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2 nd Quarter Physics

9 th grade Science . 2 nd Quarter Physics. TOPIC: Physics DO: Pre-test Over the objectives 2 slides of notes Practice with the timers—Toys R Us LEVEL: knowledge. QUESTION: What does precise mean? ANSWER: Exact and accurate Collect:. Monday 10-15-2012. Welcome Back. TOPIC:

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2 nd Quarter Physics

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  1. 9th grade Science 2nd QuarterPhysics

  2. TOPIC: • Physics DO: Pre-test Over the objectives 2 slides of notes Practice with the timers—Toys R Us • LEVEL: • knowledge • QUESTION: • What does precise mean? • ANSWER: • Exact and accurate • Collect: Monday 10-15-2012 Welcome Back

  3. TOPIC: • Physics, CPO Timers DO: Describe how a photo-gate timer works • LEVEL: • Application • QUESTION: • What is the resolution of the CPO Timer? • ANSWER: • 0.0001 sec • Collect: Tuesday 10-16-2012

  4. TOPIC: • Timers • Scientific Method DO: Describe how photo-gate timer works Scientific Method lab- Bubble lab • LEVEL: • Application • QUESTION: • What starts and stops the A photo-gate? • ANSWER: • When the beam is broken it starts the timer and when the beam is unbroken it stops the timer. • Collect: Quiz tomorrow Over the photo-gate timer Wednesday 10-17-2012

  5. TOPIC: • Scientific Method DO: 1. Toys R Us Quiz 2. Develop a lab to support your hypothesis ,which is a better bubble solution • LEVEL: • create • QUESTION: • The smallest amount that can be measured by an instrument is known as _______ • ANSWER: • Resolution • Collect: • Toys R Us lab Thursday 10-18-2012

  6. TOPIC: • Scientific Method DO: 1. Review grades, Quiz 2. Measure the diameter of the Experimental group in the Bubble Lab • LEVEL: • Application • QUESTION: • How do you calculate the average of the Control group bubble size. • ANSWER: • Add all 5 numbers to get the sum. Sum/5 to get the average. • Collect: Friday 10-19-2012

  7. TOPIC: • Scientific Method DO: Last day to Measure the diameter of the Experimental group in the Bubble Lab Calculate Average for each bubble solution • LEVEL: • Application • QUESTION: • What is the Controlled Variable? • ANSWER: • Miracle Bubbles (store bought bubbles) • Collect: • Warm-ups Monday 10-22-2012

  8. C O N T R O L A J A X U L T A J O Y 1hour

  9. C O N T R O L A J A X J O Y U L T A 2hour

  10. C O N T R O L A J A X U L T A J O Y 3hour

  11. C O N T R O L A J A X U L T A J O Y 5hour

  12. C O N T R O L A J A X U L T A J O Y 6hour

  13. C O N T R O L A J A X U L T A J O Y

  14. TOPIC: • Scientific Method DO: Calculate the class average for each bubble solution • LEVEL: • Application • QUESTION: • How do you calculate the class average for each bubble solution? • ANSWER: • Add all 16 number to get the sum. Sum/16=class average • Collect: Tuesday 10-23-2012

  15. TOPIC: • Scientific Method DO: Last day of class time to complete the Bubble Lab Due : Tomorrow 50 pts • LEVEL: • Application • QUESTION: • What are the three specific independent variables in this investigation? • ANSWER: • Ajax • Ulta • Joy • Collect: Wednesday 10-23-2012

  16. TOPIC: • Graphing DO: Apply your knowledge on graphing through a paper simulation • LEVEL: • Application • QUESTION: • I.V. goes on the ___axis • D.V. goes on the ____ axis • ANSWER: • X • Y • Collect: • Bubble lab worth 50 pts Thursday 10-25-2012

  17. TOPIC: • Physic/Speed DO: Grades Whiteboard what you think speed is Notes Speed Lab • LEVEL: • Knowledge to Application • QUESTION: • What is speed and how do you measure it? (Whiteboard the answer with your table) You have 5 mins • ANSWER: • Collect: Friday 10-26-2012

  18. TOPIC: DO: • LEVEL: • QUESTION: • ANSWER: • Collect: Absent Sub Day Monday 10-29-2012

  19. TOPIC: • Speed DO: Calculate speed of a car using ramps “Speed Lab” • LEVEL: • application • QUESTION: • What is the formula for speed? • ANSWER: • V=d/t • Collect: Tuesday 10-30-2012

  20. TOPIC: • Speed DO: • Review Speed Lab • Speed problems • LEVEL: • Application • QUESTION: • Can 100 and 254 be the same speed? • ANSWER: • Yes, they can have the same distance and time BUT the units are different • Collect: • Speed Lab Happy Halloween Quiz tomorrow over speed Wednesday 10-31-2012

  21. TOPIC: • Speed DO: • Review Speed problems • Quiz • LEVEL: • Application • QUESTION: • When solving a speed problem: What must be included after each number? • ANSWER: • Units • Collect: Thursday 11-01-2012

  22. TOPIC: • Failure prevention DO: Take Speed Quiz Check over grades Turn any missing assignments in • LEVEL: • Application • QUESTION: • What is your grade in my class? • What grade is going to be on your Progress report? • ANSWER: • Collect: Movie day after grade prevention Friday 11-02-2012 Warm-ups due Monday

  23. TOPIC: • Hot Cars cool Models DO: Calculate how long it takes you car to get to different points on the ramp. • LEVEL: • Application • QUESTION: • Independent Variable: • The variable you Change or the one you measure • ANSWER: • The variable you change • Collect: • Warm-ups Monday 11-05-2012

  24. TOPIC: • Hot Cars & Cool Models DO: Graph the Distance and Time from A to B Predict the speed at 35 cm • LEVEL: • application • QUESTION: • Why do you think it has a higher speed at 20 cm compare to 80 cm? • ANSWER: • There is a longer length between the photo-gates • Collect: Tuesday 11-06-2012

  25. TOPIC: • Hot Cars & Cool Models DO: Finish Lab Prediction of speed vs actual speed Comparing graphs • LEVEL: • application • QUESTION: • What is the relationship of your graph? • Positive, negative or no relationship • ANSWER: • Positive relationship • Collect: Wednesday11-07-2012 Hot Cars & cool models due: Tomorrow worth 40 pts

  26. TOPIC: • Hot Cars and Cool Models Review DO: • White board different types of Models and how it relates to NACAR and define your graph • Review Hot cars and Cool Models 2. LEVEL: • Application • QUESTION: • What are the two variables on your graph? • ANSWER: • Distance and Time • Collect: Thursday 11-08-2012

  27. 1. Define and describe the metaphor for each model we used during Hot Cars and Cool Models and compare it to NASCAR • Physical model • Mental model • Graphical model • 2. Draw and label the two variables on your graph. • What does the slope of the line represent Whiteboard the following

  28. TOPIC: • Speed and Acceleration DO: Quiz over Types of Models and interpreting graphs Notes on Acceleration Begin Acceleration Lab • LEVEL: • Application • QUESTION: • Which term is the name for a collection of information or idea's about a topic? • Mental, Physical or Graphical Model • ANSWER: • Mental Model • Collect: • Hot Cars and Cool Model Lab Friday 11-09-2012

  29. TOPIC: Acceleration DO: Faster… Faster…Faster… Acceleration Lab • LEVEL: • Knowledge • ->Application • QUESTION: • What is the mathematical formula for Acceleration? • ANSWER: • a= V2-V1 • T2-T1 • Collect: Tuesday 11-13-2012

  30. TOPIC: Acceleration DO: 1. Check grades 2. Notes on Free fall 3. Finish Faster..Faster.. • LEVEL: • application • QUESTION: • How many units does speed and Acceleration have? • ANSWER: • Speed = 2 units • Acceleration = 3 units • Collect: Wednesday 11-14-2012

  31. TOPIC: • Speed and acceleration calculation DO: Link Crew Calculate speed and acceleration problems • LEVEL: • application • QUESTION: • The slope of the line on a Speed and Time graph is _____ • ANSWER: • Acceleration • Collect: • Faster… Faster… Thursday 11-15-2012

  32. TOPIC: • Speed and acceleration calculation DO: Check grades and pass out failing progress reports • Go over speed problems • Finish all speed and acceleration problems • LEVEL: • Application • QUESTION: • V1 stands for__ • V2 stands for__ • ANSWER: • V1=initial speed • V2= final speed • Due Monday: • warm-ups and Speed/Acceleration problems Friday 11-16-2012

  33. TOPIC: • Acceleration DO: • Collect warm-ups • Grade /white board acceleration problems • Begin Acceleration Quiz • LEVEL: • application • QUESTION: • 45m/s – 85m/s 4.5 sec • ANSWER: • -8.89 m/s2 • Collect: • Daily Topic warm-ups Monday -19-2012

  34. TOPIC: acceleration DO: 1.Show mastery on how to solve for acceleration 2. Bubble gum lab • LEVEL: • Application • QUESTION: What is the formula for speed? • ANSWER: • V=d/t • Collect: Tuesday 11-20

  35. TOPIC: • Bubble Gum Physics DO: Determine how fast you can chomp gum at different intervals. • LEVEL: • application • QUESTION: • Formula for acceleration: • ANSWER: • A=V2-V1 Time • Collect: • Bubble gum lab Wednesday 11-21-2012

  36. TOPIC: • Slope DO: • Pass back papers look at your grade for the class as of today • Slope makes it simple Due: tomorrow when you walk in • LEVEL: • application • QUESTION: What does the line represent on a Speed vs Time Graph • ANSWER: • Acceleration • Collect: Monday 11-26-2012

  37. TOPIC: • Newton’s first law of motion DO: • Grade Slope makes simple • Notes on 1st law of motion • Watch “Understanding car crashes” • LEVEL: • Knowledge->Application • QUESTION: • What happens to your body when you stop quickly with the car? • ANSWER: • Moves Forward • Collect: • Slope Makes Simple Tuesday 11-27-2012

  38. TOPIC: • Newton’s 1st law of Motion “Inertia DO: Watch Understanding car crashes Demonstrate and investigate the Law of Inertia “1st law of Motion” Through Inertia Crash Dummies. • LEVEL: • Application • QUESTION: • Define Newton’s first law of Motion. • ANSWER: • An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force OR an object in motion will continue with constant speed and direction, unless acted on by an unbalanced force. • Collect: Wednesday 11-26-2012

  39. 2nd hour only • TOPIC: • Newton’s Law of Motion DO: Concept review page 63 Questions 1-16 • LEVEL: • Knowledge • QUESTION: • Define Force and name two forces that are exerted onto your body right now. • ANSWER: • A push , a pull, or any action that has the ability to change motion. • Collect: • 2nd hour only : Set I –IV page 62 Wednesday 11-28-2012

  40. TOPIC: • Law of Inertia “1st law of Motion” DO: Demonstrate and investigate the Law of Inertia “1st law of Motion” Through Inertia Crash Dummies. • LEVEL: • Application • QUESTION: • Which has more inertia a • Semi or corvette • ANSWER: • Semi • Collect: Thursday 11-29-2012

  41. TOPIC: • Law of Inertia DO: Read Chapter 3.1 page 45-51 Force, Mass and Acceleration and fill in the blanks 1-14 Due: Monday • LEVEL: • knowledge • QUESTION: • What is the relationship between Speed and distance the dummy threw. • ANSWER: • The higher the speed the longer the distance of the dummy being thrown. • Collect: Warm-ups due: Monday Friday 11-30-2012

  42. TOPIC: • Force and motion DO: Appeal Forms • Switch and grade 3.1 • Begin Force, Mass and Acceleration Lab • LEVEL: • Knowledge -> Application • QUESTION: • What is the equation for solving Force. • ANSWER: • F=ma • Collect: • Warm-ups Monday12-3-2012

  43. TOPIC: • Force DO: Force, Mass and Acceleration • LEVEL: • Application • QUESTION: • What astronomer stated the Earth was in the Center of the Universe? • Ptolemy or Galileo • ANSWER: • Ptolemy • Collect: • Force and Motion Notes Wednesday 11-05-2012

  44. TOPIC: • Newton’s 2nd law • Force = ma DO: Demonstrate the formula Force=mass times acceleration • LEVEL: • Application • QUESTION: • Which astronomer proved that the Sun was in the center? Ptolemy or Galileo • ANSWER: • Galileo • Collect: Thursday 12-06-2012

  45. TOPIC: DO: • LEVEL: • QUESTION: • ANSWER: • Collect: -2012

  46. Newton’s 2nd law • Force = ma DO: Finish Lab, switch tables and compare graphs Answer all questions to the lab • LEVEL: • Application • QUESTION: • What is the stage called that our Star (Sun) will end its life? • ANSWER: • Black Dwarf • Collect: Friday 12-07-2012

  47. TOPIC: • Newton’s 2nd law DO: 1. White board graphs 2. Finish lab 3. Force worksheet LEVEL: application • QUESTION: • Spheres of gas that produce energy by Nuclear reaction Changes hydrogen into helium is known as …. • ANSWER: • Fusion • Collect: • 3.1 Force, mass and acceleration lab Unit Test Friday worth 30% of your quarter gradeMonday 12-10-2012

  48. TOPIC: • Newton’s second and third law DO: 1. Review 3.1 lab 2. Skill sheet 3-A Newton’s 2nd law an third law 3. Grades recovery LEVEL: KnowledgeApplication Unit Test Friday worth 30% of your quarter gradeTuesday 12-11-2012 • QUESTION: • The acceleration of an object is directly related to the force on an • Object, and inversely related to the mass of an object. • A=f/m • ANSWER: • Collect: • 3.1 Force, mass and acceleration

  49. TOPIC: • Physics DO: Review all physics object through Practice… Practice WORTH 50 PTS • LEVEL: • KnowledgeApplication • QUESTION: • The resolution of the CPO timer? • ANSWER: • .0001 sec • Collect: 12-12-2012

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