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GLOBAL Eddy-Permitting Ocean Reanalyses and Simulations of the period 1992 to Present. L. Parent , N. Ferry, B. Barnier, G. Garric, C. Bricaud, C-E Testut, O. Le Galloudec, J-M Lellouche, E. Greiner, M. Drevillon, E. Rémy J-M Molines, C. Cabanes Mercator Océan, LEGI-CNRS, Coriolis, CLS.
GLOBAL Eddy-Permitting Ocean Reanalyses and Simulations of the period 1992 to Present L. Parent, N. Ferry, B. Barnier, G. Garric, C. Bricaud, C-E Testut, O. Le Galloudec, J-M Lellouche, E. Greiner, M. Drevillon, E. Rémy J-M Molines, C. Cabanes Mercator Océan, LEGI-CNRS, Coriolis, CLS 4th World Climate Research Programme International Conference on Reanalyses, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA, 7-11th May 2012
Outline Introduction: The GLORYS project overview and the European context GLORYS2 : an eddy permitting (1/4°) global ocean reanalyses of the « altimetric era » System overview and performances End-users applications Conclusions & Perspectives
GLORYS project: National level GLORYS:GLobal Ocean ReanalYses and Simulations • French Reanalysis project, supported by GMMC (Mercator, Coriolis). PI: B. Barnier • main partners: Drakkar, LEGI, LPO, LOCEAN, CNRM, CORIOLIS, MERCATOR • project started at national level in 2008 + cooperation with EU funded FP7 MyOcean project • ARGO era reanalysis (2002-2008) produced in 2009 : GLORYS1 • MOTIVATION: • The need for a realistic description of the ocean state and variability over the recent decades, at the global scale, and at the scale of the ocean basins and regional seas. • OBJECTIVES: • - Produce an eddy permitting global ocean/sea-ice reanalysis spanning the “altimetric + ARGO" era 1992-2009 • - To iterate / produce different reanalysis along the 1992-today time period • - Start to design the ERA-Interim reanalysis scenario : 1979-today • - Promote the use of reanalysis products in the climate community
Global ocean reanalyses at EU level MyOcean project :www.myocean.eu.org MyOcean1: 2009-2012, MyOcean2: 2012-2014 B. Barnier’s talk for an overview of this activity • Basic ingredients : • - NEMO Ocean source code, tuned for reanalyses, provided by CNRS • - ERA Interim forcing + some corrections • - Reprocessed historical observations provided by Thematic Assembly Centers • - Different data assimilation methods Ocean reanalyses : Ocean simulations constrained by reprocessed obs. CMCC, Mercator, U. Reading Ocean free simulation: CNRS Ocean state estimation based on observations only CLS
Model: DRAKKAR ORCA025 configuration NEMO OGCM + LIM Sea-Ice model : Resolution: - Global 1/4° - 75 vertical levels from 1 m at the surface to 200 m at the bottom Initialization: December 1991 - Levitus 1998 climato.+ Sea-Ice Concentration from NSDIC Bootstart products Parameterizations: Filtered free surface, Partial step, Energy and Enstrophy conserving advection scheme, Isopycnal diffusion for tracers, Biharmonic for momentum, TKE turbulence scheme Atmospheric forcing: - Bulk CORE Formulation (Large&Yeager, 2004) - ERA-Interim reanalysis products: 3 hourly for turbulent fluxes Daily for radiation (analytical diurnal cycle for solar) In house correction of the radiation based on GEWEX satellites fluxes products: see Poster UA-22, G. Garric
GLORYS: DATA ASSIMILATION SCHEME DATA ASSIMILATION SYSTEM: SAM2v1 Singular Evolutive Extended Kalman (SEEK) Filter : - Reduced order extended Kalman filter family - Used in a stationary mode: no update of the error modes by the model - Innovation is calculated at the First Guess at Appropriate Time (FGAT) approximation - Control vector comprises the barotropic height, T, S, U and V - Background error covariance calculated from an ensemble of 3D anomaliesfrom a reference simulation • Adaptive error variance is consistent with innovation vector (a posteriori diagnostic) • The SEEK filter is weakly sensitive to the number of obs. to assimilate 3D-VAR Bias correction :for T and S Incremental Analysis Updates (IAU) : inserting increments over all model time steps smooth trajectory
Delayed time observations for data assimilation Along track DT SLA (SSLATO/DUACS) : Jason1, Jason2, Envisat, GFO, ERS1, ERS2, Topex/Poseidon
Delayed time observations for data assimilation • Reynolds AVHRR-only 0.25° SSTftp://eclipse.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/OI-daily-v2/NetCDF/
Delayed time observations for data assimilation • in situ temperature & salinity profiles : CORA2.3 data base Argo network + Xbts,CTDs, etc…
Results: GLORYS2 reanalysis 1992-2009 ARGO is getting in Data assimilation diagnostics for T Global misfit average Global rms misfit RMS is stable No BIAS
Results: GLORYS2 reanalysis 1992-2009 Data assimilation monitoring : SLA RMS ~ 7 cm No BIAS
Sea-Ice thickness anomalies in the Arctic in 2007 GLORYS OBS Camille Lique et al., Journal of Climate, 2011: Evolution of the Arctic Ocean Salinity, 2007–08: Contrast between the Canadian and the Eurasian Basins What caused the 2007 anomaly • 25%: Sea-ice export at FRAM strait • 75%: Arctic melt Anomalies of Sea Ice Extent Sea-ice Thickness 2007 anomaly Freshwater Content 2007 anomaly • Redistribution of freshwater after melting: • Accumulation of FW in the Beaufort Gyre • Salinity increases on shelves • No change in FW flux through Canadian Archipelago.
Ocean Bottom Pressure from space (GRACE) Jean-Paul Boy, EOST/IPGS, Strasbourg Correlation between GRACE derived and GLORYS modeled (10 days avg) ocean bott. press. GRACE v06 (hydrology forward modeled) with 20 days & 200 km constraints
Ocean Bottom Pressure measurements Jean-Paul Boy, EOST/IPGS, Strasbourg Correlation between ocean bottom pressure measurements and GLORYS reanalysis
Comparison with independent data Tide gauges (GLOSS, SONEL, BODC) Correlation of time series (3 day means, co-located)
Atlantic Meridional Overturning circulation:comparison with RAPID - Monitoring of the MOC is important for climate issues - RAPID array: way to check the realism of the MOC in models & reanalyses - Different components of the circulation can be evaluated
Atlantic Meridional Overturning circulation:comparison with RAPID RAPID array: Max of the MOC: RAPID mean = 18.3 Sv GLORYS mean = 15.5 Sv Correl=0.71
Atlantic Meridional Overturning circulation:comparison with RAPID RAPID array: Gulf Stream transport: RAPID mean = 31.7 Sv GLORYS mean = 24.3 Sv Correl=0.60
Atlantic Meridional Overturning circulation:comparison with RAPID RAPID array: Thermocline recirculation (0-800m): RAPID mean = -17.9 Sv GLORYS mean = -12.4 Sv Correl=0.60
Atlantic Meridional Overturning circulation:comparison with RAPID RAPID array: Intermediate Water (800-1100m): RAPID mean = 0.4 Sv GLORYS mean = 0.3 Sv Correl=0.58
Atlantic Meridional Overturning circulation:comparison with RAPID RAPID array: upper North Atl. Deep Water (1100-3000m): RAPID mean = -12.1 Sv GLORYS mean = -16.9 Sv Correl=0.61 Too strong deep western boundary current
Atlantic Meridional Overturning circulation:comparison with RAPID RAPID array: Lower North Atl. Deep Water (3000-5500m): RAPID mean = -7.8 Sv GLORYS mean = -0.4 Sv Correl=0.58
Atlantic Meridional Overturning circulation:comparison with RAPID RAPID array: Bottom Water (5500m-Bottom): RAPID mean = 1.9 Sv GLORYS mean = 2.3 Sv Correl=0.58
Atlantic Meridional Overturning circulation:comparison with RAPID - MOC variability is realistic and correlates well with the estimates from RAPID measurements. - some biases exist in the mean circulation. model resolution issue : ¼° resolution with D.A is not sufficient
Ph. Gaspar, CLS, oceanic dispersal of juvenile leatherback turtles: going beyond passive drift modeling, marine ecology progress series, accepted Post-nesting trajectories (in red) of the 9 leatherbacks turtles tracked from Jamursba-Medi beach during 6 years GLORYS trajectories
Conclusions: GLORYS2 (1992-2009) - Ability to produce global meso-scale reanalysis simulations: Unique collaboration between operational centers (MERCATOR, CORIOLIS) and research Labs (LEGI, …) - Results: better quality of GLORYS2 compare to GLORYS1.extensively validation through an international framework (MyOcean, Godae) - > 40 users, various applications Perspectives: GLORYS2-3 GLORYS2VX(1992-2012) : - Ongoing effort to improve products and services - MyOcean2 project: production of reanalyses is still a priority GLORYS3(1979-2012) : - ERAInterim years - Seasonal forecast, operated by Météo France
GLORYS users > 40 users, data volume provided > 16 TB several research areas and application fields: • Biogeochemical modelling (LSCE, Mercator) • Ecosystem modeling (CLS/MEMMS) • Sea Ice (LPO, Mercator) • TIWs (LEGOS) • pCO2 (NIES Japan, Bjerknes CCR) • Ocean circulation estimation and validation (CLS, SHOM) • Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (EDF, Mercator) • Boundary / Initial conditions for regional modeling (CNRM, Infocean) • Mean Dynamic Topography inter comparisons (CLS, China) • MOC, MHT (RSMAS, UFRPE, CLS, Mercator) • South Atlantic circulation (NOAA) • Climate indexes, trends (IMEDEA, Spain) • Global ocean Mass budget (EOST/IPGS, NASA/GSFC) • object / animal drift (CLS, LPO, U. Texas, U. Hawai) • Hurricane (LEGI, CERSAT) • …