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Sencun Zhu Assistant Professor CSE and IST, PSU

Sencun Zhu Assistant Professor CSE and IST, PSU. Research. Interest security, networking Recent Professional activities Program Co-Chair: ACM SASN’06. TPC member: ACM CCS’07, IEEE Infocom’07, ICICS’06 Treasure: ACM CCS’07 Current Support Army Research Office (ARO), NSF CyberTrust.

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Sencun Zhu Assistant Professor CSE and IST, PSU

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  1. Sencun Zhu Assistant Professor CSE and IST, PSU

  2. Research • Interest • security, networking • Recent Professional activities • Program Co-Chair: ACM SASN’06. • TPC member: ACM CCS’07, IEEE Infocom’07, ICICS’06 • Treasure: ACM CCS’07 • Current Support • Army Research Office (ARO), NSF CyberTrust

  3. Current Projects • Security and reliability for sensor networks • Key management framework that supports in-network processing as well as localizes the impact of node compromises • Secure sensor data aggregation • Security and privacy for data-centric sensor networks • Source location anonymity • Applications of sensor networks to public safety • Security for ad hoc networks • Network access control for combating resource consumption attacks • Traceback of compromised nodes in mobile ad hoc networks • Security for Peer-to-Peer Networks • Efficient key managements and DDoS attack prevention • Detection and identification of malicious nodes • Worm containment • Code Security • Containing email worm • Blocking buffer overflow attacks by static code analysis

  4. SigFree: A Signature-free Buffer Overflow Attack Blocker with Xinran Wang, Chi-Chun Pan, Peng Liu A related paper appeared in Usenix Security 2006

  5. Motivation • Buffer overflow attacks typically contain executables whereas legitimate client requests never contain executables in most Internet services • E.g., Web Servers, Microsoft SQL Servers, BIND, SNMP, and other remote access services • SigFree blocks attacks by detecting the presence of code

  6. Code or Data? • Instruction Sequence Distiller (ISD) • distill instruction sequences from the requests by disassembly • however, instruction sequences may be distilled from any binary strings • Instruction Sequence Analyzer (ISA) • use a data flow analysis method called code abstraction to check whether an instruction sequence is really a segment of a program.

  7. Exploiting Data Flow Anomaly • Observation • a random instruction sequence normally is full of data flow anomalies, whereas a real program has few or no data flow anomalies • however, due to possible obfuscation, the number of data flow anomalies cannot be directly used to distinguish a program from a random instruction sequence • Code Abstraction • based on data flow anomalies, some instructions are “useless”, whereas in a real program at least one execution path have a certain number of “useful” instructions • remove those useless instructions • Criteria • if the number of useful instructions after code abstraction exceeds a threshold, the instruction sequence is a segment of a program

  8. Evaluation– Inputs • 50 attack messages generated by the Metasploit Toolkit • Worm Slammer • Code Red and one of its variations • 1500 binary normal requests • encrypted data • audio • jpeg, png, gif • flash

  9. Evaluation Results • normal requests contain less than 15 useful instructions • attack requests contain more than 18 • We can set the threshold a value between 15 and 17

  10. Detection of Polymorphic Shellcode ADMmutate . encrypted shellcode . replace NOP with one-byte instruction . 100 CLET . decipher routine varies each time . replace NOP with 2~3 byte instruction . 100 Observations: . ADMmutate: #useful instructions: 17~39 . CLET: #useful instructions: 18~25

  11. Impact of SigFree Processing on The Normal Web Requests

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