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Fifth Framework Program. A id in the management and European comparison of Municipal Solid WAS te T reatment methods for a global and sustainable approach. AWAST WORKPACKAGE 3 Economic Aspects Leader : Cemagref de Rennes (F) Contributor : University of Stuttgart (ISWA)(G). TASKS.
Fifth Framework Program Aid in the management and European comparisonof Municipal Solid WASte Treatment methodsfor a global and sustainable approach
AWAST WORKPACKAGE 3 Economic Aspects • Leader : Cemagref de Rennes (F) • Contributor : University of Stuttgart (ISWA)(G)
TASKS 1 - State of the art and data acquisition 2 - Definition of production cost models Development of a standard structure to calculate the production cost Aggregation of component costs to obtain production cost Determining the full cost of MSW service 3 - Calibration and validation of the models
COURSE OF THE RESEARCH 1 - Choice of the estimation method for production cost 2 - General form of the production cost model of each process Choice of the main variables (source: offers from building and exploitation companies) 3 - Sources of data 4 - Application of the method of estimation cost 5 - Expression of main variables 6 - Adjustment of coefficients 7 - Production cost models for each process 8 - Full cost or providing cost service and application 9 - Deliverables 10 - Main economic results 11 - Interests for End-Users 12 - Dissemination and use intentions
Method of modelling production cost Determination of principal variables of production costs : L, E, R, M • Bibliography • Case Studies Coefficients of secondary costs : α, β, γ • Bibliography • investigation • Writing general equation of the production cost model : Cp = Cc + Co = α.L + β.E + γ.R + I Application to real cases Typology Model adjustment • Economic data • Unit costs • - electicity : e • -employee wage : w • -reagent :r Technical data Determination of : - labour, -energy consumption, -reagent consumption, - maintenance Model of calculation production cost
ESTIMATION METHOD OF CAPITAL COST • Method developed by R. Turton (1998) and K.D. Kimmerhaus (2002) on the evaluation of the economics (capital costs, operating costs) of chemical process (U.S.A.) and applied once in MSW by D.C. Wilson (1981) CT = CFC + NPCC (non- plant capital costs: start-up, land, working capital) CFC = DPC + IPC (direct plant costs, indirect plant costs) fL or k : Lang factor CFC = fL IEC with IEC: fixed-capital costs of the plant, installed equipment cost - k : fluctuates according to the process and the process type - IEC : updateable with economic indexes
ESTIMATION METHOD OF OPERATING COST Fixed Costs - Labour : L - Insurances - Taxes - Overhead Variable Costs - Energy : E - Other utilities - Reagent : R Maintenance - Equipment : IEC - Civil works : IGC • Method developed by R. Turton (1998) and K.D. Kimmerhaus (2002) on the evaluation of the economics (capital costs, operating costs) of chemical process (U.S.A.) and applied once in MSW by D.C. Wilson (1981) C0 = Direct Costs + Indirect Costs = DC + IC with DC = f(L, E, R, I) and IC = g(I, L) C0 = a . L + b. E + g . R + d . I Each basic variable (L, E, R, I) is estimated by ratio in physical units combined with the standard prices units
ACQUISITION DATA • Process • - Collection • - Sorting • - Composting • - Incineration • - Landfill • France • 17 following up in France • 12 • 6 • 13 • operating data • Partners • University of Stuttgart • Lisbon • Lisbon • Covilha • Setubal • Berlin (AD) • Lisbon • Vienna • Trondheim • - • Bibliography • Sofres - Ademe (1998) • World Bank (COSEPRE - 2001) • Proctor & Redfern Ltd (1996) • ETSU (1999) • Eco-Emballages (2002) • WDO (2001) • CRIQ (2000) • Proctor & Redfern Ltd (1997) • Biocycle (2002) • Eunomia R & C - Ecotec (2002) • UK Composting association (2000) • Juniper Survey (2001) • Draft European Commission (1997) • D. A. Tillman & A. Rossi (1989) • Heberg and all (1991) • BRGM Ademe (2001) • ISWA - 1998 - Guidance for landfilling • Eunomia R & C (2002) • ISWA - US EPA (1998) • Ministry of Environment of New Zealand (2002)
APPLICATION TO THE COST ESTIMATION METHOD • CollectionApplication of the cost model to a standard circuit of collection, with performances observed of collection of a given flow of waste • Sorting plant Typology according to design capacity, number of sorting lines, level of mechanization • Composting plantTypology according to the importance of the fermentation equipment • Incineration plantDistinction according to APCS (Air Pollution Control System) : dry, semi-wet and wet srubber • Landfill Distinction with: • - impermeable / semi-impermeable cover • - energy biogas valorization
GENERAL FORMULATION OF CAPITAL COST General formula : CFC = k . IEC • Collection : vehicle, bins : purchased cost • Sorting plant : CFC = k IECR Cn with k & IECR calculated for each type • Composting plant : CFC = k (k1 . Cn + k2) with k, k1 & k2 calculated for each type • Incineration plant : CFC = k1 . Cn + k2 • Landfill : CFC calculation
GENERAL FORMULATION OF OPERATING COST General formula : C0 = a . L + b . E + g . R + M • Collection : C0 = a . L + b . E + M • Sorting plant : C0 = l(a . L + M) • Composting plant : C0 = a . L + b . E + M • Incineration plant : C0 = a . L + b . E + . R + M • Landfill : CFCcalculation • Parameters of the main explanatory variables L : labour E : energy R : reagent M : maintenance • Coefficients representing the secondary expenditure a b g l
EXPRESSION OF THE PARAMETERS OF THE C0 MODEL • LIncineration: • Sorting: • Composting: • E • R • M - Belec : electricity consumption (kWh/t) - Bf : fuel consumption (l/t) with Ri: lime, bicarbonate of sodium, active char-coal, lignite coke, urea ammoniac (Kg/t) - e, c, w : unit cost - N, B, R : standard consumption ratio for each process and type
EXPRESSION OF COEFFICIENTS C0 = a . L + b . E + g . R + M Process - Collection - Sorting - Composting - Incineration g - - - 1,05 Indirect Cost 0,0805 . Iv l = 1,1 to 1,5 n . CFC = 0,01 . CFC in a a 1,7572 1,1 - 1,4 1 1,43 b 1,264 - 1,05 - 1,30 1
PRODUCTION COST DETERMINATION • Gross production cost Cp = CC + C0 = CFC / d + C0with d : life time of the plant Vehicle d = 7 years Sorting plant d = 15 years Composting plant d = 20 years Incineration plant d = 20 - 30 years Landfill d = 20 years • Net production cost • Cpn = Cp - Sr with Sr : revenues by-products sales
Presentation of the Full Cost method • An American bibliography : methodological proposal by the «Environmental Protection Agency» (EPA) : • A working method flexible and adaptable to personalize according to the needs to retrace as close as possible the service cost. • In first step, description phase of material ’s flow identification, • In second step , identification and affectation of financial flows • Accounting of costs rather than expenditures • Accounting of monitoring costs and indirect costs . Accounting according to two approaches : per path, per activity • Distinction of three levels of cost observation : cost by activity or plant (niveau A), cost by stream (niveau B), cost for the local authority (niveau C)
Explicative scheme of the activity and path distinction (b) The horizontal approach per activity (a) The vertical approach per stream Cost/activity all types of wastes Collection activity Collection activity Transport activity Cost/activity all types of wastes Transport activity Cost per type of waste or treatment, all activities melted Transfert-transit activity Cost/activity all types of wastes Transfert-transit activity Treatment activity Cost/activity all types of wastes Treatment activity Valorization activity Cost/activity all types of wastes Valorization activity
Distinction between the three levels of costs Illustration with the thermal stream Waste collection Local authority (C) Q1 Q2 Activity (A) Other authorities Incineration plant Q1+Q2 Stream (B) Fly ash Landfill 1 Bottom ash Landfill 2
LIMITS OF RESULTS OBTAINED • Difficulties to obtain detailed costs in European countries (specially when the private sector builds and exploits) • Diversity of composting processes and limit of validity of composting models up to 60.000 tpy • Costs, availables for the sorting plants, come from the U.S, especially types 3 and 4. • Knowledge of the costs is restricted on energy valorization of biogas in landfill • Production cost models give an estimated cost which can be different of each real case (result of tender offer) • The implementation of the methodology for the providing cost requires to have the whole financial data and a flow sheet of organisation of service
DELIVERABLES • D6 : Achievement the writing “Methodology of production cost models and the full cost providing by Local Authority” • D7 : Draft of “Economics models for each process and the municipal solid waste management”
MAIN ECONOMIC RESULTS • Production cost models (Level plant) • provide costs for each process • take into account the main production factor in the form of technical ratios • are adapted to the different design capacities • updateable to economic conditions • applicable to the different European countries
MAIN ECONOMIC RESULTS • Methodology of providing cost knowledge (Local level authority) • An analytical step which is based on the various centres of costs • Take into account the production costs (collection, treatment) and all the indirect costs linked to the management of waste • Improve the knowledge of the total cost formation of services
INTERESTS FOR END-USERS • Production cost model • Help decision makers in order to point out a cost simulation • Evaluate the economic impact of the installation or modification of a treatment unit • Help to optimal dimensioning (Technical and economic) of an installation • Methodology of full cost • Follow the evolution in the time of the full cost of service • Evaluate the financial consequences of a technical choice on the full cost • Target the ways to make economies • Foresee the base necessary to implement the unit-pricing system paid by the households
DISSEMINATION and USE INTENTIONS (1) • DISSEMINATION • Publications on cost model • Application of Full Cost model on two activities (Study 2003 for French Minister of the Environment of PAYT) • Applications on some local authorities: support, appraisal, consulting
DISSEMINATION and USE INTENTIONS (2) • FORESEE COLLABORATIONS WITH OTHER ENTITIES • BRGM: develop the AWAST applications on different situations of organisation and process • French Environment Agency (Ademe): improve the knowledge of collection costs and composting of biowaste on various areas (urban, urban surroundings, rural) • French Minister of the Environment for the application of the PAYT system : improve the taking into account of the constraint of balance in the budget • The future European countries: to evaluate the costs for MSW management (Czech Republic, Poland) • Cemagref: - Improve the cost models, espacially for composting (type AD & TW), incineration, biogaz • - Constitute a data base on the costs of construction and exploitation for the new plants