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348 袮 名似膏香 THY NAME IS SWEET. 袮 名似膏香, 袮 愛比酒美, Thy name is sweet as ointment poured forth; 若來吸引,有誰不跟隨? Better Thy love than wine. O draw Thou me! 我們若跟隨羊群的腳蹤, If we but trace the footsteps of the flock, 我們必進入 袮 愛的交通。 Brought in Thy fellowship of love we'll be. (二)
348袮名似膏香THY NAME IS SWEET 袮名似膏香,袮愛比酒美,Thy name is sweet as ointment poured forth;若來吸引,有誰不跟隨?Better Thy love than wine. O draw Thou me! 我們若跟隨羊群的腳蹤, If we but trace the footsteps of the flock, 我們必進入袮愛的交通。 Brought in Thy fellowship of love we'll be. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(二) 祂是我良人,我是祂佳偶,He's my Beloved, I am His own love;祂將我吸引,我將祂追求;He draweth me, pursue I after Him. 祂香如沒藥,我願藏心房, Fragrant as myrrh, I'd hide Him in my heart; 祂美似鳳仙,我願戴身上。 Beauteous as henna, I'd be clothed with Him. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(三) 進入祂愛裡,享受祂肥甘,Bathe in His love, and of His fatness taste,躺在祂懷中,飽嘗祂香甜;Lie on His breast, His sweetness there enjoy; 祂愛為旌旗,將我身遮藏, His love the banner, His affection shown 祂情似美物,使我心舒暢。 Tenderly soothes my heart to purest joy. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(四) 良人屬於我,我也屬於祂,Oh, my Beloved's mine, and I am His;祂是牧養者,我是百合花。I am a lily and myShepherd He; 惟願天快曙,黑影全飛散, May daybreak come, the shadows flee away, 見祂如朝鹿,顯在比特山。 Him on the mountains as a hart I'd see. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(五)同死的沒藥,復活的乳香,Come Thou with myrrh of death and frankincense來將我薰透,好給祂欣賞;Of resurrection, permeate my heart; 北風阿,興起;南風阿,吹來, Awake, O north wind, let the south wind come 來使我心園,成為祂心愛。 Make my heart's garden pleasant to His heart. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(六) 願在祂眼中,美麗如良鴿,I'd be to Him a dove that's undefiled,願在祂面前,皎潔似百合;As a pure lily in His presence be, 願我全屬祂,作祂樂中樂, His, wholly His, the joy of all His joys, 像祂全屬我,是我歌中歌。 He wholly mine, the Song of songs to me. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(七) 美麗如月亮, 得有祂形像,Fair as the moon, conformed to Him I’d be光明如太陽, 得有祂身量,Clear as the sun, unto His stature grown 全屬我良人, 使祂命顯彰, For my Beloved, all to please His heart, 全為我良人, 使祂心舒暢, For my Beloved, that His life be shown. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(八) 袮是我生命, 我是袮活像,Thou art my life, and I Thine image real;愛情的聯結,如死之堅強,Love in such union is as death most strong 無何能消滅,無何能替換. Ne’er can it be destroyed or e’er replaced 直到袮顯現, 在那香草山. Till Thou on mounts of spices come ere long. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly