where do we need to go? “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 The community overwhelmingly feels that the WF should work with ulema and dhakireen to make Islamic education more effective. “How important is it for the WF to work with the Ulama to make sure they understand the needs of our community”By Region “Good Islamic Education and Guidance is Available where I live”By Region Agree Very Important 88 87 85 86 84 84 82 75 67 63 62 Neither Agreeor Disagree Score 55 53 Level of Agreement 45 Not Important Disagree Source: WF Strategic Planning Survey Data
Where do we need to go? Desktop Research External Analysis Survey Results Where do we need to go? “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 Medical advice is also a major area where the WF needs to improve its effectiveness. This is especially true in Pakistan and among the seniors… Demand for Medical Advicevs. Current Effectiveness Rating By Age Group Demand for Medical Advice vs. Current Effectiveness RatingBy Region Gap Gap 37 36 35 71 22 31 44 29 50 16 36 68 No Response 10 NR Key Demand by Community Supply / Effectiveness by WF Source: WF Strategic Planning Survey Data
Where do we need to go? Desktop Research External Analysis Survey Results Where do we need to go? “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 There is also a large demand from the community for the WF to help them meet their secular education needs. Pakistan shows the highest demand for this service… Demand for Provision of Secular Educationvs. Current Effectiveness RatingBy Region Gap “We need a scholarship and a loan programme so that any KSI that wants a university education can get one” -Community Member, USA 78 50 51 “Our youth in East Africa sometimes cannot afford a university education or choose not to pursue one. The WF needs to emphasize the importance of advanced degrees and help our youth obtain them” -Community Member, Tanzania 32 35 30 23 Key Demand by Community Supply / Effectiveness by WF Source: WF Strategic Planning Survey Data
Where do we need to go? Desktop Research External Analysis Survey Results Where do we need to go? “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 Similar results are found when the community was asked about the need for assistance with career and professional advice on a regional level, but demand was higher for middle aged persons Demand for Career Advicevs. Current Effectiveness Rating By Age Group Demand for Career Advicevs. Current Effectiveness RatingBy Region Gap Gap 43 78 48 38 35 37 27 54 45 64 32 77 No Response 29 NR Key Demand by Community Supply / Effectiveness by WF Source: WF Strategic Planning Survey Data
Where do we need to go? Desktop Research External Analysis Survey Results Where do we need to go? “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 The community is also demanding a more effective focus on the youth. Demand in all regions and every age group scored over 80, indicating a very high priority Demand for Focus on Youthvs. Current Perceived Effectiveness Rating By Age Group Demand for Focus on Youthvs. Current Perceived Effectiveness RatingBy Region Gap Gap 51 59 51 49 79 48 44 62 69 44 52 82 NoResponse 45 NR Key Demand by Community Supply / Effectiveness by WF Source: WF Strategic Planning Survey Data
Where do we need to go? Desktop Research External Analysis Survey Results Where do we need to go? “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 There are also significant gaps between demand and current effectiveness on the World Federation's work with seniors. This gap is most pronounced among the seniors… Demand for Focus on Seniorsvs. Current Effectiveness Rating By Age Group Demand for Focus on Seniorsvs. Current Effectiveness RatingBy Region Gap Gap 43 25 77 32 33 43 34 52 71 42 78 25 NoResponse 40 NR Key Demand by Community Supply / Effectiveness by WF Source: WF Strategic Planning Survey Data
Where do we need to go? Desktop Research External Analysis Survey Results Where do we need to go? “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 There is also steady demand across all regions and age groups for a more effective focus on the women in our community Demand for Focus on Womenvs. Current Effectiveness Rating By Age Group Demand for Focus on Womenvs. Current Effectiveness RatingBy Region Gap Gap 53 72 78 52 52 50 61 54 69 40 81 39 NoResponse 54 NR Key Demand by Community Supply / Effectiveness by WF Source: WF Strategic Planning Survey Data
Where do we need to go? Desktop Research External Analysis Survey Results Where do we need to go? “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 In order to meet the needs of the community, the WF needs financial support. Unfortunately, the community does not view the WF as financially transparent – an issue of great importance to all community members. Demand for Financial Transparencyvs. Current Effectiveness Rating By Age Group Demand for Financial Transparencyvs. Current Effectiveness RatingBy Region Gap Gap 51 76 40 55 67 57 61 43 63 No Response NR 44 71 NoResponse 54 NR Key Demand by Community Supply / Effectiveness by WF Source: WF Strategic Planning Survey Data
Agenda “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 • Executive Summary • Current Situation – “Where are we today?” • Community Needs Analysis – “Where do we need to go?” • Strategic Plan – “How are we going to get there?” • 5 Year Annual Planning • Human Resources and Infrastructure Investment • Monitoring Process – “How will we know if we get there?” • Summary
How are we going to get there? “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 Where are we today? Concerns… Where do we want to go? Aspirations… Strategic Direction Formulation + • Religious persecution, especially in Pakistan • Rising cost of education in U.S., Africa • Access to medical care in Africa & Middle East • Ineffective communication between dhakireen and all parts of the community • Meeting the needs of youth, women and seniors • Have a visible strategy to address the needs of the youth • Work with ulama to make sure they understand the needs of our community • Ensure that the unique needs of our women are met and that they have an voice in our activities • Have the community believe the WF is a financially credible and transparent organisation • Survey data shared with Boards and Desks. • They have developed objectives based on ongoing work and experience • Objectives include annual targets
How are we going to get there? Five year planning… “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 By implementing a systematic planning process, the World Federation will be able to carry out its current activities more effectively and efficiently
How are we going to get there? Human resources and infrastructure… What are human resources? What is infrastructure? Why must we spend money on these things? “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 WF needs to invest in its own infrastructure and human resources in order to empower the boards & desks to meet the needs of the community • Human resources is the fuel that runs the organisation. This includes full-time workers and volunteers. • Human resources addresses issues such as attracting top talent and retaining staff and continue to create job fulfillment. • Infrastructure includes all the physical tools that an organisation uses to function. • The World Federation spends on average 5.6% of its total income on staff costs. Charities in the UK who also rely on volunteers spend between 10-15% on staff cost. • Investment in human resources brings in and retains the smartest, hardest working people who are the key to the WF’s activities. • Investment in infrastructure will allow the WF to carry out its work more efficiently. • For example, investment into IT systems will allow the WF to set up youth databases, communication systems linking maraje with our community, and improved systems to collect funds more efficiently.
How are we going to get there? Human resources and infrastructure… How do we get more volunteers? How do we retain our volunteers? “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 Attract and retain volunteers - the lifeblood of the World Federation • Determine how many people they need, what their qualifications are and what is expected from them • Each position should have a job description, an easy to understand list deliverables, and clear reporting structure. • The WF should create incentives for potential volunteers that will “incentivize” them to join and stay at the WF: • WF volunteer positions can be accredited so that volunteers receive “credit” with their university or employers if they meet all the objectives of their position • Recipients of education loans can “work off” their debt through effective service at the WF • Design volunteer positions that will give volunteers the opportunity to network with professionals in fields they are interested in • Appoint a volunteer coordinator who makes sure that the volunteers are happy with their work, gets feedback on how to make their experience better, and is in charge of recruiting additional volunteers
Agenda “We exist to serve” Registered Charity in UK - No. 282303 • Executive Summary • Current Situation – “Where are we today?” • Community Needs Analysis – “Where do we need to go?” • Strategic Plan – “How are we going to get there?” • Monitoring Process – “How will we know if we get there?” • Performance Metrics • Internal Reporting • Summary