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NetApps PCard Application Instructions
For Approvers
New Online Application Process Timeline
Step 1 – E-mail is generated The applicant is required to provide the name and e-mail address of their direct supervisor. Once applicant submits the online application, the direct supervisor will receive an e-mail from Please check your Junk Mail folder if you do not see it in your Inbox. This e-mail contains: Link to access application Username Unique password Please do not discard this e-mail until you have completely approved the application.
Step 2- Log On Follow the link in the e-mail to reach the correct website Enter your e-mail address Copy and Paste your unique password from the e-mail notification received. The password entered must be exactly as it appears on the e-mail notification. Click Login
Click on the applicant’s name to open the application Step 3 – Open Application(s)
You will see the details entered by the cardholder but will not be able to modify this information. If there are any mistakes, please deny the application. The applicant will then have to complete and submit a second application. Step 4 – Supervisor Reviews Information on Application
Step 5 - Supervisor Completes the PI/Account Signer Information The supervisor will have to enter the PI/Account signer’s name, e-mail address and phone number into the application to obtain their approval. This second approval is required. In the event the Supervisor is the same person as the PI/Account signer, the approval will have to be done twice by that same person. These are required fields
Step 6 – Add your comments Supervisors and/or Account Signers have the option to add comments to the application. The comments section will appear after the cardholder’s department information section. These comments may include the business purpose of the applicant’s need for the PCard, or requests for different credit limits for Dept/SPA card.
Step 7 – Approve or Decline Application Scroll down to the end of the page to approve or decline the application. Reminder: If the Supervisor is one and the same as the PI/Account Signer, the approver will need to approve the application twice.
Step 8 – Verify Approval and Log Off Verify there are no additional applications pending your approval. Click here when done.
Problems or Questions? Corporate Cards Office 750 UM Gables One Tower Locator: 2978 Coral Gables Campus (305) 284-2417 Corporate Cards Manager: Hazel Burgess