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UNEP / Division of Early Warning and Assessment (DEWA)

UNEP / Division of Early Warning and Assessment (DEWA) EEA TACIS PROJECT “DEVELOP-MENT OF C.S.I. ENV’L INDICATORS METHODOLOGICAL GUIDE AND COMPENDIUM” FOR EECCA. A Presentation for the UNECE/CEP “Working Group on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (WGEMA)”

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UNEP / Division of Early Warning and Assessment (DEWA)

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  1. UNEP / Division of Early Warning and Assessment (DEWA) EEA TACIS PROJECT “DEVELOP-MENT OF C.S.I. ENV’L INDICATORS METHODOLOGICAL GUIDE AND COMPENDIUM” FOR EECCA. A Presentation for the UNECE/CEP “Working Group on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (WGEMA)” Palais des Nations, Geneva, 27-29 Nov. 2006

  2. Towards the Belgrade Report in 2007… http://belgrade-consultation.ewindows.eu.org /reports/rep285401 Only (four) more days for comments!

  3. EEA TACIS Project Background Main Purpose: Improve capacities in the EECCA countries to develop, apply and maintain an agreed “core set of env’l indicators” (CSI), using guidelinesmanual prepared by UNECE, to support pan-European reporting on env’l state and trends. Main Output: An “Indicators Compendium” covering part of the CSI, to accompany the next (4th) pan-European ~ Belgrade Assessment report.

  4. EECCA Indicators Compendium Activities during second half of 2006: • Development of sample indicators by joint EEA/UNEP consultant, mostly from inter- national (and some national) sources. • Organisation of three sub-regional workshops (C. Asia, Caucasus and E. Europe) to train EECCA staff to prepare env’l. indicators using the UNECE-produced guide(-lines), and help to improve this methodology. • Results of the three workshops served to inform the overall UNECE “Use of Env’l Indicators Workshop” in Donetsk on 31 Oct. - 2 Nov. • Final reports and input docs to be put on-line.

  5. EECCA Indicators Compendium Summary of the three “mini-workshops”: • Costs were covered by UNEP/DEWA~Europe from capacity building funds, additional to those provided for EEA-led TACIS project. • A sub-regional approach was taken: Dushanbe for five C. Asian; Kyiv for four E. Europe; and Tbilisi for three Caucasus countries. • Local hosts/organisers were used in each case: NBBC for Dushanbe; CECA for Kyiv; and an independent consultant for Tbilisi. • Eleven of 12 EECCA countries participated; 23 persons (two/country) in total trained.

  6. EECCA Indicators Compendium Summary of the three “mini-workshops”: • The main topics covered were: UNECE draft guidelines and how to improve same; early EECCA core indicators & how to improve; and comments on draft Belgrade Report. • Among the draft indicators, focus was on air, energy, transport, (fresh) water and wastes. - energy intensity; - freight transport; - household water use per capita; and - water abstraction. • Participants were asked to do data validation, and eventually support data “gap-filling”.

  7. EECCA Indicators Compendium Plans during first half of 2007: • Prepare Compendium first draft (Jan.-March). • Consultation (on-line) on draft with EECCA countries, and “gap-filling” (thru April)*. • Prepare final version of Compendium (May). • Translation of final Compendium (June). • Printing and dissemination (by July). • Indicators Compendium will then appear at Belgrade Conference, along with Report. * - Want to make the process as interactive as possible!

  8. EECCA Indicators Compendium Proposed contents/structure: • Main rationale for including each indicator. • What is the key policy question addressed? • What key message is to be derived/explained? • Basic definition of each of the ~15 indicators. • Overall assessment of each of ~15 indicators. • The policy context/link for each indicator. • Each indicator in four pages text & graphics (English/Russian, so eight pgs. overall). • All 12 EECCA countries to be covered, within the limits of data availability…

  9. Quick Update on GEO-4 Status Draft Two ==> Draft Three: • Review of draft two completed in October. • 3rd GEO-4 “Production and Authors Meeting” held in Cairo on 13-17 November. • Draft three to be completed by 30 November. • EEA staff serving as lead author for “Regional Perspectives” chapter 6 European section, and scenarios in “Outlook” chapter 9. • GEO-4 translation and printing by March’07. • Planning joint pre-launch or publicity event w EEA for GEO-4 & Belgrade (when/where?). • GEO for Ice/snow; GEO Yearbook 2007 etc.

  10. Merci Spasebo Thank you

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