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Sequential dropsonde patterns 1-2 days apart

Mike Douglas/NSSL: To describe mesoscale structure of amplifying wave before over-ocean spin-up… Are waves already amplifying before crossing the coast?. Mesoscale “module” to measure vorticity of the wave trough to quantify amplification and eye development…

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Sequential dropsonde patterns 1-2 days apart

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mike Douglas/NSSL: To describe mesoscale structure of amplifying wave before over-ocean spin-up…Are waves already amplifying before crossing the coast? Mesoscale “module” to measure vorticity of the wave trough to quantify amplification and eye development… AM flights to minimize flights into strong convective systems… Measure relative intensity of waves in lower troposphere during Aug-Sept with network of pilot balloon stations … 3 times daily soundings Provides “context” for DC-8 flights… Sequential dropsonde patterns 1-2 days apart

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