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Java Multimedia Player Project

A Java application developed by Omer Boker and Yoel Krasny at Technion, offering playback, conversion, playlist management, and GUI for multimedia files. Built on Java Multimedia Framework with multi-platform support.

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Java Multimedia Player Project

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  1. Electrical Engineering Software Lab - Technion Java Multimedia Player Project Winter semester 2001/02 Developers: Omer Boker Yoel Krasny Supervisor: Yan Futerman

  2. Project Definition • Multimedia Player and Converter. • The project is built as stand alone Java application. • The project is built as multi-platform application, in purpose to run on every platform that has java virtual machine. • The application is based on Java Multimedia Framework which is Sun java library supporting multimedia applications.

  3. Project Features • Playing and presenting multimedia files from all popular formats. • Converting multi media files from one format to another. • Possibility to save multimedia files in each format. • Managing play lists. • Playing play lists in consecutive or random order. • Provide the user a convenient and multimedia-oriented Graphical User Interface.

  4. MultiPlatform Media Player

  5. Playing media files in JMF Playing media file in JMF is possible through the Player Interface. The Player activity is determined by its state, and it uses events to notify its user of state transition. Player is dedicated to specific media file, which its path/URL is given to the Player upon creation. Unrealized Prefeteched Realized Started Playerstates

  6. Playing media files in JMF Unrealized – The initial state of the Player. In this state the Player doesn’t recognize the media file format and no resources are allocated. Unrealized Prefeteched Realized Started Player.realize()

  7. Play Lists Management

  8. Play Lists basic configuration GUI ManagementFrame User PlayListManager PlayList PlayList PlayList playLists mediaEntities mediaEntities mediaEntities MediaEntity MediaEntity current media lentity MediaEntity current play list

  9. Media file playing – Play List control (Solution) Wakes up every timeout time Open mediafile playeris dead? Prepareplayer Startplayer Kill player has eom arrived? Yes Yes No No End of media Event End of mediaflag Media file progress Play List Module End of mediaflag

  10. WAV The Converter The media file format conversion is performed using a dedicated Processor for each conversion. The Converter class uses event driven model of operation by listening from one hand to GUI events and from other hand to Processor Event. GUI Events Processor Events User Converter Processor Source file Memory

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