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SPIRITUAL GUIDES’ VISION ABOUT CARNIVAL. “The dead also can follow the mas bands on the Carnival parades...” “The Carnival mas bands are not only followed by the dead...”. – CAETANO VELOSO. Main Sources.
SPIRITUAL GUIDES’ VISION ABOUT CARNIVAL “The dead also can follow the mas bands on the Carnival parades...” “The Carnival mas bands are not only followed by the dead...”. – CAETANO VELOSO
Main Sources ‘Nas fronteiras da Loucura’ (On the Border of Insanity) describes the aid activities developed by a big spiritual team to save both incarnate and discarnate, under the guidance of the spirit Dr. Bezerra de Menezes during the days Brazilians celebrated Carnival in Rio de Janeiro in the year 1982. “Between the Two Worlds” describes the spiritual help to the incarnate workers of the Gospel, who were facing great dangers.
Vibrational atmosphere around the Earth “Right after I returned to my spiritual life, I noticed that there were concentric vibrational bands which envolved the Earth. These vibrational bands started by the most condensed ones, closest to the physical area, until the most subtle ones, distant from the human movement on the Earth crust. They are vitalized by the successive mental waves emitted by the Earth inhabitants, who also undergo their pernitious condensed influence.” Source: 'Nas Fronteiras da Loucura' (On the Border of Insanity) – p. 135 by the Spirit 'Manoel P. Miranda'
MENTAL CONCENTRATION “The great mental concentration of millions of people, in their eargerness for Carnival celebrations, the irradiations emmitted by the ones who participated actively in it, and the ones who, for any reason, were feeling refrained from taking part in the celebrations, would negativelly affect the immense trevous area, which in its turn would affect back the ones responsible for its maintainence...” Source: 'Nas Fronteiras da Loucura' (On the Border of Insanity)– p. 137 by the Spirit 'Manoel P. Miranda'
Collective Obsessions “During Carnival, regretful collective obsessions are installed to numb millions of people, decimate existences, and hallucinate valuable individuals who are linked to beautiful dignifying projects.” Source: Entre os Dois Mundos (Between The Two Worlds) – p. 61 by the Spirit 'Manoel P. Miranda'
Affinity • Looking more accurately, I could notice, despite the strong light, there was a thick cloud, in which another crowd agitated itself. It was a discarnate crowd, meshing with terrestrial creatures. Both crowds were mixed up in such a way that it would be difficult to establish the border separating each one of the living vibrational bands. by DIVALDO PEREIRA FRANCO, dictated by the Spirit MANOEL PHILOMENO DE MIRANDA. Source: ENTRE OS DOIS MUNDOS (Between the Two Worlds), CAPÍTULO 4
Volunteer Victims of the Future Suffering • “Making it unbearable to the volunteer victims of the future suffering, the spiritual parasites who stick to them, the obsessors who dominate them, exploiting their energies, push them to the abyss of lust, of moral harm, of violence, so that they would keep them under a climate appropriate to the exaustive exploitation of their complete forces. Dictated to DIVALDO PEREIRA FRANCO, by the spirit MANOEL PHILOMENO DE MIRANDA. Source: Between the Two Worlds, CAPÍTULO 4
Difficulty to adjust to the normal life • After the wave of intoxication of the senses, the ashes of the party will be present in the tired bodies, befuddled minds, ungoverned emotions, and the individuals will wake up with immense difficulty to readjust to normal life, to ethical conventions, in need of continuing in the same bacchanalia until the consumption of their entire energy. Dictated to DIVALDO PEREIRA FRANCO, by the Spirit MANOEL PHILOMENO DE MIRANDA. Source: Between the Two Worlds, CAPÍTULO 4
Spiritual Beset “Because of the emotional break-downs promoted by the festivity exagerations of the less vigilant creatures, there is a disturbing spiritual beset on earthly society, when legions of unhappy idle perverse spirits are attracted to and sincronized with disadjusted minds” Source: ‘Entre os Dois Mundos’ (Between The Two Worlds) – p. 61 by the Spirit 'Manoel P. Miranda'
Stopping the growing wave of sensuality • It is very difficult, at this moment, to stop the growing wave of sensuality, eroticity, depravity, on the terrestrial glebe, especially in determined countries. • That happens because authorities who lead some cities and nations, with some understanding exceptions, are more concerned with deceiving electors than interested in their education. Dictated to DIVALDO PEREIRA FRANCO, by the spirit MANOEL PHILOMENO DE MIRANDA. Source: Between the Two Worlds, CAPÍTULO 4
The Origins of Carnival • Popular feasts of primitive peoples, which would dedicate themselves to the collective pleasures; 2. Roman feasts, called Saturnalia, when they sacrificed a human victim, previously chosen; 3. Bacchanalia, in Greece, when people honored god Dyonisius. (Dr. Bezerra de Menezes) Source: 'Nas Fronteiras da Loucura' (On the Border of Insanity) – p. 52 by the Spirit 'Manoel P. Miranda'
Words meaning • Saturnalia = Roman feasts honoring Saturn (the Roman god of agriculture), in which licensing and orgy were predominant. 2. Bacchanalia = a dissolute feast; debauchery; orgy. Ancient feasts honoring Bacchus. Bacchus = Roman god of wine Dionysus = The ancient Greek god of wine Sources: Enciclopédia e dicionário ilustrado (Encyclopedia and Illustrated Dictionary), by Abrahão Koogam and Antônio Houaiss.
Reasons for the feasts Need of discharging the tensions and repressions, according to studies on behaviour and psyche. Dr. Bezerra de Menezes Source: 'Nas Fronteiras da Loucura' (On the Border of Insanity) – p. 52 by the Spirit 'Manoel P. Miranda'
Etimology of the word ‘Carnival’ Etymology: from Latin "carnem levare" (eliminar a carne).Italian carnevale, alteration of earlier carnelevare, literally, removal of meat, from carne flesh (from Latin carn-, caro) + levare to remove, from Latin, to raise. www.m-w.com According to Dr. Bezerra de Menezes, the word “Carnaval” (“Carnival” in Portuguese) is an acronym built up from the expression “CARne NAda VALe” Source: 'Nas Fronteiras da Loucura' (On the Border of Insanity) – p. 54 by the Spirit 'Manoel P. Miranda'
Feast of the Senses Feast of the bodies, of the physical senses, in which creatures forget about the scruples, and about the shame, tangled up in alienation. Source: 'Nas Fronteiras da Loucura' (On the Border of Insanity) – p. 123 by the Spirit 'Manoel P. Miranda'
Reasoning for CARNIVAL “A revealing vibrational band of terrestrian human beings moves back and forth between the limits of the instinct and the prolegomenon of reasoning, rather eager for sensuality than for superior emotions. It is natural that the humanity allows itself to have the exagerations repressed throughout a whole year sintonize with similar entities. It is sad, however, that in regular days many of them present themselves as Jesus followers.” Source: 'Nas Fronteiras da Loucura' (On the Border of Insanity) – p. 52 by the Spirit 'Manoel P. Miranda'
The invisible population • 1. To the human eyes, the invisible population was excessively bigger than the incarnate; • 2. They disputed over the vapirization of the incarnate victims, who were commanded remotely; • 3. They estimulated the sensations and the alcoholic libations they took part in; • 4. They ingested drugs through their companions’ incarnate bodies. Source: 'Nas Fronteiras da Loucura' (On the Border of Insanity) – p. 24, 51, 112 by the Spirit 'Manoel P. Miranda'
The invisible population • 5. connected itself to deplorable transgressions and orgies; • 6. unbridled crowds attacked the burlesque transients, transmiting nefarious inductions; • 7. lingering nefarious obsessive processes started up this way; • 8. bestial and lupine like spirits, hangmen and techinicians in vampirazing the sexual tonus meshed with innumerous incarnates in an allarming promiscuity. Source: 'Nas Fronteiras da Loucura' (On the Border of Insanity) – p. 24, 51, 112 by the Spirit 'Manoel P. Miranda'
What does the Spiritism teaches? The thought modifies the environment. It attracts similar thoughts. ‘SOBRE O CARNAVAL’ (On Carnival) - by PEDRO HERBERT C. ONOFRE DE RIBEIRÃO PRETO, São Paulo (Brazil)
The Inspiration “Many people wearing costumes with gross expressions had gotten inspired in visits to inferior areas in the Lower Zone, where also many horror masks and deformities costumes were found in large numbers of copies”. Source: 'Nas Fronteiras da Loucura' (On the Border of Insanity) – p. 51 by the Spirit 'Manoel P. Miranda'
Nefarious Consequences • 1. grave molestations installed themselves in those opportunities; • 2. moral behaviours were altered because of the accelaration of the excessive appetites; • 3. affection disturbances are brought about after those illusions; • 4. lingering financial wreckage; • 5. delirious homicides, hallucinating suicides, cardiac arrests provoked by the excess of exercises and power exhaustion; • 6. discarnations by the excessive use of drugs; Source: 'Nas Fronteiras da Loucura' (On the Border of Insanity) – p. 59 and 97 by the Spirit 'Manoel P. Miranda'
Mediunism during Carnival celebrations “In the convulsive atmosphere of orgy, the medium would end up assimilating high charges of pernicious fluids, which would disturb his/her balance. This would made her become an easy prey of nefarious spiritual influences.” Source: 'Nas Fronteiras da Loucura' (On the Border of Insanity) – p. 167 by the Spirit 'Manoel P. Miranda'
The negative influence of television “The advent of the TV... Brings to our homes high burdens of information, which cannot be easily diggested. ...Through TV, we watch programs with lots of negative messages... Source: 'Nas Fronteiras da Loucura' (On the Border of Insanity) – p. 193-194 by the Spirit 'Manoel P. Miranda'
The negative influence of television When the TV set is off, the TV watcher doesn’t get ridd of the film with emotional content or the late news broadcasted. As a natural consequence, s/he gets agitated during the sleep detained in unsolved wonderings or going for the captured suggestions. It brings serious disturbances to her/his balance and to his/her personal peace”. Source: 'Nas Fronteiras da Loucura' (On the Border of Insanity) – p. 193-194 by the Spirit 'Manoel P. Miranda'
The negative influence of television • The television broadcasts Carnival celebrations as the peak of its program schedule, influencing even more the unvigilant minds. Even the more well intentioned campaigns contribute to this reality. ‘SOBRE O CARNAVAL’ (On Carnival) – by PEDRO HERBERT C. ONOFRE from RIBEIRÃO PRETO, São Paulo - SP
Explanations for the legalization • More recently new explanations for the bacchanalia were found, under the mighty searchlights of the media and of tourism. They make the perveted cities, which are also tired of lust, become more profitable. Psychographed by DIVALDO PEREIRA FRANCO, by the Spirit MANOEL PHILOMENO DE MIRANDA, extracted from ‘ENTRE OS DOIS MUNDO’ (Between the Two Worlds), chapter 4
Weird collective behaviours • The weird collective behaviour indeed attracts the observant tourists. Those crowds are considered underdeveloped, primitive, taking their times inside luxurious boxes, just like the ancient Greeks contemplating the festive arenas, where legal homicides mixed themselves up with the dancing, gladiator fights, and the obscene theatre... Psychographed by DIVALDO PEREIRA FRANCO, by the Spirit MANOEL PHILOMENO DE MIRANDA, extracted from ‘ENTRE OS DOIS MUNDO’ (Between the Two Worlds), chapter 4
The unbreathable air • How to forget one of the lessons of the collection of books dictated by the Spirit ANDRÉ LUIZ, in which the author describes the migration of a phalanx of obscure spirits, seeming like shadows getting closer to the Brazilian cities during Carnival celebrations? • Using André Luiz’s words: ‘the air is unbreathable’. ‘SOBRE O CARNAVAL’ (About Carnival) – by PEDRO HERBERT C. ONOFRE from RIBEIRÃO PRETO, São Paulo - SP
O ESPÍRITA E O CARNAVAL • Many Spiritists, naively, judge that the participation in mime’s fests, so adored by Brazilians, doesn’t bring any evil to our psycho-spiritual integrity. And, in fact, there wouldn’t be any bigger damage, if they all were thinking and playing in a healthy climate, of legitimate fraternity. Unfortunately, however, the reality is pretty different. ‘O ESPÍRITA E O CARNAVAL’ (The Spiritist and Carnival) – by PEDRO FEGUNDES AZEVEDO
Conclusions on Carnival • According to an article published some time ago by Correio Brasiliense, an important newspaper in Brasilia, the capital city of Brazil, a group of psychologists came to some conclusions after studying about Carnival: ‘O ESPÍRITA E O CARNAVAL’ (The Spiritist and Carnival) - by PEDRO FEGUNDES AZEVEDO
Conclusions regarding Carnival • “(...) For every 10 couples who go enthusiastically for Carnival, 7 finish the night arguing (they undergo scenes of jelousy and intrigues); From the same 10 couples, 3 end up in adultery; For each 10 people (men and women), at least 7 submit themselves to the use of alcohol or other drugs they usually are intimidated by in their dayly routines (...) ‘O ESPÍRITA E O CARNAVAL’ (The Spiritist and Carnival) – by PEDRO FEGUNDES AZEVEDO
Conclusions regarding Carnival • “This group of psychologists concluded that all that happens because of the ecstasy atained during the huge celebrations of Carnival, when the feeling of freedom and equity, but also the orgy and depravity, estimulated by alcohol, make people behave themselves outside their normal patterns (...)”. ‘O Espírita e o Carnaval’ (The Spiritist and Carnival) – by Pedro Fegundes Azevedo
Will Carnival come to an end one day? “Carnival is a vestige of barbarism and primitivism still rulling on Earth. It will vanish from Earth when the pure happiness, youth, satisfaction,and the real jubilation replace the passions of violent pleasures and when mankind awake to beauty, and to arts, without aggressiveness or promiscuity.” Source: ‘'Nas Fronteiras da Loucura'’ (On the Border of Insanity) – p. 52 and 53 by the Spirit 'Manoel P. Miranda'
Emmanuel’s opinion • No Spirit in good reasoning and facing the common sense, which should preside the existence of creatures, can make an eulogy to generalized insanity which make the conscience fall asleep during the Carnival celebration. Author:CHICO XAVIER (Medium)EMMANUEL (Spirit)
Emmanuel’s Opinion • During those moments of sentimental indiscipline, there is a large access from the trevous forces to the hearts and sometimes a whole existence is not enough to make precise repairings of one hour of insanity and forgetfulness of duties. Author:CHICO XAVIER (Medium)EMMANUEL (Spirit)
Emmanuel’s Opinion Instead of investing in similar celebrations, a highly meritorious action would be to use all that investiment in social assistance to the needy of bread and warmth. Author:CHICO XAVIER (Medium)EMMANUEL (Spirit)
“How does Spiritism evaluates this popular party?” • Spiritism clarifies what the consequences for those acts are. We have to use our free will to chose which way we want to take. ‘SOBRE O CARNAVAL’ (About Carnival) – by PEDRO HERBERT C. ONOFRE From RIBEIRÃO PRETO, SP
Education as a primary base • “When the ethics and the morals revive in the social organism, only education will show that to be happy and to have fun, it is not necessary to slander the being or desintegrate it in a single day, forgeting about its eternity.” Psychographed by DIVALDO PEREIRA FRANCO, dictated by the Spirit MANOEL PHILOMENO DE MIRANDA. Source: ‘ENTRE OS DOIS MUNDO’, (Between the Two Worlds) - Chapter 4
Bibliography • ‘ENTRE OS DOIS MUNDO’ (Between the Two Worlds) – psychographed by DIVALDO PEREIRA FRANCO. Dictated by the Spirit MANOEL PHILOMENO DE MIRANDA. • ‘'Nas Fronteiras da Loucura'’ (On the Border of Insanity) psychographed by DIVALDO PEREIRA FRANCO. Dictated by the Spirit MANOEL PHILOMENO DE MIRANDA • ‘SOBRE O CARNAVAL’ (About Carnival) – by PEDRO HERBERT C. ONOFRE DE RIBEIRÃO PRETO, São Paulo • ‘CONDUTA ESPÍRITA’ (Spirit Conduct) – Psychographed by WALDO VIEIRA. Dictated by the Spirit ANDRÉ LUIZ • ‘MENSAGEM SOBRE O CARNAVAL’ (A Message About Carnival). Psychographed by: CHICO XAVIER Dictated by EMMANUEL • Article: ‘O ESPÍRITA e o CARNAVAL’ (The Spiritist and Carnival) – by PEDRO FEGUNDES AZEVEDO • Article: ‘SOBRE O CARNAVAL’ (About Carnival) – by PEDRO HERBERT C. ONOFRE DE RIBEIRÃO PRETO, São Paulo • ‘ENCICLOPÉDIA E DICIONÁRIO ILUSTRADO’ (Encyclopedia and Illustrated Dictionary), by ABRAHÃO KOOGAM and ANTÔNIO HOUAISS. • ‘O CARNAVAL NA VISÃO DOS ORIENTADORES ESPIRITUAIS’ (CEFAK) – (Carnival according to Spiritual Guiders’ perspective)
The End GRUPO ESPÍRITA ALLAN KARDECwww.luzdoespiritismo.com Translated by Ana Claudia Monteiro Silva - Canadá