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DENIZYILDIZLARI TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL. WATER IN OUR LIFE. QUESTIONNAIRE. We as the WIOL team prepared a questionnaire about water which includes 20 questions . We applied the questionnaire to 50 people in our town – Darıca. Here are the results :.
QUESTIONNAIRE We as the WIOL teamprepared a questionnaireaboutwaterwhichincludes 20 questions. Weappliedthequestionnaireto 50 people in ourtown – Darıca. Herearetheresults :
Question 1) Whatkind of water do youusuallydrink?a) tap water b) bottledwater c) both d) other Thisshowsthatmostpeopleprefertodrinkbottledwater. It is becausetheythinkthewatercomingfromthe tap is dirtyin Turkey. However, nowadaysit is saidthattheysendcleanwatertohomesandpeople can drink tap waterWe can seethis in theresults. Peoplestart todrinktap waterin theirhomes, too.
Question 2) Areyouinterested in beinginformedaboutsavingwater at home?a) yes b) maybe c) not at all Thisresultshowsthatpeoplearestillnot aware of theimportance of water. So, in ordertoraiseawarenesson thistopic, peopleshould be informedabouthowimportantsavingwateris andthewaysto do it.
Question 3) Do youbelievethatwaterconsumption is a seriousenvironmental problem? a) yes b) no c) I don’tcare Theresultshowsthattherearepeoplewhocannotpredicthowseriouswaterconsumption problem is.
Question 4) Do youusuallyleavethewaterrunwhilebrushingyourteeth? a) always b) sometimes c) never So, thenumber of peoplewastingwaterwhilebrushingteetharemorethantheoneswhodon’t.There is a proverb: “Many a littlemakesthemickle”. Ifpeopletrytosavewaterinstead of wasting it, theywill not havewatershortages in thefuture. If it is theopposite, a bigthreat is comingsoon.
Question 5) Do youexperiencewatershortages in yourregion?a) usually b) sometimes c) rarely d) never As wesee in theresults, themajority of peoplesufferfromwatershortageswhich is a bigproblem for us nowadaysandmostprobably in thefuture.
Question 6) Whatkind of watersystem do youhave?a) centralwater b) wellwater c) other As a result, weseethatpeopleusecentralwatersystemmostly. Itmay be becausewelive in apartmentsnowadays. We do not havegardens of ourhouses.
Question 7) Howwouldyou rate thequality of water in yourarea?a) excellent b) good c) satisfactory d) poor Whenwehave a look at theresults, weseethatmostpeoplearehappywiththequality of water in theirarea. Theythink it is okaydespite not beinggreat.
Question 8) Howoftendo youhave a bathor a shower?a) 1–2 times a week b) 3–4 times a week c) more d) other Accordingtotheresults, weseethat at least 1-2 times in a weekthepeople in Darıca have a bathor a shower. Peopleusewaterfor a lot of reasons. This is justone of thewaysweuse it.
Question 9) What is yourfamily’sattitudetowardssavingwater?a) Weoften talk about it b) We talk about it from time to timec) Wedon’tmentionit d) Other As wesee, thepeopleare not aware of theimportance of savingwater. Theyuse it but they do not thinkaboutthefuture. It is necessarythatpeopleshould be informedaboutsavingwater.
Question 10) Trytoestimateyourpersonalmonthlywaterconsumption(in yourhousehold)?a) lessthan 1000 litres b)1000–2000 litres c)2000–3000 litres d)more As a conclusion, wemay say thatwater is themostcrucialthing in ourlives. Weneedto be aware of thisandshouldn’twastethewater.