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Biomedical Engineering & Biomaterial Introduction

Biomedical Engineering & Biomaterial Introduction. Titik Nuryastuti MIcrobiology Department, Fac. of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada. BIOMEDICAL Engineering. What is Biomedical Engineering ? integrate biology and medicine with engineering to solve problems related to living systems

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Biomedical Engineering & Biomaterial Introduction

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  1. Biomedical Engineering & BiomaterialIntroduction Titik Nuryastuti MIcrobiology Department, Fac. of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada

  2. BIOMEDICAL Engineering What is Biomedical Engineering ? integrate biology and medicine withengineeringto solve problems related to living systems Biomedical engineering is the application of techniques drawn from engineering to the analysis and solution of problems in biology and medicine. Biomedical engineering applies the techniques of all classical engineering disciplines to problems encountered in living systems. CRICOS: 00116K

  3. Biomedical Engineers bridge the gap between clinical medicine and applied medical technology. • Biomedical Engineers must be capable of defining a medical problem in engineering science terms and of finding a solution that satisfies both engineering and medical requirements • This includes developing systems to: • maintain and enhance life, • designing replacement parts for people, • creating systems to allow the handicapped to function, work and communicate • Etc.

  4. Biomedical Engineers have expertise in: • engineering science, • biological science • medical science. • Biomedical engineering is usually based on one of the traditional engineering disciplines, such as electrical or mechanical engineering. • New fields of biomedical engineering include areas such as: • medical electronics, • clinical engineering, • biomaterials, • rehabilitation engineering.

  5. biomedical engineering imaging biomechanics bioinfomatics tissue engineering prosthetic devices clinical engineering health engineering

  6. Biomedical Engineering is Diverse Engineering: Electrical, Chemical, Mechanical, Materials, Industrial, Nuclear, Textile, Computer Science Physical Sciences: Chemistry, Physics Life Sciences: Biology, Forestry, Physiology, Botany, Genetics Clinical: Radiology, Radiation Oncology, Orthopaedics, Cardiology, Dentistry, Neurology, Surgery, Vet Med Others: Pharmacy, Bioinformatics, Information Technology

  7. BME area.. • Bioinstrumentation • Biomaterials • Biomechanics • Biomedical computing & signal processing • Biomolecular engineering • MEMS-Micro-electromechanical systems • Minimally invasive surgery • Tissue engineering, ...

  8. Major advances • Hip joint replacement • Heart pacemaker • Magnetic resonance imaging • Arthroscopy • Heart-lung machine • Angioplasty • Bioengineered skin • Timed-release drug capsules • Artificial articulated joint • Kidney dialysis

  9. Bioinstrumentation • The application of electronics and measurement principles to develop devices used in diagnosis and treatment of disease. • EXAMPLES are the electrocardiogram, cardiac pacemaker, blood pressure measurement, hemoglobin oxygen saturation, kidney dialysis, and ventilators.

  10. Biomaterials • Describes both living tissue and materials used for implantation. • Choose appropriate material • Nontoxic, noncarcinogenic, chemically inert, stable, and mechanically strong enough to withstand the repeated forces of a lifetime. • Metal alloys, ceramics, polymers, and composites

  11. Biomechanics • Mechanics applied to biological or medical problems • Study of motion, material deformation, flow within the body and in devices, and transport of chemicals across biological and synthetic media and membranes. • EXAMPLES: artificial heart and replacement heart valves, the artificial kidney, the artificial hip, function of organs

  12. Biomedical computing & signal processing • Computers are becoming increasingly important in medical signal processing, from the microprocessor used to do a variety of small tasks in a single-purpose instrument to the extensive computing power needed to process the large amount of information in a medical imaging system.

  13. Rehabilitation Engineering • Rehabilitation engineering uses concepts in biomechanics and other areas to develop devices to enhance the capabilities and improve the quality of life for individuals with physical and cogitative impairments. • They are involved in: • Prosthetics, • Development of the home and/or workplace, • Transportation modifications.

  14. Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) • Microtechnology and micro scale phenomena is an emerging area of research in biomedical engineering • Many of life's fundamental processes take place on the micro scale • We can engineer systems at the cellular scale to provide new tools for the study of biological processes and miniaturization of many devices, instruments and processes

  15. Minimally invasive medicine & surgery • Uses technology to reduce the debilitating nature of some medical treatments. • Minimally invasive surgery using advanced imaging techniques that precisely locate and diagnose problems • Virtual reality systems that immerse clinicians directly into the procedure reduce the invasiveness of surgical interventions.

  16. Robarts Research Institute, U. of Western Ontario

  17. Rehabilitation engineering • A new and growing specialty area of biomedical engineering • Rehabilitation engineers expand capabilities and improve the quality of life for individuals with physical impairments. • Because the products of their labor are often individualized, the engineer often works directly with the disabled individual

  18. Telemedicine • Delivering health care at a distance • Diagnosis • Therapy • Real-time consultation

  19. Tissue engineering • The principles of engineering and life sciences are applied toward the generation of biological substitutes aimed at the creation, preservation or restoration of lost organ function. This field is dedicated to the creation of new functional tissue

  20. Biomedical Engineering ResearchExamples... Elastography for breast cancer diagnosis Doppler signal processing in carotid plaque detection Imaging sensor development Tissue characterization using fluorescence-lifetime imaging

  21. Recent Accomplishments Portable Doppler device Catheterization simulation New techniques for breast cancer diagnosis Multimodality medical image registration 3D ultrasound imaging

  22. Why BME important for medical student ? challenge interdisciplinary results are visible and beneficial many kinds of jobs available

  23. Applications of biomedical engineering is almost endless and is developing every day, it includes • cardiac monitors to clinical computing, • artificial hearts to contact lenses, • wheel chairs to artificial tendons, • modeling dialysis therapy to modeling the cardiovascular system. • Biomedical engineers are also integral in the management of technology in hospitals and health care delivery.

  24. Career Opportunities • Biomedical engineers are exposed to many fields of study in engineering, medicine and biology. Due to this broad experience biomedical engineers find employment in: • hospitals, • government bodies, • industry or • academic areas.

  25. Elfani et al,2013

  26. What do Biomedical Engineers do? • Design of medical instrumentation • Design prostheses; • Contribute in the development, manufacture and testing of medical products • Manage of technology in the hospital system.

  27. Treatment: Doctor diagnoses and treat patient diseases. Biomedical Scientist analyses the blood from a patient so that the doctor knows how to diagnose and treat. Biomedical Engineer design the equipment used to analyze the blood. CRICOS: 00116K

  28. Heart Transplant: • Biomedical Scientist determines blood flow and heart functions • Biomedical Engineer uses this information to design the artificial heart • Doctor carries out surgery and monitors patient health CRICOS: 00116K

  29. Replacing Damaged Skin Biomedical Scientist establishes how the artificial skin will be tolerated by the body. Biomolecular Engineer designs, operates and maintains the process to grow the synthetic skin (tissue engineering). Doctor operates to graft the artificial skin to the body. CRICOS: 00116K

  30. Repairing a Damaged Hip Biomedical Scientist establishes how the hip joint functions in the body Biomedical Engineer designs the prosthesis (artificial hip) Doctor operates on the patient and monitors the recovery CRICOS: 00116K

  31. Repairing Damaged Bones Biomedical Scientist establishes how the bones function in the body. Biomedical Engineer designs the equipment to be used during surgery to ensure correct alignment. 3. Doctor operates on the patient and monitors the recovery. CRICOS: 00116K

  32. Thank you

  33. GWU

  34. GWU

  35. Main Fields of Biomedical Engineering

  36. Medical Instrumentation: • Medical instrumentation is the application of electronics and measurement techniques to develop devices used in diagnosis and treatment of disease. • Computers are an important and increasingly essential part of medical instrumentation, from the microprocessor in a single-purpose instrument to the microcomputer needed to process the large amount of information in a medical imaging system. • Examples of medical instrumentation include: heart monitors, microelectrodes, defibrillators and glucose monitoring machines

  37. Biomaterials • Biomaterials is the use of materials, both living tissue and artificial materials, for implantation. Understanding the properties of the living materials is vital in the design of implant materials. The selection of an appropriate material to place in the human body may be one of the most difficult tasks faced by the biomedical engineer. Certain metal alloys, ceramics, polymers and composites have been used as implant materials.

  38. Biomaterials (cont) • Biomaterials must be • nontoxic, • non-carcinogenic, • chemically inert (not reacting violently with the body's chemical composition), • Stable • mechanically strong enough to withstand the repeated forces of a lifetime of use. • Newer biomaterials even incorporate living cells in order to provide a true biological and mechanical match for the living tissue.

  39. Biomaterials (cont) • Examples of biomaterials include • Dental adhesives, • Bone cement, • Replacement bones/joints, • Heart prosthetics, • Heart replacement valves • Artificial lungs • Artificial kidneys.

  40. System Physiology and Modeling • The use of scientific and engineering principles to predict the behavior of a system of interests. • Systems of interest may include the human body, particular organs or organ systems and medical devices.

  41. System Physiology and Modeling (cont) • Modeling is used in the analysis of experimental data and in formulating mathematical descriptions of physiological events. • In research, modeling is used as a predictive tool in designing new experiments to refine our knowledge. • Examples are the biochemistry of metabolism and the control of limb movements

  42. Signal processing • Collection and analysis of data from patients or experiments in an effort to understand and identify individual components of the data set or signal. • The manipulation and dissection of the data or signal provides the physician and experimenter with vital information on the condition of the patient or the status of the experiment. • Biomedical Engineers apply signal-processing methods to the design of medical devices that monitor and diagnose certain conditions in the human body. • Examples include heart arrhythmia detection software and brain activity

  43. Medical Imaging • Medical Imaging combines knowledge of a unique physical phenomenon (sound, radiation, magnetism etc.) with high-speed electronic data processing, analysis and display to generate an image. • Often, these images can be obtained with minimal or completely non-invasive procedures, making them less painful and more readily repeatable than invasive techniques. • Examples include Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), ultrasound and computed tomography (CT).

  44. Biomechanics • Biomechanics applies both fluid mechanics and transport phenomena to biological and medical issues. It includes the study of motion, material deformation, flow within the body, as well as devices, and transport phenomena in the body, such as transport of chemical constituents across biological and synthetic media and membranes. • Efforts in biomechanics have developed the artificial heart, replacement heart valves and the hip replacement.

  45. Biomechanics(cont)

  46. MIT

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