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WinTR55 - Small Watershed Hydrology Tutorial. This tutorial demonstrates the new TR55 model. You will learn how to: Create an Input File Run WinTR-55 View Output. Maximum Area Number of Sub-areas Tc for any sub-area Number of reaches Types of reaches Channel Routing Structure Routing
WinTR55 - Small Watershed Hydrology Tutorial • This tutorial demonstrates the new TR55 model. You will learn how to: • Create an Input File • Run WinTR-55 • View Output
Maximum Area Number of Sub-areas Tc for any sub-area Number of reaches Types of reaches Channel Routing Structure Routing Structure Types Structure Trial Sizes Rainfall Depth 25 square miles 1-10 0.1 hour < Tc < 10 hours 0-10 Channel or Structure Muskingum-Cunge Storage-Indication Pipe or Weir 1-3 Default or user-defined 0-50 inches (0-1,270mm) WinTR-55 Capabilities & Limitations
Rainfall Distributions Rainfall Duration Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph Antecedent Runoff Condition NRCS Type I, IA, II, III, NM60, NM65, NM70, NM75, or user-defined 24-hour Standard peak rate factor 484 or user-defined 2 (average) Cont. Capabilities & Limitations
Minimum Data Requirements • Data required for a single sub-area run can be entered on the WinTR-55 Main Window. These data include: • Identification Data - User, State, and County • Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph • Rainfall Location Identifier • Sub-area Data (Name, flows to reach/outlet, area, runoff curve number, & time of concentration)
WinTR-55 Sub-area/Reach Concepts • WinTR-55 represents the watershed as a system of sub-areas and reaches. • “Sub-areas” are the watersheds that generate hydrographs that feed into the upstream end of a reach.
Cont. WinTR-55 Sub-area/Reach Concepts • “Reaches” represent the configuration of flow paths within the watershed. • Storage routing (Lakes, Structures, Wetlands, etc.) and Channel Routing take place within a Reach. • All WinTR-55 modeled watersheds end with the final stream reach terminating at an “Outlet”
Schematic Example Sub-area 2 Reach 2 Outlet (ChannelRouting) Sub-area 3 Reach 1 (StorageRouting) Legend Sub-area 1 Storage Area Sub-Area Inflow Points
Sub-area Data Sources • The sub-area data compiled prior to input into WinTR-55 include: • Drainage Area • Runoff Curve Number (RCN) Data • Time of Concentration (Tc) Data • Channel Reach Data • Structure Reach Data • Design Storm Amounts and Distribution NOTE: RCN and Tc may be directly entered on WinTR-55 Main Window
Getting Started- Welcome to WinTR-55 Window • From Windows Explorer click on “WinTR55.exe” • To begin, select “Start” • To see help for a new user, select “New User”
WinTR-55 Main Window The Main Window allows input of basic project data. Other data and settings are accessible through the menus, buttons, and boxes on the window.
WinTR-55 Main Window-Help • The “Help” pull-down shows the introduction, help for the Main Window, system information, and the display program version number and date.
WinTR-55 Main Window • To begin a new project, click “file”, then “new” • To set the units (English or Metric), click “Options”, then “Units”
WinTR-55 Main Window • It is important to remember that before exiting the TR-55 program, or before the“Run WinTR-55” option is selected, the input file should be saved. • To save, click”File”, then “Save” (for current file name), or “Save As” to save input file with a different file name.
WinTR-55 Main WindowData Entry • Input Project Identification Data (User, Project, etc.) • Select Data units for sub-areas (square miles or acres) • Select which Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph to use for the project • Input known project data in the “Sub-area Entry and Summary” portion of the window (remember Tc & RCN can be direct inputs)
WinTR-55 Main WindowProject Data • RCN/Tc can be computed by clicking “Project Data”, then “Land Use Details/Time of Concentration”, or by clicking the land use/Tc icon on the tool bar, or by double clicking the RCN/Tc column in the sub-area entry and summary grid. • Note Reach and Structure Data are accessible here too.
Land Use Details Window • Here the user enters, edits, and/or views the sub-area’s detailed land use data. • Cover descriptions can be found in two ways-the vertical scrollbar or select the Land Use category. • Once the desired cover description is found, enter the area in the appropriate HSG box.
Land Use Details Window • The accumulated sub-area area and weighted CN are displayed in the three boxes at the bottom of the window. • Clicking “Accept” retains all entered data, then redisplays the WinTR-55 Main Window.
Custom Curve Number • Occasionally, it is necessary to develop a custom urban curve number when the standard Cover Descriptions do not apply. • The user can enter appropriate numbers into the Custom Curve Number window to create a Custom CN to fit a specific land cover.
Time of Concentration Details Window • The Tc window allows entry, editing, and/or viewing of sub-area flow path segment data and resulting travel times and time of concentration. • Up to five flow segments may be entered: one for sheet, two for shallow concentrated, and two for channel flow. • Again, click “Accept” to retain all entered data and redisplay WinTR-55 Main Window.
Reach Data Window • Here, entry, editing and/or viewing of the stream network, specifying if the reach is a channel reach or storage (structure) reach, and creating a channel reach rating table is possible • If the watershed exceeds 10 reaches, or the channel hydraulics require a more complex rating, use another method such as NRCS TR-20.
Reach Data Window • Each reach must have a unique “Reach Name” and a “Receiving Reach” (no more than 10 characters) • If the “reach” is a channel, enter specific details and dimensions for the channel. • If the “reach” is a structure, enter a structure name, then double-click the Structure Name to display the Structure Data Window.
Reach Data Window • A graphical representation of the channel rating or storage rating may be produced by clicking “Plot”.
Reach Data Window • A schematic of currently entered reaches, sub-areas, and structures can be displayed by clicking “Reach Flow Path” on the Reach Data window
Structure Data Window • Entry, editing and/or viewing of a pond’s surface area, structure outlet type and dimensions, and rating can be found on this window. • Up to three outlet sizes (trials) may be defined for each structure. • If the temporary structure storage or hydraulics require a complex rating, use another method like TR-20 or Sites.
WinTR-55 Main Window Global Data • To select NRCS-supplied rainfall data, click “GlobalData”, then “Storm Data”. • The user may also choose to enter custom rainfall depths and a different rainfall distribution from this pull-down • The user may also open the Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph Window here
Storm Data Window • This window allows the user to select the NRCS-supplied rainfall depths and distributions for the state and county. • The storm data set is developed in 2 ways: NRCS-supplied data may be selected, or the user may modify an NRCS data set.
Watersheds Outside U.S. • WinTR-55 can be used for watersheds outside the United States. • The “State” and “County” boxes on the WinTR-55 Main Window change to “Region” and “Locale” • No rainfall data is provided outside the US, so the user must modify an NRCS data set and supply the appropriate distribution
Custom Rainfall Distributions • Watershed areas in and outside the US may need to have custom rainfall distributions created. • To do this, go to the WinTR-55 Main Window, click on “GlobalData”, and click “Custom Rainfall Distribution”
Custom Rainfall Distributions Plot • Clicking on “Plot” produces a graphical representation of the current rainfall distribution. • Only one distribution may be displayed at a time.
Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph Window • This window allows the user to input and revise non-standard dimensionless unit hydrographs. • As with the standard NRCS rainfall distributions, the standard dimensionless unit hydrograph in WinTR-55 may not be edited or deleted.
Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph Plot • A graphical representation of the dimensionless unit hydrograph may be produced by clicking “Plot” on the Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph window
WinTR-55 Main Window-Run • To run the WinTR-55 model, click ”Run” on the WinTR-55 Main Window menu bar (or the run icon), select the storm(s) to evaluate, then click the “Run” button in the lower right-hand corner.
Viewing Output • After a WinTR-55 run, the File Display window opens. • This window, also known as the Report View, displays various WinTR-55 reports. • If there are errors in the run, this window open with the title “Error File”. The error messages can be found by clicking “View”, then “Error File”
Output Definition Window • Once WinTR-55 has enough data to execute a run, the “Output Definition” button on the WinTR-55 Main Window will be operational. • In the Output Definition window, specify which output is to be viewed by clicking the box to the left of the desired report. • Output may be sent to a file or to the report viewer.
Other Reports • File Display Window (report viewer) • Input file • TR-20 Printed Page file (tabular hydrograph) • Debug file • Error file
Plotting and Viewing Hydrographs • Click “Hydrographs” on the WinTR-55 Main Window to open the Output Graphics window. • Select either Sub-areas or Reaches and check the box next to the name for the desired hydrographs • Select storm event hydrograph by checking the appropriate box.
Graphics Window • Click “Plot” on the Output Graphics window to plot selected hydrographs • The plot may be saved to a file or sent directly to a printer.
TR-55 Web Site • For downloading the latest version of WinTR-55, go to: • http://www.wcc.nrcs.usda.gov/water/quality/wst.html • This web page also has information on: • Update notes • WinTR-55 User Manual • email address for the WinTR-55 Support Team