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Introduction to the FLOODLOG project Dobos, E. , Vágó, J. , Kiss, I., Németh R., Verrasztó, Z.,  

Introduction to the FLOODLOG project Dobos, E. , Vágó, J. , Kiss, I., Németh R., Verrasztó, Z.,   István, Zs . , Ladányi R.,Chrabák, P., Zelenakova, M. FLOODLOG HUSK/1001/2.1.2/0009. 20.11.2012 - 21.11.2012, Stará Lesná. FLOODLOG HUSK/1001/2.1.2/0009.

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Introduction to the FLOODLOG project Dobos, E. , Vágó, J. , Kiss, I., Németh R., Verrasztó, Z.,  

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  1. Introduction to the FLOODLOG project Dobos, E.,Vágó, J., Kiss, I., Németh R., Verrasztó, Z.,   István, Zs., Ladányi R.,Chrabák, P., Zelenakova, M. FLOODLOG HUSK/1001/2.1.2/0009 20.11.2012 - 21.11.2012, Stará Lesná

  2. FLOODLOG HUSK/1001/2.1.2/0009 Floodmodeling and logisticalsupportsystemfornaturaldisaster management authorities

  3. Partners • University of Miskolc (as lead partner) • Technická Univerzita v Košiciach (as Slovakian lead partner) • Dr. Cholnoky Környezetgazdálkodási, Dokumentációs és Kutatási Központ Kiemelten Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft • Vysoká škola bezpečnostného manažérstva v Košiciach • BAZ megyei Katasztrófavédelmi Igazgatóság

  4. Duration • Planned: • 2011/11/01 - 2013/10/31 • Actual: • 2012/04/01 – 2014/03/31

  5. The goal of the project • The development of a crossborder, harmonized flood modeling system for the delineation of the potentially flooded areas, and the definition of the potentially endangered objects • Environmental risk assesment of floods on the water and soil resources • Logistical support system • General purpose , harmonized , crossborder physical and human geographical and infrastructural GIS database • Premises: completed and ongoing projects on water related environmental management and information system: Bodrog, Bódva, and Ipoly catchment.

  6. Location of the pilot area

  7. Major activities • There are six groups of activities being done in the project framework: • Specification of the model details: The result is the framework criteria system that the model outputs have to fulfil. • 2. Development of the input data set: The result is a complete set of harmonized data layers covering the whole Bódva catchment. • 3. The modification and completion of existing cross-border databases for testing the tools and models. • 4. Development of an integrated, operational WEB-based, and desktop-based GIS database. • 5. Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment of the floods. • 6. Logistical modelling.

  8. Existing, complete input layers of the Floodlog database (Hungary) • 1. Data layers in raster format: • SRTM DEM (with removed vegetation) • 10m spatial resolution DEM • Map of II. Military survey (1806-1869)

  9. 2. Data layers in vector format: • catchment of Bodva river • geology (formations) • geology (linear elements) • administrative border of settlements • urban areas • nature reserve areas (national parks) • planned nature reserve areas • Natura2000 SCI sites • Natura2000 SPA sites • ex lege protected areas • reservoirs • lakes

  10. 2. Data layers in vector format: • dirt road • meadow road • public roads: • highway • local highway • ’B’ road • street • railways • rivers • streams • springs • canals • houses (with number of inhabitants) • other objects (wells, caves, mines)

  11. Missing/incomplete input layers of the Floodlog database (Hungary) Missing .shp files!

  12. Existing layers with missing attributes!

  13. Existing layers of flooding with missing attributes • in the Bodva catchment area (2010): • flooded area • dike break • dike failure • dike heightening • sandbag dike • pumping

  14. Existing layers of flooding with missing attributes • in the Bodva catchment area (2010): • sand deponia • drainage ditch • host ing sites/location • meeting points (for Disaster Management and other authorities) • evacuation route • evacuation area • Height incomleteness of the dikes • Flood protection structures • Emergency housing • emergency reservoirs

  15. Major expected results • a database, which is going to be maintained in several publicly accessible sites • system containing the data layers and the integrated models for evaluation of the flooding conditions and the logistical models for flood crisis management • methodology, a scientifc product, that can be used freely for any modeling in support of other regional directorates of Disaster Management

  16. FLOODLOG's innovative decision making support system helps DEG to… - localize the affected areas (both environmentally and from infrastructural viewpoint) • use the resources more effectively and with higher consistence • take into account both insider and outsider logistic capacities of their authority scope in the case of the decision making procedure - reduce the redundancy of the disclaiming efforts

  17. Example…

  18. Thesite of thedikebrekage

  19. 1 hourlater…

  20. 3 hourslater

  21. 6 hours later

  22. 12 hours later

  23. 24 hours later

  24. 32 hours later

  25. Flooded area of Szajol

  26. High priority objects

  27. Thank You for your attention!

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