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Get insight into the intertwining of politics and religion, invoking Calvin’s legacy. Explore current issues like debt, smear campaigns, and violence, impacting the upcoming Senate and House elections. Discover how identity politics and dehumanizing views lead to polarization. Stay informed for a conscientious vote!
Scripture • I Peter 2: 13-17 • Woe to those who call evilgood, and goodevil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! – Isaiah 5:20 • Pray and VOTE!!
What is Politics? • The way we choose to order our lives • The way we order our lives reflects our theological beliefs about God, human nature, and freedom of religion • The view that politics and religion don’t mix is a lie • We live in a Representative Republic, not a Democracy • Why? • Oldest Continuous Republic in the world? • City of Geneva Switzerland • Influence of John Calvin • Calvin’s Institutes: Authority and liberty, duties and rights, church and state • John Winthrop, John Adams relied on Calvin
Calvin’s Blueprint for Civil GovernmentThree Principles • Only God has sovereign rights • Sin has broken the direct government of God, thus, authority has been invested in men as a mechanical remedy. • Consistent with Madison in Federalist 51 • “If men were angels, no gov’t would be necessary” • In whatever form, no man has authority over another unless it comes from God
Calvin’s Influence • Magistrate, by punishment and physical restraint cleanse the people of “offenses” • The church is to preach the gospel with to convict sin so that fewer might sin. • Magistrate and minister to work hand-in-hand • Calvin lived in a “theonomous” culture…what is that?
Ravi on Culture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q716yOB4HDI
America • At the Founding, theological truths of the Judeo-Christian tradition were the ultimate foundation of all cultural forms. In a theonomous culture, religion is the prime motivational factor in every aspect of human existence. • However, when a legislative enactment is necessary to place ”under God” in a pledge of allegiance, it is too late—it no longer is. • What are we today?
Kavanaugh Smear by Senate Democrats and Media • On October 25, it was revealed that NBC had been sitting on information for weeks about a “witness” Avenatti provided to the network who, instead of confirming Julie Swetnick’s allegations, denied them. • Senate panel now suggests Avenatti and Swetnick “criminally conspired”.
CNN goes off the rails • CNN's Don Lemon: "We have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them.“
Portland (“Little Beirut”) • “Patriot Prayers” and “anti-fascists” • 15 such “face-offs” in the last 6 months • Mayor/police allowing antifa to run the city • McConnell, Cruz, Sarah Sanders shouted down in restaurants • Congressional Baseball game target GOP team • Pipe bombs and Jewish Temple
What is driving this? • Identity Politics, no striving for truth • Silencing of speech • Assault on Western Culture and on those who developed it • Gnostic (dehumanizing) worldview leads to violence • Ends justify the means - Kavanaugh
Mark Steyn on “De-normalization” • https://www.steynonline.com/8945/the-de-normalization-of-debate
Speech • "Hate speech" is free speech - because the concept of free speech exists for the speech you hate. In the modern world, "hate speech" is the enforcement arm of identity politics
The Melting Pot • In previous generations, Americans held common ground around basic American values – industriousness, religiosity, marriage and honesty – Coming Apart • Woe to those who call evilgood, and goodevil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! – Isaiah 5:20
The Senate • GOP holds 51-49 majority • 35 Seats in play • 14 safe Democrat • 4 safe GOP • GOP needs Cruz (TX), Hyde-Smith (MS), Blackburn (TN) and Cramer (ND - unseating Heitkamp) to get to 50 • Need 1 toss-up (NV, MO, IN, FL, AZ, MT) to maintain 51 majority.
Issue Before Us: The House • GOP holds 236-193 advantage, 6 vacancies, 435 total • Prognosticators: Democrat take control (218+) • 173 Dem and 150 GOP safe • 30 lean Dem (half those are GOP seats • 46 lean GOP (2 of those are Dem seats) • 36 toss-ups, only 5 of those are Dem incumbents
PA House Seats • Four seats PA5, PA6, PA7, PA17, all GOP seats, lean Dem • 1 seat, PA8, currently Dem, leans Dem • 1 Seat, PA14, currently Dem, leans GOP • 3 “toss-ups”, currently GOP, including PA1 • Brian Fitzpatrick/Scott Wallace PA1 is “toss-up” RCP avg. Fitz up 2.5% • Locally, M. Dean PA4 will win easily
Elections Have Consequences • If Democrats take majority: • They will control all the Committees • How much time will they invest trying to remove President Trump from office? • Repeal tax cuts?
What looms ahead? • https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=8-Sj7LE9xTM • Watch from 13:20 through 28:02