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The Dalton Nuclear Institute. The Nuclear Community at Manchester. SEAES 27th May 2009. Research. Education. Outreach. NNL Management Team Nuclear Research Centres Doctoral Training Centres Nuclear EngD Centre Facilities development. NTEC MSc “…with Nuclear” degrees Integrated Masters
The Dalton Nuclear Institute The Nuclear Community at Manchester SEAES 27th May 2009
Research Education Outreach NNL Management Team Nuclear Research Centres Doctoral Training Centres Nuclear EngD Centre Facilities development NTEC MSc “…with Nuclear” degrees Integrated Masters Nuclear Academy (CPD) Industry-University partnerships Academic Research Consortia Seminars and meetings Overview • The Dalton Nuclear Institute • Strategic initiative by The University of Manchester to uplift nuclear-related research and education to a “world-leading” capability
The Dalton Nuclear Institute Director(Prof. John Perkins) Executive director(Prof. Andrew Sherry) Academic director(Prof. Francis Livens) Plus additional posts: Manager of Nuclear Postgraduate Programmes e-Learning Technologist Admin support Business Manager Mr Warren Richards Director of Educaton (Prof. Jon Billowes)
Nuclear Research Centres Radiochemistry(Prof. Francis Livens) Materials Performance(Dr. James Marrow) Radiation Science(Prof. Simon Pimblott) Nuclear Physics(Prof. Jon Billowes) TBA Engineering Decommissioning(Prof. Bernard Kelly) Nuclear Fuel Technology(Prof. Tim Abram) Thermal Hydraulics & CFD(Prof. Hector Iacovides) Modelling and Simulation Modelling and Simulation TBA Geological Disposal Centre (chair + 2 additional posts)
Materials Performance Centre MPC draws expertise from Materials Science Centre, Corrosion and Protection Centre and Mechanical and Civil Engineering Advanced experimental and analytical capability, applied to Nuclear Materials: Environmentally assisted cracking Corrosion, Stress corrosion cracking, Corrosion-fatigue, Multi-scale EAC modelling Structural Integrity Advanced fracture mechanics, Weld simulation and residual stress measurement, Multi-scale modelling of deformation and fracture Nuclear Materials Ferritic and austenitic steels, Nickel-based alloys, Zirconium alloys, Graphite, C-C and SiC-SiC composites Key UK University Partners Imperial (KNOO, EngD), Oxford (EAC, Zr), Birmingham (EAC), Open (Zr) In-situ study of high temperature water stress corrosion crack nucleation Micro-Tomography of ductile fracture, initiated by brittle particle cracking
Thermal Hydraulics & CFD Research Group Leaders Prof D Laurence & Prof H. Iacovides Collaborations with: EDF, BE and EPSRC KNOO CFD RANS Computations of Forced and Natural Convection Flows Use of LES for RANS Validation and Industrial Applications Turbulence Modelling of Complex Cooling Flows Unsteady RANS Computations Conjugate Heat Transfer Fluid Structure Interaction Thermal Hydraulics Forced and Natural Convection Flow Experimental Capabilities Hot-Wire, LDA and PIV for Local Flow Mapping Thermocouples, thin-foil heating and Liquid Crystals for surface temperature mapping. Flow Visualization Techniques Pressure Mapping High Pressure & Temperature Facility under development.
Radiation Science & Dalton Cumbria Facility • Expertise: Radiation effects on: • Interfacial water-oxide-metal process • Heterogeneous systems • Humid and damp systems • Hydrocarbons and organic polymers • Chlorinated polymers & materials under realistic pressure & temperature environments. School of Chemistry, Manchester & Westlakes Science Park, Cumbria Computer Modelling Laboratory • Aim: Understanding of performance deterioration and chemical degradation to allow a predictive description of radiation-induced effects and usage lifetime. • Facilities: 5 MV tandem pelletron & 60Co g irradiator + analytic & interrogation equipment. Irradiation Facility & ExperimentalLaboratory
Experiments with Plutonium Centre for Radiochemistry Research • CRR has its focus in chemistry but collaborates with MPC, the School of Chemical Engineering, School of Earth Sciences, and Faculty of Life Sciences • CRR leads the Nuclear Fission DTC (joint with Sheffield Engineering Materials), and has research collaborations with Sheffield, Leeds, Birmingham, CEA (France), ITU (Germany) • Relevant research areas: • Colloids (Crud) • Experiments and multiscale modelling • Characterisation • Aggregation/disaggregation • Interaction with surfaces • Modelling • Aqueous chemistry • Thermodynamics and kinetics • Experiments and modelling • Radiometrics • Speciation, spectroscopy, electrochemistry • Decontamination of aqueous streams • Interfaces (Corrosion/contamination) • Mechanisms of contamination • Novel decontaminants and functionalised materials Colloid Deposition Physico-chemical Models
Nuclear Fuels and Reactor Systems • Fuels and Reactor Systems is a new group building on strengths within the School of Mech, Aero and Civil Engineering, and the MPC • Support from Westinghouse, EDF, NNL, and Urenco • Experimental and analytical capability addressing: • Nuclear Fuel Modelling • Fuel thermo-mechanical modelling for HTR, AGR, PWR/BWR and Fast Reactor systems • Fuel Cycle Modelling and Scenario Analysis • Fuel Manufacturing and Characterisation • Coated particle fuel manufacture, characterisation, and materials properties measurement at UoM • Access to manufacturing and characterisation facilities at NNL Springfields and Sellafield • Reactor Systems Analysis • Industry-standard analytical methods: WIMS / MCBEND, Westinghouse A-P-A core design suite, MCNP for general purpose MC analysis; ORIGEN for fission product source terms • Thermal-hydraulic analyses using VIPRE (EPRI sub-channel code) and SATURNE (EDF); new EDF-sponsored Centre for Modelling and Simulation addressing coupled fluids-structures interactions.
UK National Nuclear Laboratory • Serco, Battelle and The University of Manchester Consortium appointed to manage and operate the UK National Nuclear Laboratory • Dr. Paul Howarth seconded from the University to the NNL as Director of Science, Technology & Project Delivery • A significant development in the visionto be renowned as a world-leading university in nuclear research and education.
Facilities Investment • Joint £20M investment by The University of Manchester and NDA for Radiation Science and Engineering Decommissioning • Dalton Cumbrian Facility at Westlakes(Radiation Science Laboratory) • Academic access arrangement for UK Central Laboratory • Radiochemistry and Materials have developed facilities for research with radioactive materials at Manchester • Materials research facilities strengthened through MOD, RR and EPSRC support including • Gleeble thermo-mechanical rig (weld simulation) • Imaging Autoclave (PWR environmental testing) • X-Ray Tomography suite Dalton Cumbrian Facility Imaging Autoclave
Education • Nuclear Technology Education Consortium (NTEC) • A consortium of UK universities and other institutions providing postgraduate education in Nuclear Science & Technology • MSc Modules in: • Nuclear Technology, inc. Reactor Materials and Lifetime Behaviour, and Thermal Hydraulics • Decommissioning, inc. Geotechnical Aspects of Radioactive Waste Disposal, and Risk Management • Environment and Safety, inc. Nuclear Safety Case Development, and Policy, Regulation & Licensing • “with Nuclear” BEng/MEng degree • Mechanical, Aero and Civil Engineering
Proposed Research Centre in Geological Disposal • Outline plan submitted March 2009 for support from BNFL endowment • Approved by Dean and BNFL committee May 2009 • Recruitment initiated
RCGD Aims 1. Establish a leading self-sustaining research capability in geological disposal that addresses major research challenges. 2. Undertake world-class fundamental and applied research across earth science, engineering and materials. 3. Promote a culture of radical interdisciplinarity, technical innovation, and strategic influence. Key Research Areas •Geosphere (SEAES) •Engineering (MACE) •Materials (SoM)
Operations: Bringing together complimentary geosphere, engineering and materials expertise • RCGD directed by new BNFL Chair in Geological Disposal (could be in SEAES, MACE or SoM) • Supported by 2 new BNFL lecturers (geoengineering,materials degradation, and/or geosphere technology): therefore each school will get one post • Included within the School plans for MACE, SoM and SEAES are complimentary appointments, to maintain capability by replacing retiring staff, but also to build capability in the Centre’s science plan.
Outline Science Plan Establish a balance of fundamental and applied research to underpin the UK mission for geological disposal. Three key areas: 1. Geosphere research (SEAES) •Geosphere/biosphere characterisation, including quantifying the risk of fault activity and fluid flow •Evolution and performance; including hydrology and radionuclide transport in transitional environments, near and far-fields •Theoretical and experimental investigations of radionuclide interactions with fluids,minerals and organic materials in both natural and engineered environments •Remediation options for radioactively contaminated environments, opening up new funding streams for legacy sites
Outline Science Plan (cont) 2. Engineering Research (MACE) •Geo-engineering modelling, including thermal/hydrological/ chemical/mechanical (THCM) modelling of relevant media (backfill and buffer materials, cementitious materials, fractured and porous rocks including two-phase (gas/liquid) flow) in both near- and far-fields 3. Materials Research (SoM) •Degradation of wasteforms •General corrosion of nuclear materials/spent fuel under geological conditions •Localised corrosion of materials •Generation of colloids and complexants and their effects on radionuclide transport
The Dalton Nuclear Institute The Nuclear Community at Manchester www.manchester.ac.uk/dalton