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Wrap-up. You ’ ve learned the fundamentals for:. 25% off Oracle Certification Exams. OCA Training.
OCA Training I may be offering the Admin I DBA training course on Monday from 5:30 – 7:30 during the Fall semester to help you prepare for the OCA exam (1Z0-052). This is normally a > $2000 course but I can offer it for free through the Oracle Academy. Contact me once the semester begins if you’re interested.
Selected Projects Turnin • If you presented your project on Thursday in class, please email the following to me in a zip file: • saved data model that can be loaded into data modeler • all three DDL files • exported APEX application (it will be an SQL file) that can be loaded into APEXEA. • In addition to the zip file, in the email, please send me the URL link to your project at apexea.oracle.com.
CREO and/or UTBC Team Please send me email if your interested in helping to continue the implementation of the CREO and/or the UTBC applications at CREO and/or UTBC this Fall. This would make a very good cs370 project. CREO just hired Kam McCoy who is expert in the Yardi Property Management System (http://www.yardi.com/products/property-management-software). She would be willing to work with students to turn CREO into a system similar to Yardi. CREO expects to have many more leases to manage in the future because of the new UT Medical School.
This is Event data from a small company in town, it includes JSON data (shown in Red) in each event. ReL as a type of MongoDB ("ID","eventID","eventDate","domain","source","eventType","eventBody","version"), (665037,"CL-l2kQ_5xmI_1397193236453000",1397193236453,"UVC_CSS","CL-l2kQ_5xmI","REGISTRATION_DELETED_EVENT",{"ID":"00000000026015b05347362cf3c90b9e0000047e","guest":False,"platform":"UNKNOWN","productID":"LifeSize Room 220","IP":"","port":1720,"authenticationID":""},1), (665038,"CL-l2kQ_5xmI_1397193246686000",1397193246686,"UVC_CSS","CL-l2kQ_5xmI","AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_EVENT",{"requestInfo":{"pairingToken":"87050315-4b99-4144-8576-7b23f1c6fd67","serialNumber":"KQ6821086D1A8","platform":"Icon_600","version":"","IP":"","userAgent":"LifeSize Icon 600/LS_RM3_1.4.5 (376)"},"guest":False,"errorCode":401,"errorReasonCode":"INVALID_CREDENTIALS"},1), (665039,"CL-l2kQ_5xmI_1397193251573000",1397193251573,"UVC_CSS","CL-l2kQ_5xmI","REGISTRATION_DELETED_EVENT",{"ID":"00000000026015b05347362cf3c90b9e0000047f","guest":False,"platform":"UNKNOWN","productID":"LifeSize Room 220","IP":"","port":1720,"authenticationID":""},1), (665040,"CL-l2kQ_5xmI_1397193258153000",1397193258153,"UVC_CSS","CL-l2kQ_5xmI","AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_EVENT",{"requestInfo":{"userLogin":"wwilson","serialNumber":"KQ073800077A5","platform":"Icon_600","version":"","IP":"","userAgent":"LifeSize Icon 600/LS_RM3_1.4.3 (15)"},"guest":False,"errorCode":401,"errorReasonCode":"MISSING_PAIRING_CREDENTIALS"},1), (665041,"CL-l2kQ_5xmI_1397193258294000",1397193258294,"UVC_CSS","CL-l2kQ_5xmI","AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_EVENT",{"requestInfo":{"pairingToken":"aa1bfcc0-eb69-47c5-bbb6-4c6e038ef2b9","serialNumber":"KQ68270870C47","platform":"Icon_600","version":"","IP":"","userAgent":"LifeSize Icon 600/LS_RM3_1.4.5 (415)"},"guest":False,"errorCode":401,"errorReasonCode":"INVALID_CREDENTIALS"},1), (665042,"CL-l2kQ_5xmI_1397193266692000",1397193266692,"UVC_CSS","CL-l2kQ_5xmI","REGISTRATION_DELETED_EVENT",{"ID":"00000000026015b05347362cf3c90b9e00000480","guest":False,"platform":"UNKNOWN","productID":"LifeSize Room 220","IP":"","port":1720,"authenticationID":""},1), (665043,"CL-l2kQ_5xmI_1397193275396000",1397193275396,"UVC_CSS","CL-l2kQ_5xmI","AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_EVENT",{"requestInfo":{"userLogin":"rharris","serialNumber":"KQ6849087D8A6","platform":"Icon_600","version":"","IP":"","userAgent":"LifeSize Icon 600/LS_RM3_1.4.3 (15)"},"guest":False,"errorCode":401,"errorReasonCode":"MISSING_PAIRING_CREDENTIALS"},1), (665044,"CL-l2kQ_Dsny_1397193280391000",1397193280391,"UVC_CSS","CL-l2kQ_Dsny","REGISTRATION_DELETED_EVENT",{"ID":"DL60dec91a71@NBVNARAYANA.corp.logitech.com","userAccountID":"68191e45-29b1-4c9f-b989-af1a06ee4cdf","groupID":"65a0336f-af4b-4a1b-a7d8-03519042a4cb","guest":False,"platform":"WIN","osInfo":"OS v6.1 Windows 7 x64 SP1 suites=0x0100 build 7601","productID":"LifeSize ClearSea Client 9.0.11 (Windows)","IP":"","port":65275,"authenticationID":"153df7dad38d28c7"},1), (665045,"CL-l2kQ_5xmI_1397193281816000",1397193281816,"UVC_CSS","CL-l2kQ_5xmI","REGISTRATION_DELETED_EVENT",{"ID":"00000000026015b05347362cf3c90b9e00000481","guest":False,"platform":"UNKNOWN","productID":"LifeSize Room 220","IP":"","port":1720,"authenticationID":""},1), (665046,"CL-l2kQ_5xmI_1397193283000000",1397193283000,"UVC_CSS","CL-l2kQ_5xmI","AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESSFUL_EVENT",{"ID":"c4739a4a2ff9b0b0","userAccountID":"4f9b9f78-d1ec-4d4b-b027-3434469a80bb","groupID":"65a0336f-af4b-4a1b-a7d8-03519042a4cb","requestInfo":{"userLogin":"101277","platform":"IOS_IPAD","version":"9.0.9","IP":"","userAgent":"Dylogic-HttpAction/1.5 (iPhone OS 7.0.6 iPad3,4)"},"guest":False},1),
This Event data can be processed by the following ReL program which loads it into an RDF database. ReL as a type of MongoDB conn = connectTo 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@rising-sun.microlab.cs.utexas.edu:1521:orcl' 'CS347_prof' 'orcl_prof' 'rdf_mode' 'EVENTS'; def flatten_dict(d): # This function flattens nested dictionaries def expand(key, value): if isinstance(value, dict): return [ (key + '_' + k, v) for k, v in flatten_dict(value).items() ] else: return [ (key, value) ] items = [ item for k, v in d.items() for item in expand(k, v) ] return dict(items) f = open("smallTmp_USER_ACCOUNT", "r") cnt = 1 for l in f: if cnt == 1 : H1 = eval(l)[0] # H1 = ('ID', 'eventID', 'eventDate', 'domain', 'source', 'eventType', 'eventBody') else : H = H1 v = "" if isinstance(eval(l)[0][6], dict): d = flatten_dict(eval(l)[0][6]) attrs = [ i[0] for i in d.items()] values = [ i[1] for i in d.items()] print print eval(l)[0][6] print d.items() print attrs print values # H = H1 + tuple(attrs) + tuple(['version']) H = H1 + tuple(attrs) num = 1 for i in values : if num == 1 : v += str(i) else : v += "', '" + str(i) num += 1 else : v = str(eval(l)[0][6]) H = str(H).replace("'", "") s = str(H) + " VALUES ('" + str(eval(l)[0][0]) + "', '" + str(eval(l)[0][1]) + "', '" + str(eval(l)[0][2]) + "', '" + str(eval(l)[0][3]) + "', '" + str(eval(l)[0][4]) + "', '" + str(eval(l)[0][5]) + "', " + 'null' + ", '" + str(eval(l)[0][7]) + "', '" + v + "') ;" print s SQL on conn """INSERT INTO EVENTS"""s cnt+=1 Standard python
The Data Model for this Event data is the shown in the figure. However, this data model was not used to generate a schema for the data in the database, it was just used to help people understand the data. ReL as a type of MongoDB
However, you can do SQL queries on the Event data including the JSON data. ReL as a type of MongoDBwith SQL Queries conn = connectTo 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@rising-sun.microlab.cs.utexas.edu:1521:orcl' 'CS347_prof' 'orcl_prof' 'rdf_mode' 'EVENTS'; t =SQL on conn """select * from EVENTS e where e.eventType = 'AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESSFUL_EVENT’””” import json print json.dumps(t, indent = 2) [ [ "eventDate", "requestInfo_platform", "DBUNIQUEID", "requestInfo_userAgent", "guest", "ID", "groupID", "source", "requestInfo_IP", "eventBody", "version", "requestInfo_serialNumber", "requestInfo_pairingToken", "userAccountID", "eventType", "domain", "eventID", "devicePairingID", "requestInfo_version", "requestInfo_userLogin" ], [ 1397197635584.0, "WIN", 4143, "Dylogic-HttpAction/1.5 (OS v6.1 Windows 7 x64 SP1 suites=0x0100 build 7601)", "false", "cf47fb67cce9cb5c", "65a0336f-af4b-4a1b-a7d8-03519042a4cb", "CL-l2kQ_x6Wb", "", "NULL", 1, "null", "null", "309771b8-8117-4eb7-8776-bf311ae1ce9e", "AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESSFUL_EVENT", "UVC_CSS", "CL-l2kQ_x6Wb_1397197599533000", "null", "9.0.11", "cmenesatti@lifesize.com" ], . . . [
Step 1 – get the schema information from the data. ReL as a type of MongoDBwith SPARQL Queries In executeRdfSelect, selectStmt is: select distinct obj from table(sem_match( 'select * where { ?sub rdfs:domain ?obj . }' , SEM_MODELS('EVENTS_CS347_PROF'), null, SEM_ALIASES( SEM_ALIAS('', 'http://www.example.org/people.owl#')), null) ) In executeRdfSelect, selectStmt is: select distinct col from table(sem_match( 'select * where { ?col rdfs:domain :EVENTS . ?s1 ?col ?v . }' , SEM_MODELS('EVENTS_CS347_PROF'), null, SEM_ALIASES( SEM_ALIAS('', 'http://www.example.org/people.owl#')), null) ) visitSelect_buildSPARQL Structures necessary to build the SPARQL statement: - plainSelect: SELECT * FROM EVENTS AS e WHERE e.eventType = 'AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESSFUL_EVENT' - RDFTableNames: [EVENTS] - tables: [EVENTS] - tablesAliases: {e=EVENTS} - tables2alias: {EVENTS=e} - tableSymbols: {EVENTS=s1} - columnNames: [e.userID, e.eventDate, e.sentDelayedToLocalSelf, e.requestInfo_platform, e.sentToLocalSelf, e.groupName, e.inviterID, e.DBUNIQUEID, e.requestInfo_userAgent, e.sizeInBytes, e.creationDate, e.serialNumber, e.extension, e.IP, e.displayName, e.sentToRemoteSelf, e.guest, e.osInfo, e.sentDelayedToLocal, e.ID, e.errorReasonCode, e.fromGroupID, e.who, e.groupID, e.source, e.requestInfo_serialNumber, e.email, e.requestInfo_IP, e.requestInfo_pairingToken, e.eventBody, e.port, e.version, e.reason, e.fromUserAccountID, e.sentToRemote, e.loginRefuseRule, e.authenticationID, e.userAccountID, e.devicePairingID, e.sentToLocal, e.inviterUserID, e.productID, e.enabled, e.language, e.usageType, e.eventType, e.domain, e.eventID, e.toUserAccountID, e.invitationToken, e.requestInfo_version, e.errorCode, e.TCAcceptanceDate, e.requestInfo_userLogin, e.adminAccountID, e.platform, e.toGroupID] - columnsAs: {*=*} - joinColumns: [] - filters: [ ?s1 :eventType ?f1 . FILTER(?f1 = "AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESSFUL_EVENT") ] - orderby: [] In executeRdfSelect, selectStmt is: select distinct col from table(sem_match( 'select * where { ?col rdfs:domain :EVENTS . ?s1 ?col ?v . ?s1 :eventType ?f1 . FILTER(?f1 = "AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESSFUL_EVENT") }' , SEM_MODELS('EVENTS_CS347_PROF'), null, SEM_ALIASES( SEM_ALIAS('', 'http://www.example.org/people.owl#')), null) ) - columnsAs: {e.eventDate="eventDate", e.requestInfo_platform="requestInfo_platform", e.DBUNIQUEID="DBUNIQUEID", e.requestInfo_userAgent="requestInfo_userAgent", e.guest="guest", e.ID="ID", e.groupID="groupID", e.source="source", e.requestInfo_IP="requestInfo_IP", e.eventBody="eventBody", e.version="version", e.requestInfo_serialNumber="requestInfo_serialNumber", e.requestInfo_pairingToken="requestInfo_pairingToken", e.userAccountID="userAccountID", e.eventType="eventType", e.domain="domain", e.eventID="eventID", e.devicePairingID="devicePairingID", e.requestInfo_version="requestInfo_version", e.requestInfo_userLogin="requestInfo_userLogin"}
Step 2- generate the SPARQL. ReL as a type of MongoDBwith SPARQL Queries SELECT v1 "eventDate", v2 "requestInfo_platform", v3 "DBUNIQUEID", v4 "requestInfo_userAgent", v5 "guest", v6 "ID", v7 "groupID", v8 "source", v9 "requestInfo_IP", v10 "eventBody", v11 "version", v12 "requestInfo_serialNumber", v13 "requestInfo_pairingToken", v14 "userAccountID", v15 "eventType", v16 "domain", v17 "eventID", v18 "devicePairingID", v19 "requestInfo_version", v20 "requestInfo_userLogin" FROM TABLE(SEM_MATCH('SELECT * WHERE { ?s1 rdf:type :EVENTS . OPTIONAL { ?s1 :eventDate ?v1 } OPTIONAL { ?s1 :requestInfo_platform ?v2 } OPTIONAL { ?s1 :DBUNIQUEID ?v3 } OPTIONAL { ?s1 :requestInfo_userAgent ?v4 } OPTIONAL { ?s1 :guest ?v5 } OPTIONAL { ?s1 :ID ?v6 } OPTIONAL { ?s1 :groupID ?v7 } OPTIONAL { ?s1 :source ?v8 } OPTIONAL { ?s1 :requestInfo_IP ?v9 } OPTIONAL { ?s1 :eventBody ?v10 } OPTIONAL { ?s1 :version ?v11 } OPTIONAL { ?s1 :requestInfo_serialNumber ?v12 } OPTIONAL { ?s1 :requestInfo_pairingToken ?v13 } OPTIONAL { ?s1 :userAccountID ?v14 } OPTIONAL { ?s1 :eventType ?v15 } OPTIONAL { ?s1 :domain ?v16 } OPTIONAL { ?s1 :eventID ?v17 } OPTIONAL { ?s1 :devicePairingID ?v18 } OPTIONAL { ?s1 :requestInfo_version ?v19 } OPTIONAL { ?s1 :requestInfo_userLogin ?v20 } ?s1 :eventType ?f1 . FILTER(?f1 = "AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESSFUL_EVENT") }' , SEM_MODELS('EVENTS_CS347_PROF'), null, SEM_ALIASES( SEM_ALIAS('', 'http://www.example.org/people.owl#')), null) )
The generated SPARQL can also be used to query the data using SQLDeveloper, APEX, Tableau or any other SQL query system. ReL as a type of MongoDBwith SPARQL Queries
ReL Team • Possible Opportunities: • Flesh out ReLas a type of MongoDB • SQL to SPARQL translation (probably publishable) • SIM Query Language to SPARQL translation (probably publishable) • These would make a very good cs370 projects, also.
Final Review • Review the Midterm, Homework and Quizzes • SQL Emphasis on Homework 5 and 6 • B-Tree Indexing • Normalization
Midterm Exam Grade = max(Midterm Grade, Final Exam Grade) Project Grade Homework Grade Grade = (25*(MAX(R3,Z3)/100))+(20*(U3/10))+(15*(W3/10))+(15*(S3/100))+(25*(Z3/100)) Midterm Exam Grade Final Exam Grade Quiz Grade
Final Grade = max(Current Grade, Current Grade + Final Exam) (i.e., the Final is optional, it can’t hurt you, it can only help – Thank you for your effort this semester especially on the projects.) Have a Great Fall!