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Tropical Eastern North Atlantic Time-Series Observatory TENATSO. Specific Support Action of the European Union. Basic Objectives: Establish capability to support long-term observation of atmospheric and oceanic
Tropical Eastern North Atlantic Time-Series Observatory TENATSO Specific Support Action of the European Union
Basic Objectives: Establish capability to support long-term observation of atmospheric and oceanic conditions relevant to Global Change in the tropical Eastern North Atlantic region. Train personnel from Cape Verde to co-operate the site. Link site and training to local need to assess and manage Cape Verde regional environment. Integrate site within Global Earth Observation System of Systems. Promote site as an international scientific resource (data / logistics / campaign support) Notes and Considerations Specific Support Actions are NOT intended to fund scientific research! 2-year duration: EU 550K Science Officer in Brussels: Alan Edwards Potentially a „Flagship“ programme for EU wrt GEOSS activities outside Europe
Partners: IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany (Coordinator) University of York, York, UK Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia e Geofísica, Cape Verde Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimento das Pescas, Cape Verde Max-Planck Inst. für Biogeochemie, Jena, Germany Institut für Troposphärenforschung, Leipzig, Germany Katie Read (Univ. York) Leticia Cotrim da Cunha (IFM-GEOMAR) Luis Neves N.N. (INMG) Pericles Silva Ivanice Monteiro (INDP)
TENATSO is based on linking the atmospheric and oceanic sites via a shared, common observatory from the beginning… (cf. Tudor Hill / BATS; Mauna Loa / HOTS; etc…) Why Link and Jointly Coordinate the Atmospheric and Ocean Sites? Not all the science questions are linked…. There are few shared methodologies Timescales of key processes are often quite different but „Earth System“ understanding amongst partners and users has real value; Data from the two sites can and will inform each other; Linked science questions are likely to emerge / Increase in significance; There are real logistical benefits to coordination; Cape Verdean expertise grows in a range of areas of environmental sciences / technologies Overall visibility and relevance to regional / local environmental concerns is enhanced; Access to research vessels; satellite imagery; etc. grows and can be shared; We can continue to share the pain of proposal writing; etc…. So we visited the atmospheric site yesterday… what about the ocean site?
Ocean site: 17.4°N/24.5°W; 3600m water depth ~ 4-5 hours from Mindelo with Islandia; „open ocean“: no island effect according to 1/12º Model; upwind of atmos. site. Long-term mooring: already deployed Monthly sampling with Islandia: Icelandic trawler built 1993 Length 22.5 m, beam 5.8 m, draft 3.2 m; cruising speed 13 knots; Should start late Summer 2007 TENATSO Lab. Space:: (32 m2 at INDP: under renovation) Possible deployment of containerised clean laboratory for trace metal work
WC emergency shower bench sink bench bench sockets bench 1 m Lab Space at the INDP
The (almost) new Islandia
The Ocean Site: Basic Variables Measured and Sensors Monthly Measurements with Islandia: CTD-Rosette casts and Plankton nets: Nutrients, O2, TCO2, Alkalinity, DOC, CHN, Chlorophyll, Phytoplankton, Bulk-DNA, HPLC pigments and flow cytometry (Initial Cape Verde measurements: O2, nutrients (manual), chlorophyll, plankton) Additional measurements to be added by science programmes… Future training towards: primary productivity (O2 or 13C-based); low-level nutrients; zooplankton, etc..;…… TENATSO Site has been / will also be sampled by: Poseidon 328 (Achterberg) February 2006 Meteor 68/2 (Brandt) July 2006 Meteor 68/3 (Körtzinger) July-Aug 2006 Discovery (Achterberg) January 2007 Poseidon (Bange) March 2007 Merian (Brandt/Visbeck) April/May 2008
Initial TENATSO Mooring 3600m depth Deployed: June 2006 Recovery: early 2008 22 Microcat CTDs 9 Current Meters 1 Upward-looking ADCP @100m 1 fluorometer @ 40m 1 O2-optode @ 127m 1 sediment trap @ 1000m Future TENATSO Mooring Additional biogeochemical sensors Additional sediment traps (Bremen?) Telemetry? Plans for possible air-sea interaction buoy via US-SOLAS / (ORION?)
Training: POGO Fellowship to Ivanice Monteiro Oct-Dec 2006
Research Cruise by Pericles SilvaMerian MSM 04/1 (03.12.06 to 21.12.06)
The Longer-Term Some Elements of a Strategic Plan
The Mission of the Bermuda Station for Research: BBSR‘s Mission is to conduct research and science education of the highest quality from the special perspective of a mid-ocean island and to provide well-equipped facilities and responsive staff support to visiting scientists, faculty and students from around the world. A strategic plan needs a mission statement….
Funding Committed Trained People Scientific Interest / Profile Support Long-Term Observation Logistics Infrastructure SLOW Papers from Long-Term Data Long-Term „Standard“ Data INDIRECT External Use Of Data (e.g. modelling) Process Studies Campaigns Papers from Campaigns
Examples of Process Studies Planned for the Ocean Site: SOPRAN: Halocarbon production experiments (IFM-GEOMAR, Uni-Hamburg) Light penetration studies (Uni-Hamburg, IOW) Microstructure, mixing and 1-D GOTM modelling (IOW, IFM-GEOMAR) Iron speciation studies and modelling (AWI, IFT, IFM-GEOMAR) Nitrogen fixation bioassays (IFM-GEOMAR, IOW) Virtual Mooring (IFM-GEOMAR) Helium isotope studies (Uni-Bremen) Non-SOPRAN interest / plans Particle flux studies (Buessler, WHOI) Metal sampling (Boyle, MIT) Iron residence time studies (Achterberg, NOC, Lam, WHOI) UK-GEOTRACES studies (Univ. Oxford + others) Air-sea interaction (McGillis, LDEO) H2 production studies (Dalhousie Univ.) Possible links to PIRATA and other climate programmes
Long-Term Strategic Objectives (North-South; South-South): Science and science logistics support for the tropical / West African region data / aircraft / ships / moorings / gliders / laboratories Education and training for West African nations (via Cape Verde University?)
TENATSO: Time-Line Atmospheric site: Site Manager selected: March, 2006 Road to site under construction: now Container shipment: June, 2006 Power: July 2006 Trace gas startup: October 2006 Tower construction: October-November 2006 Particle measurement start-up: early 2007 Greenhouse gas start-up: early 2007 Major AMMA field campaign (with extra containers; Aircraft overpasses; etc.: July 2007).
TENATSO: Time-Line Ocean site: Site Manager selection: underway Mooring deployment: June 2006 (from Meteor) Technician training: October-December 2006 (POGO funds) Islandia refit: late 2006 Equipment installation / training: Spring 2007 Islandia Test-cruise: summer 2007 Outreach (to scientific community): International Users Workshop: Mindelo; January 2007 (funding from: ACCENT; UK SOLAS; UK Quest; IFM-GEOMAR) ???EurOceans???
Developing Links to other programmes and extensions: Ocean Site US: contacts to US SOLAS (McGillis) also to: WHOI (Buessler/Sholkowitz) – (Cape Verde/Massachusetts connection) Boyle (MITESS sampler) (Cape Verde/Massachusetts connection) Minnett (RSMAS, Miami) Cape Blanc (Bremen long-term sediment trap mooring. Gerhard Fischer) ESTOC (Melchor Gonzales) PIRATA (Bernard Bourles; possible relation to PIRATA extention Glider Sections: glider section S. of Cape Verde (planned) Glider Section: Cape Verde to Mauritania (dreamed)
Problems: All conceivable start-up problems are to be expected Training Distance / Travel costs (sponsors) Immediate: Ship refit…. Advantages: Enthusiastic, motivated, cooperative workforce and institutions Salaries low by „Northern“ standards (sustainability / funding) Data Management: Utilize capabilities developed under ANIMATE (CIS, PAP, ESTOC compatible) Plan to link to OceanSITES / MERSEA
How? What? Why?
Atmospheric Aerosol and Climate Hurricane Development Tropical Atlantic Variability Global CO2 Monitoring Network: Lack of Stations in Tropics and Africa Ocean Biogeochemistry and Physics The Mauritanian Upwelling Photochemistry of Trace Gases N2-fixation / iron-dust effects Air Mass Trajectories that reach Cape Verde
Urgent Need for: Journal of Global Ocean (Global Change?) Data On-line Journal for: Data descriptions Description of Quality-Control steps Metadata Basic introduction into key aspects/features of data set (plots / highlights / comparison with other data sets / etc) Strict peer-review: significance, quality, quantity, relevance, completeness Direct link to original data holdings at a data centre Impact factor Data centres: please establish!
TENATSO will provide: Atmospheric Data + Sampling Opportunities: Trace Gases Aerosols / Dust Meteorology Greenhouse Gases DOAS Atmospheric Observatory Layout Container Lab. Trace gases: O3, CO, NOx, NOy, organics, DMS, halo-carbons. Aerosols: particle size; total particle sampler; cascade impactors; greenhouse gases: CO2, CH4, N2O, CO, SF6, the ratio of O2/N2, and Ar/N2 incl. the isotope ratios.
Why Cape Verde? Location, Location, Location. High-amplitude processes….. in a difficult-to-reach region
Cooperations / Links SeaWiFS Feb 2000
Chlorophyll and Ocean Processes Dust and Atmospheric Processes