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2013 Chinese Philosophies and Religions. What is philosophy?. Literally: a love for wisdom Typically asks Questions like: What is the purpose of life? What is a good person like? What is success? What is truth? What is knowledge? How should I act in a situation?
What is philosophy? • Literally: a love for wisdom • Typically asks Questions like: • What is the purpose of life? • What is a good person like? • What is success? • What is truth? What is knowledge? • How should I act in a situation? • Often philosophy and religion overlap
Why did these philosophies develop? • War and social changes were disrupting everyday life • Government lacked control • These philosophies helped guide people and the government to a better life
Religion In China • The religious history of China is complex, and has evolved over the centuries. • Deeply interwoven into their beliefs is the worship of their ancestors. • The Chinese believed that the spirits of their ancestors were watching over them, and that they could be called upon during difficult times.
Chinese Folk Religion • Belief in spirits • Reverence for ancestors • Priests perform blessing rituals: • purifying space • Exorcising evil spirits (“hungry ghosts”) • Astrology • Divination
Chinese metaphysics is about… • Energy • Change • Balance • Harmony • Inter-relationships
Chinese Metaphysics Movement of cosmic energies: Rising Falling Expanding Contracting Rotating Represented by and expressed in the “five elements” of nature…
Fire Wood Earth Water Metal The “Five Elements” Productive cycle
Chinese MetaphysicsConcepts • Chi – life force, life energy (“ultimate”) • Yin-Yang – harmony of opposites • Yin = passive state of energy • Yang = active state of energy [ • Tao – the “way” of the cosmos, of nature • Heaven (t’ien) and Earth • “Mandate of Heaven” • Practical applications: I-Ching and Feng Shui
The I-Ching“Book of Changes” • Ancient divination technique (at least 3000 years old) • Intended to guide humans in decision making • Based on combinations of lines representing the ever changing relationship between passive (yin) and active (yang) energy flow of heaven, human, and earth = yin = yang
The Tri-gramsEight combinations of three lines each: heaven wind / wood lake Fire water thunder mountain earth
Using the I-Ching Tool • Symbolism of the lines: • Upper line = energy state of heaven • Middle line = energy state of human • Lower line = energy state of earth • Two sets of trigrams are divined to create a hexagram • Use coins or sticks to divine one of 64 hexagrams • Use I-Ching text to discern meaning of the hexagram and any additional meaning for “changing lines” (energies on the verge of changing) • A skilled interpreter is needed to apply the generic meaning of the hexagram #31
Feng Shui • The Chinese art of placement (geomancy) • Means “wind water”– symbolically, the constant flow of wind and water that creates constant change in the world also affects us • Uses the five elements and the eight directions of the I-Ching as the Bagua tool • Seeks to maintain constant and balanced flow of energies (chi) in a space for improved flow of energy in the people who use the space
Origins of the Mandate • During the Shang dynasty (2000-1027 B.C.E.) the concept of “Tian” was created • Meaning: sky, heavens, god, the cosmos • idea of heaven • governed all creation • guided moral order 天
Origins of the Mandate • Zhou dynasty (1120-221 B.C.E.) concept of “tian ming” • Mandate of Heaven • explains conquest and submission of falling dynasties • Divinely inspired process • Anyone could assume the right to rule • Tian, or Heaven, chose who would rule the people
The Mandate of Heaven is based on four principles: • The right to rule is granted by Heaven • Which gives the ruler prestige and religious importance. • There is only one Heaven • Therefore there can be only one ruler. • The right to rule is based on the virtue of the ruler • Which serves as a check on the ruler's power. • The right to rule is not limited to one dynasty • Which justifies rebellion as long as the rebellion is successful.
Origins of the Mandate • A dynasty maintained rule as long as they: • ruled with benevolence and justice • duties of the ruler were carried out correctly • Failure meant the Tian could choose a new ruling family • could not be selfish, cruel, or oppressive
Dynastic Cycle • Represents a dynasty’s rise and fall • Cycle starts with winning the Mandate (approval) of heaven • Period of prosperity, marked by motivated and capable emperors • Apex (peak) marked by political, economic, and cultural flowering.
Dynastic Cycle • Then the decline began, usually slow (sometimes quite rapid): marked by administrative corruption, repressive laws, and incapable and lazy emperors. • Dynasty would face rebellion and disunity, the loss of peoples’ support, and loss of Mandate
The Dynastic Cycle Peak of Dynasty
In Summary The dynastic cycle appears as follows: • A new ruler unites China, founds a new dynasty, and gains the Mandate of Heaven • China, under the new dynasty, achieves prosperity. • The population increases • Corruption becomes rampant in the imperial court, and the empire begins to enter decline and instability. • A natural disaster wipes out farm land. The disaster normally would not have been a problem; however, together with the corruption and overpopulation it causes famine. • The famine causes the population to rebel and starts a civil war. • The ruler loses the Mandate of Heaven. • The population decreases because of the violence. • China goes through a warring states period. • One state emerges victorious. • The state starts a new empire. • The empire gains the Mandate of Heaven. • (The cycle repeats itself.) • Kennedy, Bruce. "Chinese Dynastic Cycle." Killer Roos. 17 February 2008
Key Chinese Dynasties A terra cotta officer from the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BCE) Emperor Taizong - Tang Dynasty
The History of Chinese Philosophy • The Classical Age (6th century BC-2d century AD) • Confucianism (Confucius, 551-479 BC) • Daoism (Lao Tzu, 6th century BC) • Mohism (Mo Tzu, 468-376 BC) • The Yin-Yang School (founder unknown) • The School of Names (Logic) (Hui Shih, c. 380-305 BC) • Legalism (Han Fei Tzu, d. 23 BC) • The Medieval Age (2d-10th centuries BC): relations & conflicts between Confucianism, Daoism, & Buddhism • The Modern Age (11th century AD-Present) • Neo-Confucianism (incorporation of Daoist & Buddhist elements in an overall Confucian perspective) (Chu Hsi, 1130-1200 AD & many others) • 20th century impact of Western philosophies such as Pragmatism & Marxism
The Uniqueness of Daoism How is a man to live in a world dominated by chaos, suffering, and absurdity?? Confucianism--> Moral order in society. Legalism--> Rule by harsh law & order. Daoism--> Freedom for individuals and less govt. to avoid uniformity and conformity.
Confucianism Civil servants were hired on the bases of ability and had to pass tests. Values such as respect for elders, proper behavior and love of scholarship became part of Chinese culture. All people must respect and obey those above them. Those with authority should set a good example. A just and peaceful society
Belief Systems • Confucianism • Based on the writings of Confucius (ca 500 BCE) • Human nature is essentially good • Emphasized virtuous behavior • Hierarchal view of the universe • Focuses on relationships: ruler/subject, parent/child, husband/wife, older brother/younger brother, friend/friend. When each behaves correctly society functions correctly. • Moral foundations of govt.
Rise of Chinese PhilosophiesConfucianism • 5 Basic Social Relationships: • Ruler & Subject • Father & Son • Husband & Wife • Older Brother & Younger Brother • Friend & Friend • Founder: • Confucius (551-479 B.C.) • Ideas About Social Order: • Emphasis on family • Respect for elders (filial piety) • Ideas About Government: • Emphasis on education • Could change a commoner into a gentleman • Trained civil service essential for good gov’t
Confucius: Latinized title • Real name K’ung Fu-tzu (Master K’ung) • 551-479 BCE • Nicknames: The First Holy One, First Teacher, Teacher of the Ten Thousand Generations • Never lived to see his doctrines put into practice
Anthem The ancient State of Lu That’s where Confucius was born & spent most of his life.
Confucianism originated in China, but its influence spread to Korea & Japan over the centuries.
Confucius • Born in 551 B.C. • died in 479 B.C.
Confucius 551 – 479 B.C.E. Born in the feudal state of Liu. Became a teacher and editor of books.
Confucius • Born into a noble family • Passionate about studying • Developed many talents and skills
Confucianism - Origins Kung-Fu-tzu (Confucius) “Master Kung” • 551 - 479 BCE • Embraces the values of the past • Political aspirations unfulfilled • The “greatest teacher who ever lived” • Rejected in his own day, but the model for Chinese culture for over 2000 years Meng-Tzu (Mencius) (4th century) continues to develop teachings of Confucius
Confucius as Leader • Became a judge in Zhongdu • Later, Minister of Crime for the state of Lu • His state grew rich and crime was lowered • Greedy, jealous leaders of other states forced him to leave his job.
A Time of Turmoil • Chou Dynasty (1122-253 BCE) • Golden Age -> The reign of Yu Wang (780 BCE) • Feudal lords in power, Emperor is empty title “China was no longer one country but a dozen, each potentially the enemy of any other” (Collis 6)
Traveling Teacher • Taught throughout China • Had 72 close disciples • A few thousand others • Word of mouth
Confucius Traveled • Confucius visited the courts of various princes, hoping to convince them to put his ideas into practice. • Disappointed by the princes refusals, he returned home, where he taught a small but loyal group of followers. • After his death, his followers collected his teachings in the Analects.
Confucianism • In his early twenties he became a tutor • At the age of fifty Confucius set out on a 13 year trek • He died at the age of 74 • Confucius was undoubtedly one of the worlds best teachers • He always taught very informal, like a fellow learner with his students • He never thought of himself as a sage
The Life and Legacy of Confucius • Born in 551B.C.E. to a noble but poor family. • Confucius died in 479 B. C. E. • Confucius was an exceptional student who later became a teacher and a government official.
Confucianism • With his death began his glorification • His teachings have touched almost every Chinese student for the past two thousand years. • Confucius believed that tradition was the key to peace, in this very unstable time. • He believed that tradition would show them the way back to a happy China.
Confucius (551–479 B.C.E.) • Chinese thinker and social philosopher • Deeply influenced Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese thought • Emphasized study, and learning • The best government rules based on natural morality rather than bribery "What one does not wish for oneself, one ought not to do to anyone else; what one recognises as desirable for oneself, one ought to be willing to grant to others." -Confucius
Mencius • 372 - 289 B.C.E. • Disciple of Confucius. • Starts off with the assumption that “people are basically good.” • If someone does something bad, education, not punishment, is the answer. • Good people will mend their ways in accordance to their inherent goodness.
Mencius(372-289 B.C.E.) • Follower and disciple of Confucius • Emphasized the moral and righteous qualities of a ruler • Rulers: insure peace and prosperity, lead by example through education and virtue, provide for the people • A tyrant is more of a thief than a king • A ruler who is unjust may lose the Mandate of Heaven "He who exerts his mind to the utmost knows his nature“ -Mencius