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The Egypt Game By Zilpha Keatley Snyder

The Egypt Game By Zilpha Keatley Snyder. (“Gains and Losses,” and “Christmas Keys”). consensus. "The consensus of opinion was pretty much, "That's that!" Egypt was lost and gone forever...". General agreement. Noun. lair.

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The Egypt Game By Zilpha Keatley Snyder

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Egypt GameBy ZilphaKeatley Snyder (“Gains and Losses,” and “Christmas Keys”)

  2. consensus • "The consensus of opinion was pretty much, "That's that!" Egypt was lost and gone forever..." General agreement. Noun

  3. lair • "It had been a place to get away to -- a private lair -- a secret seclusion meant to be shared with best friends only--a life unknown to grown-ups and lived by kids alone.” A secret or private place where a person seeks to be hidden. Noun

  4. seclusion • "It had been a place to get away to -- a private lair -- a secret seclusion meant to be shared with best friends only--a life unknown to grown-ups and lived by kids alone. The state of being private and away from other people. Noun

  5. grave • "He looked pretty much as April remembered him and his voice was still gravelly and grave..." Serious; giving cause for alarm. Adjective

  6. speculated • "They speculated about what the Professor had in mind, and had just about agreed that he was probably bringing back all their stuff..." To form a theory about a subject without strong evidence. Verb

  7. extravagant • "April and Melanie looked at each other and their eyes made extravagant comments." Absurd; exceeding what is reasonable or appropriate. Adjective

  8. optimistic • "She was at ease with everyone-lighthearted, fun-loving, enthusiastic, and optimistic." Hopeful and confident about the future. Adjective

  9. province • "There had been some unrest in the next province..." A division of a country or empire. Noun

  10. rebellion • "Well there was an uprising, a small local rebellion." An act of violent or open resistance to a government or ruler. Noun

  11. obligated • "I felt obligated to let you know what I had done with Security, and the oracle offered a way to do it without any direct contact." A duty or commitment. Noun

  12. eliminating • "And contact-involvement-was what I had spent years eliminating entirely from my life." To remove or completely get rid of something Verb

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