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Euro Med Cooperation in the Information Society field EUMEDGRID-Support Launch Event

DELEGATION OF THE EUROPEAN UNION IN EGYPT. Euro Med Cooperation in the Information Society field EUMEDGRID-Support Launch Event 26 January 2010, Cairo, Egypt. Dániel WEISS Deputy Head of Economic Cooperation Section. DELEGATION OF THE EUROPEAN UNION IN EGYPT. European Neighbourhood.

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Euro Med Cooperation in the Information Society field EUMEDGRID-Support Launch Event

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  1. DELEGATION OF THE EUROPEAN UNION IN EGYPT Euro Med Cooperation in the Information Society field EUMEDGRID-Support Launch Event 26 January 2010, Cairo, Egypt Dániel WEISS Deputy Head of Economic Cooperation Section

  2. DELEGATION OF THE EUROPEAN UNION IN EGYPT • European Neighbourhood • Barcelona Process, since 1995 • peace and stability • sustainable socioeconomic development • education, culture • originally 10 countries: MEDA; • since 2007, 9 countries: ENPI (Partnership Instrument), Turkey • Union for the Mediterranean, 2008

  3. DELEGATION OF THE EUROPEAN UNION IN EGYPT • Goal of the IS Cooperation • is to establish a fruitful dialogue in the field of ICT with the Mediterranean Partners Countries (MPCs), in order • to jointly exploit the potential of these technologies • to foster growth, competitiveness, social cohesion, and cultural diversity

  4. DELEGATION OF THE EUROPEAN UNION IN EGYPT • Policy Cooperation in IS • 1st Euro Med Ministerial Conference on the Information Society • Dundalk, April 2005 • 2nd Euro Med Ministerial Conference on the Information Society • Cairo, February 2008 • 3rd Euro Med Ministerial Conference on the Information Society • Venue?, Date?

  5. DELEGATION OF THE EUROPEAN UNION IN EGYPT • Euro Med IS Forum • the next Euro Med Forum of Senior Officials on the Information Society will take place in Brussels with the view to prepare the next (3rd) Information Society Ministerial Conference • the programme, the date and venue of the Ministerialwill depend on the results of the above Senior Officials Forum 5

  6. DELEGATION OF THE EUROPEAN UNION IN EGYPT • Areas of the Cooperation - projects • regulatory reform: • NATP 3 project, Euro Med network of telecom regulators = EMERG (Euro Med Regulators Group) and • twinning with EU Member States' regulators (Egypt, Jordan, Israel) • Euro Med research communities' networking: • EUMEDCONNECT 2 project = eInfrastructure • (cont.) 6

  7. DELEGATION OF THE EUROPEAN UNION IN EGYPT • Areas of the Cooperation (cont.) • participation in the ICT part of FP6/7 and in other related programmes: • the MED IST project has identified ICT research priorities in the region like and established a MPC Directory on which more than 600 ICT experts have registered • MAP-IT!’s objective was to create awareness of the many EU research funding opportunities while simultaneously identifying top South Mediterranean players • Join-MED is to create a sustainable network of ICT research organisations in the Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC) and Europe 7

  8. DELEGATION OF THE EUROPEAN UNION IN EGYPT • Steps ahead in 2010 • execution of the Work Plan of EMERG for 2010 and beyond by NATP 3 (finalised in Rabat, January 2010) • with the goal of having stable and pro-competitive regulatory frameworks in the region under the supervision of independent telecom regulatory authorities • keeping EUMEDCONNECT running as it is the only high-capacity IP-based data-communications network serving the research and education communities across the Mediterranean • with the goal of having higher participation rates of organisations from the region in ICT R&D collaborative projects (FP7) – the tool to help is Join-MED

  9. DELEGATION OF THE EUROPEAN UNION IN EGYPT Thank you شكرا Daniel.WEISS@ec.europa.eu +20 2 3749 4680 / 427

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