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The PCP Theorem via gap amplification. Irit Dinur Hebrew University. P rob. C heckable. P roof. The PCP Theorem [AroraSafra, AroraLundMotwaniSudanSzegedy, 1992]. If sat( ) = 1 then 9 proof , Pr[ Ver accepts] = 1 If sat( ) < 1 then 8 proof , Pr[ Ver accepts] < ½. Verifier.
The PCP Theorem via gap amplification Irit Dinur Hebrew University
Prob.Checkable.Proof The PCP Theorem [AroraSafra, AroraLundMotwaniSudanSzegedy, 1992] • If sat() = 1 then 9proof, Pr[Ver accepts] = 1 • If sat() < 1 then 8proof, Pr[Ver accepts] < ½ Verifier SAT Instance:
variables … V1 V2 V3 Vn x3 V1 x4 V2 x1 x2 xn x5 The PCP Theorem[AroraSafra, AroraLundMotwaniSudanSzegedy, 1992] • PCP Thm <--> reduction from SAT to gap-CSP • Given a constraint graph G, it is NP hard to decide between • gap(G)=0 • gap(G)>
This talk • New proof for the PCP Theorem: • Given a constraint graph G, it is NP-hard to decide between • gap(G) = 0 • gap(G) > • Based on: gap amplification, inspired by Reingold’s SL=L proof • Also: “very” short PCPs
step 0: Constraint Graph SAT is NP-hard • Given a constraint graph G, it is NP-hard to decide if gap(G)=0 or gap(G) > 0 • proof: reduction from 3coloring. • ={1,2,3}, inequality constraints on edges. • Clearly, G is 3-colorable iff gap(G)=0. • PCP Thm: Given a constraint graph G, it is NP-hard to decide if gap(G)=0 or gap(G) >
Basic Plan • Start with a constraint graph G (from 3coloring) • G G1 G2 … Gk= final output of reduction • Main Thm: gap(Gi+1) ¸ 2 ¢ gap(Gi) (if not already too large) • size(Gi+1) = const ¢ size(Gi), degree, alphabet, expansion all remain the same. • Conclusion: NP hard to distinguish between gap(Gk)=0 and gap(Gk)> (constant)
powering Main Step • Gi Gi+1 : Gi+1 = ( prep(Gi) )t²P • Preprocess G • Raise to power t • Compose with P = constant size PCP • Key step: G Gt, multiplies the gap by t; Keeps size linear ! Standard transformations: making G a regular constant degree expander, w/ self-loops Composition with P = a “constant-size” PCP. P can be as inefficient as possible
u v Powering a constraint graph • Vertices: same • Edges: length-t paths (=powering of adj. matrix) • Alphabet: dt reflecting “opinions” about neighbors • Constraints: check everything you can!
u v Powering a constraint graph • Vertices: same • Edges: length-t paths (=powering of adj. matrix) • Alphabet: dt reflecting “opinions” about neighbors • Constraints: check everything you can! • Observations: • New Degree = dt • New Size = O(size) (#edges is multiplied by dt-1) • If gap(G)=0 then gap(Gt)=0 • Alphabet increases from to dt • Amplification Lemma: gap(Gt) ¸t¢ gap(G)
Amplification Lemma: gap(Gt) > t¢ gap(G) • Intuition: Spread the information inconsistencies will be detected more often Assumption: G is d-regular d=O(1), expander, w self-loops u v
Amplification Lemma: gap(Gt) > t¢ gap(G) Given A:V dt “best” extract a:V by most popular value in a random t/2 step walk v
Extracting a:V Given A:V dt “best” extract a:V by most popular value in a random t/2 step walk v u
Extracting a:V Given A:V dt “best” extract a :V and consider F = { edges rejecting a } Note: F/E ¸ gap(G) v u
Amplification Lemma: gap(Gt) > t¢ gap(G) • Relate fraction of rejecting paths to fraction of rejecting edges ( = F/E ) v u
Two Definitions v • = (v0,v1,…,u,v,…,vt);j = (vj-1,vj) • Definition: the j-th edge strikes if • |j – t/2| < t • (u,v)2F, i.e., (u,v) rejects a(u), a(v) • A(v0) agrees with a(u) on u & A(vt) agrees with a(v) on v . • Definition: N() = # edges that strike . • 0 · N() < 2t • If N()>0 then rejects, so gap(Gt) ¸ Pr[N()>0] u vt v0 j
gap(Gt) ¸ ¸ gap(G) We will prove: Pr[N()>0] > t¢F/E • Lemma 1: E[N] > t¢F/E ¢const(d, ) • Intuition: Assuming N() is always 0 or 1, Pr[N>0] = E[N] • Lemma 2: E[N2] < t¢F/E ¢const(d, ) • Standard: Pr[N>0] ¸ (E[N])2/E(N2) pf: E[N2|N>0]¢Pr[N>0]2¸(E[N|N>0])2¢Pr[N>0]2 Pr[N>0] > (t¢F/E )2 / (t¢F/E) = t¢F/E
v u vt v0 t-i i-1 Lemma 1: E[N] = t ¢ F/E • Ni() = indicator for event “the i-th edge strikes ” • N = i2JNi where J = { i : |i-t/2|< t } • Claim: if i 2 J E[Ni] ¼ 1/2¢ F/E • can be chosen by the following process: • Select a random edge (u,v)2E, and let i = (u,v). • Select a random i-1 step path from u • Select a random t-i step path from v • Clearly, Pr[i2F] = F/E • What is the probability that A(v0) agrees with a(u) and A(vt) agrees with a(v) ?
Claim: if i 2 J E[Ni] ¼ 1/2¢ F/E • chosen by : • Select a random edge (u,v)2E, and let i = (u,v). • Select a random i-1 step path from u • Select a random t-i step path from v • i-1 = t/2 walk from u reaches v0 for which A(v0) thinks a(u) of u, with prob. ¸ 1/. • i 2 J: roughly the same !! (because of self-loops) v u vt v0 t-i i-1 t/2
v Back to E[N] u vt v0 t-i i-1 • Fix i2J. Select by the following process: • Select a random edge (u,v), and let i = (u,v). • Select a random i-1 step path from u • Select a random t-i step path from v • Pr[i2F] = F/E • Pr[A(v0) agrees with a on u | (u,v) ] > 1/2 • Pr[A(vt) agrees with a on v | (v0,…,u,v) ] > 1/2 • E[Ni] = Pr[Ni=1] > F/E ¢ 1/2 ¢const • so E[N] = i2JE[Ni] >t¢F/E ¢const QED
gap(Gt) ¸ ¸ gap(G) We will prove: Pr[N()>0] > t¢F/E • Lemma 1: E[N] > t¢F/E ¢const(d, ) • Lemma 2: E[N2] < t¢F/E ¢const(d, ) read: “most striked paths see · a constant number of striking edges” By Pr[N>0] > (E[N])2 / E[N2] Pr[N>0] > (t¢F/E )2 / (t¢F/E) = t¢F/E
Lemma 2: Upper bounding E[N2] • Observe: N() · # middle intersections of with F • Claim: if G=(V,E) is an expander, and F½E any (small) fixed set of edges, then E[(N’)2] < t¢F/E¢(t¢F/E+const) • proof-sketch: Compute i<jE[N’iN’j]. Conditioned on i2 F, the expected # remaining steps in F is still · constant.
The full inductive step • Gi Gi+1 : Gi+1 = ( prep(Gi) )t²P • Preprocess G • Raise to power t • Compose with P = constant size PCP
Preprocessing G H=prep(G) s.t. • H is d-regular, d=O(1) • H is an expander, has self-loops. maintain • size(H) = O(size(G)) • gap(G) ¼ gap(H), i.e., • gap(G) = 0 gap(H) = 0 • gap(G)/const · gap(H) [PY] Blow up every vertex u into a cloud of deg(u) vertices, and inter connect them via an expander. Add expander edges Add self-loops
… C1 C2 C3 C4 Cn P P c11 c12 c13 c14 c15 cn1 cn2 cn3 cn4 cn5 Reducing dt to • Consider the constraints {C1,…,Cn} (and forget the graph structure) • For each i, we replace Ci by {cij} = constraints over smaller alphabet . • P = algorithm that takes C to {cj}, cj over ,s. t. • If C is “satisfiable”, then gap({cj})=0 • If C is “unsatisfiable”, then gap({cj}) > 1/2 • Composition Lemma: [BGHSV, DR] The system C’ = [iP(Ci) has gap(C’) ¼ gap(C) Assignment-testers [DR] / PCPPs [BGHSV]
Composition • If P is any AT / PCPP then this composition works. P can be • Hadamard-based • Longcode-based • found via exhaustive search (existence must be ensured, though) • P’s running time only affects constants.
Summary: Main theorem • Gi Gi+1 : Gi+1 = ( prep(Gi) )t²P • gap(Gi+1) > 2¢gap(Gi) and other params stay same • G [, ] • G prep(G) [, /const] • G Gt [dt, t¢ /const] • G G ²P[, t¢ /const’] = [,2] • G=G0 G1 G2 … Gk= final output of reduction • After k=log n steps, • If gap(G0) = 0 then gap(Gk)=0 • If gap(G0) > 0 then gap(Gk) > const
Application: short PCPs • …[PS, HS, GS, BSVW, BGHSV, BS] • [BS’05]: NP µ PCP1,1-1/polylog[ log (n¢polylog ), O(1) ] • There is a reduction taking constraint graph G to G’ such that • |G’| = |G|¢ polylog |G| • If gap(G)=0 then gap(G’)=0 • If gap(G)>0 then gap(G’)> 1/polylog|G| • Applying our main step loglog|G| times on G’, we get a new constraint graph G’’ such that • If gap(G) = 0 then gap(G’’)=0 • If gap(G) > 0 then gap(G’’) > const • i.e., NP µ PCP1,1/2[ log (n¢polylog ), O(1) ]
final remarks • Main point: gradual amplification • Compare to Raz’s parallel-repetition thm • Q: get the gap up to 1-o(1)