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Explore direct and indirect measuring methods, absolute vs. comparative measurement, contact vs. contactless measuring, and types of measuring instruments based on metrological properties. Learn about length standards, calipers, and steel rules. Discover the importance of accuracy and calibration in measurements.
Linear Measurements References : 1. handbok of dimensional measurement 2. http://fetweb.ju.edu.jo/staff/me/jyamin/ 3. http://www.phy.uct.ac.za/courses/c1lab/vernier1.html
The measuring instrument / methods can be classified in various manner.
Direct / indirect measuring • Direct measuring : in which the measured value is determined directly. Example: micrometer, vernier caliper. 2. Indirect measuring: in which the dimension is determined by measuring other values functionally related to the required value. example: divider, caliper.
Absolute / comparative measuring • Absolute : here, the zero division of the instrument corresponds with the zero value of the measured dimension. • Comparative : Here, only the deviations of the measured dimensions from a master gauge are determined.
Contact / Contactless measuring • Contact: Here, the measuring tip of the instrument actually touches the surface to be measured. • Contactless: Here, no contact is required for measurement.
Linear / Angular measuring instrument • Linear or (length) measuring instrument: • Angular or (angle) measuring instrument:
Depending on the accuracy • Most accurate group includes light interference instruments. • Second group includes: optimeters, dial comparators. • Third group includes: dial indicator, vernier calipers.
Measuring instrument can be divided based on their metrological properties, such as range of measurement scale, graduation value, scale spacing, sensitivity, and reading accuracy.
Range of measurement • It indicated the size values between which measurements can be made on the given instrument. • Example: micrometers are available for the following ranges. (0 to 25, 25 to 50, 50 to 75, 75 to 100, 100 to 125, 125 to 150)mm .
Scale division value • It is the measured value corresponding to one division of the instrument scale. Example: the scale division value of a micrometer is 0.01mm.
Sensitivity • It is also called “ amplification factor” or “gearing ratio” • It is the ratio of scale spacing to the scale division value. • Example: on a dial indicator the scale spacing is 1.5 mm and the scale division value is 0.01 mm then the sensitivity is 150mm.
Types of length standards • The distance may be expressed as the distance between two lines or the distance between two faces. • The instruments used for the direct measurement if the linear dimensions fall into two categories: • Line standards. • End Standards.
Line Standards / End standards • In the Line Standards. The measurement is made between two parallel lines engraved across the standard. • In the End Standard. The measurement is made between two flat parallel faces.
Steel Rule • Type: This is a low-resolution line-measuring instrument • Operating principle: comparing an unknown length to a previously calibrated one.
Construction: It consists of a strip of hardened steel having line graduations etched or engraved at intervals of fraction of standard unit of length. These graduations may not be uniform all throughout its length. This allows for multiple use for particular range as per accuracy required.
Basic desirable qualities: • (1) Clearly engraved lines. • (2) Minimum thickness. • (3) Good quality spring steel. • (4)Graduations on both sides. • (5) Low coefficient of thermal expansion.
Degree of accuracy affected by: • (1) Quality of rule. • (2) Skill of user in estimation the parts of mm.
Reliability of measurement when using scale for direct measurement depends on the proper positioning of the scale in relation to workplace.
Some accessories of Rules Removable hooks Clamping shaft
Some accessories of Rules Center finder Right angle aligner
Errors 1- Instrument limitations. 2-Geometric errors (flatness and parallelism). 3-Thickness of the grade line. 4-Least increment limitation. 5-Observation error. 6- Alignment error. 7- Parallax error (object not well aligned with scale).
Calipers • Calipers are used to pick off diameters or distance from a workpiece. • This setting is then measured with a scale, vernier caliper, or micrometer. • They are known as “ transfer measuring instruments”.
Construction & Use: • They consist of two legs hinged at the top with the ends of the legs span the parts to be inspected.
Types of calipers. • Calipers can be classified as : Outside, Inside. • Calipers can be classified as : Spring, Firm joint, Lock joint , Transfer.
firm joint calipers Outside firm joint caliper Inside firm joint caliper
Spring caliper outside spring caliper Inside spring caliper
Operating principle: They are devices for comparing measurements against known dimensions.
Construction: The legs are made from carbon & alloy steel containing not more than 0.05% Sulphur, and 0.05% Phosphorous with working ends suitably hardened and tempered to hardness of 400-500 HV and faces up to 650 + 50 HV. They are joined together by a rivet. They have rectangular cross section.
Qualities: They should be free from cracks, seams, dirt, flaws and must have smooth bright finish. • Nominal Size is the distance between the center of the rolling end and the extreme working end of a leg.
Caliper’s Capacity is the maximum dimension that can be measured by the caliper. It should not be lesser than the nominal size. • The accuracy depends on the sense and feel of the operator. Therefore, caliper should be held gently and square to the work with slight gauging pressure applied.
Characteristics of precise measuring instruments (1) High degree of sensitivity. (2) High degree of accuracy. (3) Minimum inertia in moving part. (4) Freedom from variance.
Vernier caliper The basic components 1- Beam (line graduated) 2- Fixed jaw 3-Sliding jaw
Vernier depth scale Vernier Height scale
In metric systems, there are two variations of the Vernier Scale: • Where the main scale is graduated into mm and 0.5 mm. • Where the main scale is graduated in whole mm only.
The relation between the size of the division on main scale and the size of a division on a vernier scale is :
C = size of a division on main scale. • Cv= size of a division on a vernier scale. • n= number of total divisions on the vernier scale.
Ref. http://www.wooster.edu/physics/lindner/Ph203_2000Labs/VernierCaliper.pdf The small divisions on the rule span 1 mm. 10 divisions on the vernier gauge span 9 divisions on the rule. Hence, the small divisions on the vernier span 9/10 mm = 0.9 mm = 0.09 cm, and the difference between a small division on the vernier and a small division on the rule is 1/10 mm = 0.1 mm = 0.01 cm.
How to read a vernier caliper. • The reading on the main scale just before the zero of the vernier is noted.This is called Main scale reading (M.S.R).The number of division on the vernier which coincides perfectly with any one of the main scale divisions is noted.This is called vernier coincidence (V.C).The vernier coincidence (V.C) is multiplied by least count to get the fraction of a main scale division.This is added to the main scale reading (M.S.R) to total reading.
Graduation characteristics: they should be clearly engraved so that they are clearly visible. • Sources of Errors with Vernier Caliper : Caliper not properly set to zero, Manipulation of the vernier scale reading, Wear in measuring tips, non-perpendicular plane between bar and jaws, or between jaws and workpiece.
Care to be taken in using the Vernier Scale : • (1) Not to be treated as a wrench or hammer since they are not rugged. • (2) Should not be dropped or tossed aside rather, handled with care. • (3) Should be cleaned from dirt.