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בס"ד. FLEXCOMP Lab The Challenge of Parallel Architectures: An Integrative Approach. A few slides are based on presentations by Katherine Yelick (UC-Berkeley) and David A. Wood (UW-Madison). D. Dayan, M. Goldstein, S. Mizrahi, R. B. Yehezkael JCT , January 2011 – שבט תשע "א. Motivation.
בס"ד FLEXCOMP LabTheChallengeofParallelArchitectures:AnIntegrativeApproach A few slides are based on presentations by Katherine Yelick (UC-Berkeley) and David A. Wood (UW-Madison). D. Dayan, M. Goldstein, S. Mizrahi, R. B. Yehezkael JCT, January 2011 – שבט תשע"א FLEXCOMP Lab Presentation
Motivation • Multicore processors are here! - Intel, AMD, Sun, … are shipping their multi-core processors. - The computing power of desktops, servers and the cloud, are being transformed by multi-core processors. • But Parallel Programming ishard! - Few people have any realexperience and knowledge to program multi-processor systems. - Parallel programmingmust be madeeasier: - Whatdoapplication programmersneed to easily program parallel systems? - Whatshould programming languages and/or models provide programmers in order to make parallel programming easier? FLEXCOMP Lab Presentation
Making Parallel Programming Easier: a proposal We intend to concentrate research efforts on three interrelated topics Programming Hardware Education for Parallel Thinking FLEXCOMP Lab Presentation
Making Parallel Programming Easier: a proposal We intend to concentrate research efforts on three interrelated topics • Programming • – A Flexible Execution Embedded Language is in the making. • Hardware • –Hardware supportforFlexible Executionwill be developed. • Education for Parallel Thinking • –Educational Material appropriate for Parallelismwas and will • be developed forparallel programming courses. FLEXCOMP Lab Presentation
What was done in the past • Flexible Algorithms – The idea • -A flexible algorithm allows variousexecution orders • (parallel / asynchronous), but the end result well defined. • Asynchronous means sequential in any order. • -Declarative notation with algorithmic style. • -Notationally simple and multifaceted. • Flexible Algorithms - Course for Beginners • Simple Flexible Language – SFL • -A prototype compiler was developed in 2002 by Isaac Dayan. FLEXCOMP Lab Presentation
What was done in the past • Educational Approach • Emphasis on flexible algorithms - early awareness of parallelism • Reading - Executing – Understanding • Converting flexible algorithms to hardware block diagrams (a.c.) • Converting flexible algorithms to sequential algorithms (t.r.) • Computational Induction - Deeper understanding • Changes to (and writing) flexible algorithms • Overall description of systems using flexible algorithms (a.c.) • Broaden outlook of students - important in a first CS course. FLEXCOMP Lab Presentation
Flexible Algorithms Functionalform: Parameters for values received (IN variables) Parameters for values returned (OUT variables) (noINOUT variables) Function calls and compositions. Set of statements - once only and compositeassignments FLEXCOMP Lab Presentation
Flexible Algorithms – An Example Reversing part of a vector function v' •= reverse(v, low, high); { if (low<high) {v'high •= vlow; v' •= reverse (v, low+1, high-1); // ** v'low •= vhigh;} else if (low=high) {v'high •= v high;}; } // end reverse ** Also may be written as: reverse (low•=low+1; high•=high-1); The values of low and high are not changed by the statements low •= low+1, high •= high-1. There are separate variables for each call or activation of a function. FLEXCOMP Lab Presentation
Suppose that v=(1,2,3,4,5) and we wish to execute: r' •= reverse (v,0,4); Parallel execution method set of statements r' { r' •= reverse (v, 0, 4); } ( _, _, _, _, _ ) { r'4 •= v0; r' •= reverse (v, 1, 3); r'0 •= v4; } ( _, _, _, _, _ ) { r'3 •= v1; r' •= reverse (v, 2, 2); r'1 •= v3; } ( 5, _, _, _, 1 ) { r'2 •= v2; } ( 5, 4, _, 2, 1 ) { } ( 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ) 5 lines Flexible Algorithms – An Example FLEXCOMP Lab Presentation
Sequential execution left to right with immediate execution of the function call at left set of statements r' { r' •= reverse (v, 0, 4); } ( _, _, _, _, _ ) { r'4 •= v0; r' •= reverse (v, 1, 3); r'0 •= v4; } ( _, _, _, _, _ ) { r' •= reverse (v, 1, 3); r'0 •= v4; } ( _, _, _, _, 1 ) { r'3 •= v1; r' •= reverse (v, 2, 2); r'1 •= v3; r'0 •= v4; } ( _, _, _, _, 1 ) { r' •= reverse (v, 2, 2); r'1 •= v3; r'0 •= v4; } ( _, _, _, 2, 1 ) { r'2 •= v2; r'1 •= v3; r'0 •= v4; } ( _, _, _, 2, 1 ) { r'1 •= v3; r'0 •= v4; } ( _, _, 3, 2, 1 ) { r'0 •= v4; } ( _, 4, 3, 2, 1 ) { } ( 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ) 9 lines Flexible Algorithms – An Example FLEXCOMP Lab Presentation
Sequential execution left to right with delayed execution of the function call at left set of statements r' { r' •= reverse (v, 0, 4); } ( _, _, _, _, _ ) { r'4 •= v0; r' •= reverse (v, 1, 3); r'0 •= v4; } ( _, _, _, _, _ ) { r' •= reverse (v, 1, 3); r'0 •= v4; } ( _, _, _, _, 1 ) { r' •= reverse (v, 1, 3); } ( 5, _, _, _, 1 ) { r'3 •= v1; r' •= reverse (v, 2, 2); r'1 •= v3; } ( 5, _, _, _, 1 ) { r' •= reverse (v, 2, 2); r'1 •= v3; } ( 5, _, _, 2, 1 ) { r' •= reverse (v, 2, 2); } ( 5, 4, _, 2, 1 ) { r'2 •= v2;} ( 5, 4, _, 2, 1 ) { } ( 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ) 9 lines ... הכל צפוי והרשות נתונה ... Flexible Algorithms – An Example FLEXCOMP Lab Presentation
Flexible ExecutionEmbedded Language Hardware Supportfor Flexible Execution Education for Parallel Thinking Flexible Algorithms – Work to be done FLEXCOMP Lab Presentation
Education for Parallel Thinking • Amdahl's Law. • Integrated course on flexible algorithms • and digital logic (also for secondary schools?). • Advanced course on flexible algorithms and • parallel programming. FLEXCOMP Lab Presentation
Embedded Flexible Language (EFL) Should annotations be allowed? Annotations would indicate in the EFL code where parallelism should be used, since too much parallelism can be inefficient. Annotations do not affect the results produced by the program and may be ignored by the EFL pre-compiler (e.g. if there is only one processor). // Host language code (Python, Java, etc.) ……….. ……….. EFL { ……….. ……….. } // Host language code (Python, Java, etc.) ……….. ……….. EFL { ……….. ……….. } FLEXCOMP Lab Presentation
Embedded Flexible Language (EFL) // Host language code (Python, Java, etc.) ……….. ……….. EFL { ……….. ……….. } // Host language code (Python, Java, etc.) ……….. ……….. EFL { ……….. ……….. } Interface between the Host language and EFL - Flexible execution supported in EFL blocks. - Only sequential execution allowed in (non-EFL) host language code. We have been working on the design of this interface FLEXCOMP Lab Presentation
MDA for EFL – Our Goals • Domain : EFL language • Aims : • Grammar of the EFL language formal and precise • Decomposition for separating the independent components and dependant of the platform • Facilitate the transformations to the PSMs and to the code. FLEXCOMP Lab Presentation
MDA application • An MDA application is composed of: • Platform independent model (PIM). • Platform(s) dependant model(s) (PSM). • Transformations : describe the passage of the source model to the various target platforms. FLEXCOMP Lab Presentation
MDA - Model Transformations (figure from: Bezivin, J. et Blanc, X., "MDA : Vers un Important Changement de Paradigme en Génie Logiciel", 2002) FLEXCOMP Lab Presentation
MDA – Overview of the PIM meta-model FLEXCOMP Lab Presentation
MDA – Transformation from PIM to PSM FLEXCOMP Lab Presentation
MDA – Code Generation from PSMs • The syntactic translation • The semantic translation FLEXCOMP Lab Presentation
Hardware Support for Flexible Execution Composite Assignments - Asynchronous execution x f= e; // means the new value of x = (current value of x) f e; // f is a binary operator and e, e0, ..., en are expressions. x = e0; // Initial value of x x f= e1; // Composite assignment ... x f= en; // Composite assignment Asynchronous execution of composite assignments is well definedif ((a f b) f c) = ((a f c) f b). Values of the expressions e0, ..., en may be computed in parallel. Once only assignment is a special case of composite assignment. FLEXCOMP Lab Presentation
Hardware Support for Flexible Execution • Use of "or=" ("and=") composite assignment is suggested. • Capacitance based memories give the possibility of implementing these operations very simply. • Paradoxically, there is no need to read the contents of the memory to perform "or=", and this may be done in parallel. • The end result is well defined. • Similarly regarding "and=". FLEXCOMP Lab Presentation
DRAM עיקרון פעולה תהליך הכתיבה נעשה ע"י בחירת שורה ועמודה באמצעות קווי הכתובת. הMUX במצב 1 ולכן המידע שנמצא ב BUS גורם לטעינת או פריקת הקבל שנבחר באמצעות קווי הכתובת. בתהליך קריאה קווי הכתובת בוחרים את השורה עמודה המתאימה, הMUX במצב 0, והמידע יוצא לBUS דרך מעגלי sense amplifier בגלל שרכיב הזיכרון הינו קבל שיש לו זליגה עצמית, יש צורך ברענון הזיכרון, מקובל לעבוד בקצב רענון של 64msec. Hardware Support for Flexible Execution FLEXCOMP Lab Presentation
Hardware Support for Flexible Execution FLEXCOMP Lab Presentation
The FLEXCOMP People Staff David Dayandavid674@bezeqint.net Moshe Goldsteingoldmosh@jct.ac.il Shimon Mizrahishimon@jct.ac.il Raphael B. Yehezkaelrafi@jct.ac.il Students Or Berlowitz Sarit Gutman Max (Mordechai) Rabin Efrat Tamir Others Isaac Baron (JCT graduate, currently completing his PhD) Isaac Dayan (JCT graduate, currently not at any college) FLEXCOMP Lab Presentation