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New Spectroscopy of Heavy Mesons. Fulvia De Fazio INFN - Bari. How to ( try to ) understand the properties of recently discovered states using the heavy quark limit. Collaborators : P. Colangelo , R. Ferrandes , S. Nicotri , A. Ozpineci , M. Rizzi. Open charm/beauty states.
New SpectroscopyofHeavyMesons Fulvia De Fazio INFN - Bari Howto (tryto) understand the propertiesofrecentlydiscoveredstates using the heavy quark limit Collaborators: P. Colangelo, R. Ferrandes, S. Nicotri, A. Ozpineci, M. Rizzi F. De Fazio INFN Bari
Open charm/beauty states • D0(2308), D’1(2440) • Ds0*(2317), D’s1(2460) • D(2550), D(2600), D(2750), D(2760) • DsJ(2632) • DsJ(2860), DsJ(2710), DsJ(3040) • B1(5734), B*2(5738) • Bs1(5830), B*s2(5840) F. De Fazio INFN Bari
Open charm/beauty states • D0(2308), D’1(2440) • Ds0*(2317), D’s1(2460) • D(2550), D(2600), D(2750), D(2760) • DsJ(2632) • DsJ(2860), DsJ(2710), DsJ(3040) • B1(5734), B*2(5738) • Bs1(5830), B*s2(5840) Seenonlyby SELEX, neverconfirmed F. De Fazio INFN Bari
Open charm/beauty states • D0(2308), D’1(2440) • Ds0*(2317), D’s1(2460) • D(2550), D(2600), D(2750), D(2760) • DsJ(2632) • DsJ(2860), DsJ(2710), DsJ(3040) • B1(5734), B*2(5738) • Bs1(5830), B*s2(5840) Seenonlyby SELEX, neverconfirmed F. De Fazio INFN Bari
Hadronscontaining a single heavy quark Q Spinof the heavy quark and of the light degreesoffreedom decoupled in the mQ→ ∞limit Spinsymmetry angularmomentum of the light degreesoffreedom (conserved) spin Mesonsclassifiedasdoublets the membersofwhichhave The heavy quark flavourbecomesirrelevantasmQ→ ∞ possibilitytorelate charm and beauty hadronproperties Flavoursymmetry F. De Fazio INFN Bari
HQ limitformesondoublets and strong decaysto light pseudoscalars The twostateswithin a givendoublet are degenerate Theyhave the same total width The sum of the partialwidthsof a state in a doubletto a state in anotherdoublet withemissionof a light mesonis the samefor the twostatesof a doublet Spinsymmetrypredicts the ratiosofpartialdecaywidthsfor a given state Partialdecaywidths are independent on the HQ flavour Mass splittingsamong the doublets are independentof the HQ flavour Spin symmetry Flavour symmetry F. De Fazio INFN Bari
Qqmultiplets D-wavedoublets: (D’(s)2,D(s)3), (B’(s)2,B(s)3) (D*(s)1,D(s)2), (B*(s)1,B(s)2) P-wavedoublets: (D(s)1,D*(s)2), (B(s)1,B*(s)2) (D*(s)0,D’(s)1), (B*(s)0,B’(s)1) fundamentaldoublet: (D(s),D*(s)), (B(s),B*(s)) F. De Fazio INFN Bari
Qqmultiplets Strong transitionsbetweenmultiplets + pseudoscalar meson d-wave transition mesons are expectedtobenarrow + pseudoscalarmeson s-wave transition mesons are expected to be broad F. De Fazio INFN Bari
cqmultiplets Low lyingRad. Excitations F. De Fazio INFN Bari
csmultiplets Low lying F. De Fazio INFN Bari
csmultiplets Low lying D*K threshold D K threshold F. De Fazio INFN Bari
DsJ(2860) • DiscoveredbyBaBarCollab. • Reconstructed in • and in BaBar Collab., PRL 97 (06) 222001 Quantum numberassignmentrequired in ordertoidentifyit Possibilities: - low lying state notyetobserved - radialexcitationofanalreadyobserved state Onlystatesthat can decayto the observed mode DK are allowed F. De Fazio INFN Bari
csmultiplets Low lyingRadexcitations F. De Fazio INFN Bari
csmultiplets Low lyingRadexcitations forbidden forbidden forbidden forbidden forbidden F. De Fazio INFN Bari
csmultiplets Low lyingRadexcitations allowed forbidden forbidden allowed allowed forbidden forbidden allowed allowed forbidden F. De Fazio INFN Bari
DsJ(2710) Belle Collab.: analysisof the mode New resonance decaying to D0K+ with: implies P=-1 J=0 J=1 J=2 JP=1-favoured A broadstructure at M=2688 MeVwithG=112 MeV wasfoundbyBaBar in the DK mass distribution F. De Fazio INFN Bari
csmultiplets Low lyingRadexcitations F. De Fazio INFN Bari
csmultiplets Low lyingRadexcitations F. De Fazio INFN Bari
DsJ(2860) & DsJ(2710) predictions on alloweddecayrates can help todistinguishamong the variouspossibilities HQ limit: the membersof the doublets are describedbyeffectivefields: L=0 L=1 L=2 F. De Fazio INFN Bari
DsJ(2860) & DsJ(2710) Interactionswith the emissionof a light pseudoscalarmesondescribedbyeffectiveLagrangianterms H H p S H p T H p X H p X’ H p Analogoustermsdescribeinteractionsinvolvingradialexcitationdoublets: F. De Fazio INFN Bari
DsJ(2860) : resultsforwidthratios P. Colangelo, S. Nicotri, FDF PLB 642, 48 1 2 3 4 5 Would explain the observed narrowness F. De Fazio INFN Bari
DsJ(2860) Oursupportedoption: 5 • Signalexpected in D*K • Smallsignalexpectedalso in Ds In this case the smallwidth can beattributedto the suppression due to the kaonmomentumfactor: f-wave transition Assuming the experimentally measured width would predict in the typical range of these couplings The spin 2 partner coulddecay in p-wave due to the effectof 1/mQcorrections mayescape detection Ourconclusion: DsJ(2860) is likely to be a JP=3- state ShoulddecaytoD*K F. De Fazio INFN Bari
IdentifyingDsJ(2710) throughitsdecaymodes P. Colangelo, S. Nicotri, M. Rizzi, FDF Phys. Rev. D77, 014012 the dependence on the (unknown) couplings drops out The D*K decay is the signal that must be investigated in order to distinguish the two possible assignments F. De Fazio INFN Bari
BaBarAnalysisofD*Kfinalstates • D*Kinvariant mass spectrum • (background-subtracted) • angularanalysis Three peaks are visible: The angulardistributionisconsistentwith the expectationsforstateswithnaturalparity (0+,1-,2+,3-,…) for Ds1(2710) and DsJ(2860) BaBar, PRD80 (09 )092003 excludedby the observation of the D*K mode F. De Fazio INFN Bari
BaBarAnalysisofD*Kfinalstates • D*Kinvariant mass spectrum • (background-subtracted) • angularanalysis Three peaks are visible: The angulardistributionisconsistentwith the expectationsforstateswithnaturalparity (0+,1-,2+,3-,…) for Ds1(2710) and DsJ(2860) BaBar, PRD80 (09 )092003 excludedby the observation of the D*K mode tobediscussedlater… F. De Fazio INFN Bari
BaBarAnalysisofD*Kfinalstates Branching fractions Supports the identification of Ds1(2710) with 23S1 (first radial excitation of Ds*) Does not support or discard unambiguously any interpretation: still to be understood F. De Fazio INFN Bari
csmultiplets Low lyingRadexcitations F. De Fazio INFN Bari
csmultiplets Low lyingRadexcitations F. De Fazio INFN Bari
cqmesons BaBarobservesfournewstateswith charm and withoutstrangeness: BaBar, PRD 82 (10) 111101 F. De Fazio INFN Bari
cqmesons Studyof the distribution in the helicity angle qHfor the final state D*p BaBar, PRD 82 (10) 111101 Angle between the primaryp and the slow pfromD*decay Godfrey & Isgur (85) • Consistentwithassignementsof • NaturalparityforD*(2600) • JP=0+for D(2550) • Comparisonwithpotentialmodel • Seemsto indicate that • (D(2750),D*(2760)) are L=2 states F. De Fazio INFN Bari
cqmesons BaBarobservesfournewstateswith charm and withoutstrangeness: BaBar, PRD 82 (10) 111101 likelytobe the radialexcitationsof (D,D*) likelytobe L=2 states F. De Fazio INFN Bari
cqmultiplets Low lyingRad. Excitations F. De Fazio INFN Bari
cqmesons BaBar, PRD 82 (10) 111101 Experimentalratios: Theseratiostogetherwithmasses and widths can beusedtocheck the BaBarassignments F. De Fazio INFN Bari
cqmesons Branching fractionRatio IdentifyingD*(2600) with the first radialexcitationof D*0 weobtain: whileBaBarfinds: P. Colangelo & FDF, in preparation F. De Fazio INFN Bari
cqmultiplets: whichstates can decaybothtoDp and D*p? Low lyingRad. Excitations F. De Fazio INFN Bari
cqmultiplets: whichstates can decaybothtoDp and D*p? Branching fractionratiosfor the otherthreepossibilities:vs the mass of the decayingmeson No assignmentto a mesonof mass 2600 MeV wouldreproduce the expresult: Either HQ symmetryisstronglyviolated or a revisionof the experimentalanalysis isrequired F. De Fazio INFN Bari
DsJ(3040) The onlyadditional information isthatitdecays→ D*K YES → DK NO JP=1+, 2-, 3+,… F. De Fazio INFN Bari
csmultiplets Low lyingRadexcitations F. De Fazio INFN Bari
csmultiplets Low lyingRadexcitations F. De Fazio INFN Bari
csmultiplets Low lyingRadexcitations wouldimplyan (unlikely) mass inversionifDsJ(2860) hasbeenproperlyplaced F. De Fazio INFN Bari
DsJ(3040): howto discriminate among the fourpossibilities? • info fromRelativistic Quark Model (RQM) • Allowed strong decays: • - toD*(s) + light pseudoscalarmeson • D*K, D*s • - tomembersofhigherdoublets + a light pseudoscalarmeson • D*0K, D*s0 , D’1K • D1K, D*2K • - to D(s) + a light vectormeson • DK*, Ds F. De Fazio INFN Bari
DsJ(3040): howto discriminate among the fourpossibilities? • decays in s-wavetoD*K, Ds* (broader), has the largest R1 , • the largestwidthto light vectormesons P. Colangelo , FDF PRD81, 094001 F. De Fazio INFN Bari
DsJ(3040): howto discriminate among the fourpossibilities? • decays in s-wavetoD*K, Ds* (broader), has the largest R1 , • the largestwidthto light vectormesons P. Colangelo , FDF PRD81, 094001 • the two 2-statesshouldnotbeobserved in the decayto light vectormesons F. De Fazio INFN Bari
DsJ(3040): howto discriminate among the fourpossibilities? • decays in s-wavetoD*K, Ds* (broader), has the largest R1 , • the largestwidthto light vectormesons P. Colangelo , FDF PRD81, 094001 • the two 2-statesshouldnotbeobserved in the decayto light vectormesons • Ds2 cannotdecayto D1K butshouldhave the largestwidthto D2*K F. De Fazio INFN Bari
DsJ(3040): howto discriminate among the fourpossibilities? • decays in s-wavetoD*K, Ds* (broader), has the largest R1 , • the largestwidthto light vectormesons P. Colangelo , FDF PRD81, 094001 • the two 2-statesshouldnotbeobserved in the decayto light vectormesons • Ds2 cannotdecayto D1K butshouldhave the largestwidthto D2*K • look at the featuresof the spin partner F. De Fazio INFN Bari
DsJ(3040): howto discriminate among the fourpossibilities? • decays in s-wavetoD*K, Ds* (broader), has the largest R1 , • the largestwidthto light vectormesons P. Colangelo , FDF PRD81, 094001 • the two 2-statesshouldnotbeobserved in the decayto light vectormesons • Ds2 cannotdecayto D1K butshouldhave the largestwidthto D2*K • look at the featuresof the spin partner F. De Fazio INFN Bari
Concludingremarks • - all the observedcsstatesclassifiedasordinarymesons • DsJ(2700)identifiedwith D*’s • DJ(2600)mostlikelyits non strange partner: BR ratiotobereconsidered • Stilltobeunderstood: DsJ(2860) (JP = 3- ?) • DsJ(3040) variousalloweddecaymodesmay help in the classification • D(2750) and D(2760) : probably L=2 states F. De Fazio INFN Bari