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Prof. Dr. Harun Raşit UYSAL Ege University Tire Kutsan Vocational High School

3rd I nternational C onference and E xhibition on F ood P rocessing & T echnology Las Vegas. European and Turkish dairy sector: Traditional dairy products at a glance. Prof. Dr. Harun Raşit UYSAL Ege University Tire Kutsan Vocational High School. TURKEY AT A GLANCE.

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Prof. Dr. Harun Raşit UYSAL Ege University Tire Kutsan Vocational High School

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  1. 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on FoodProcessing & TechnologyLasVegas European and Turkish dairy sector: Traditional dairy products at a glance Prof. Dr. Harun Raşit UYSAL Ege University Tire Kutsan VocationalHighSchool

  2. TURKEY AT A GLANCE REPULIC OF TURKEY Population: 77.804.122 Most Populous City: Istanbul Goverment: Parliamentary Democracy Offical Language: Turkish

  3. Agriculture in TURKEY • Agriculturalproduct of Turkeyvalued 62 billion $ • ThisvaluemadeTurkeyseventhof scale in theworld • Thebalancebetweenexportandimportin agriculturalandfood industry is in favor of exportwith4.5 billion$ • Turkish dairysector’valueis the first in foodsector • Rawmilkproductionshowsthesamesituationin the livestock

  4. Livestock Holding Total Livestockin 2013 53.042.643 Heads

  5. Milking Animals Populationgrowthratefortotal milkinganimalsbetween2009-2013:55 %

  6. Supplyof The Raw milk Cottages Cooperatives Merchaits Farms CoolingCenter Transfer Production

  7. Milk Production in Turkey (million tonnes) Milkproductionincrease rateforthe last4years 40%

  8. Regional Milk Production (tonnes) Most Producing Provinces Izmir,Balıkesir,Konya, Aydın, Çanakkale,Denizli,Burdur

  9. Liquid Milk Production Liquid Milk isproduced Liquidmilkproductiongrowth rate between 2009-2013; 20% UHT 90% Pasteurised10%

  10. Cheese Production 96 % of the total production is made fromcow’smilk Cheese productiongrowth rate duringlastfouryears 120 % 204Differentkindofcheeseis produced

  11. Yogurtand Ayran Production(x1000 tonnes) Yogurtproduction growth ratebetween 2009-2013: 38 % Ayranproduction growth ratebetween 2009-2013: 97%

  12. Butter,milkpowder, concentratedmilkproduction Amount (tonnes) *:the first ten months period

  13. Yearly Milk/Feed Price 1,8 1,6 1,4 1,2 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 1,562 1,226 1,331 1,137 1,113 1,163 0,7637 0,707 0,825 0,5430,6062 0,567 0,445 0,709 30,426 0,489 1,378 1,2 0,9 0,75 0,709 0,635 0,533 0,44 0,323 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 FeedPrice 0,323 0,443 0,533 0,426 0,489 0,635 0,709 0,75 RawMilkPrice 0,445 0,543 0,6062 0,567 0,764 0,707 0,825 0,9 Ratio 1,378 1,226 1,137 1,331 1,562 1,113 1,163 1,2

  14. Liquid Milk Consumption PERCAPITA MILKCONSUMPTIONINMILK EQUIVALENT: 230 KG 2012 2013 LiquidMilkConsumption percapitais estimated 33,1kg

  15. ForeignTrade 282

  16. ForeignTrade

  17. Farm Structure 80 % of total farmshavebetween 1-9 cows

  18. EU Cooperatives

  19. Analysisof theSectoralSituation

  20. TRADITIONALCHEESE TOTALNUMBER OFUNITS TOTALPRODUCTION TRADITIONAL CHEESE (TONNES/YEAR) Cheese 755 158 65 143 13 667 171 5692111 95981 1279 24171 1037 2794754 368811 White ProcessedCheese PrecipitatedCheese DilCheese(Tongue) HellimCheese KasarCheese(Khasckaval) VillageTypeofCheese

  21. TRADITIONALCHEESE TOTALNUMBER OFUNITS TOTALPRODUCTION TRADITIONAL CHEESE (TONNES/YEAR) 8 506 19 169 37 371 11 119.6 387388 571.9 38885 442.5 599885 11547 MoldyCheese LorCheese HerbyCheese(Otlu) MeshCheese(Orgu) FreshCreamCheese TulumCheese(Skin) FreshCheese(Flavored)

  22. LOCAL CHEESE LOCALCHEESE TOTALNUMBER OFUNITS TOTALPRODUCTION (TONNES/YEAR) 15 4 7 8 58 103 2673 2388 90,6 323 2904 2786.4 EzineCheese YorukCheese KolotCheese(Golot) MarasParmesanCheese AntepCheese OtherLocalCheeses

  23. CHEESE FOREIGN STYLE FOREI GN STYLECHEESE TOTALNUMBER OFUNITS TOTALPRODUCTION (TONNES/YEAR) 1 7 5 3 3 13 2 18 0.0 5365 11927 3336 12702 219 10.6 4934,4 Camambert Cheese CheddarCheese EdamCheese EmmentalCheese GoudaCheese GruyereCheese Parmesan Cheese Mozzarella Cheese

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