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Hazing. Hazing according the dictionary…. To play unpleasant and humiliating tricks; force to perform humiliating tasks or stunts. How does hazing make you feel….

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  1. Hazing

  2. Hazing according the dictionary… To play unpleasant and humiliating tricks; force to perform humiliating tasks or stunts

  3. How does hazing make you feel… Have you ever been a part of hazing? Have you seen hazing at school? Think about how it made you feel to witness someone being hurt or to be hurt yourself. • Why does the school have a hazing policy? • What can you do to help prevent hazing at Eisenhower?

  4. True/ FalsePractice Hazing QuizNumber your paper 1-10

  5. An act of hazing must endanger the physical or safety of one or more students.

  6. False

  7. Causing a student to participate in any violation of the Texas Penal Code is an act of hazing.

  8. True

  9. Hazing is limited to students who are at least 10 years of age.

  10. False

  11. All of the following are illegal in Texas: Engaging in, soliciting, encouraging, directly aiding or attempting to aid others in hazing, recklessly permitting hazing, having first hand knowledge of the planning of hazing or having knowledge of actual occurrence of hazing and failing to report it in writing to any administrator or teacher

  12. True

  13. All of the following are acts of hazing if the act adversely affects the mental health or dignity of a student: Intimidation or threats of ostracism, extreme mental stress, shame or humiliation.

  14. True

  15. Acts of hazing can occur only during the school day.

  16. False

  17. Any form of hazing is a violation of the NEISD student code of conduct and the NEISD Board Policy but not a violation of a Texas law.

  18. False

  19. Hazing can take place only on campus or at a school sponsored activity.

  20. False

  21. All of the following would be considered acts of hazing if the act subjects a student to unreasonable risk of harm or adversely affects their physical health or safety: Whipping, branding, electric shock, placing a harmful substance on the body, exposure to the elements, confinement to a small space…etc.

  22. True

  23. Hazing is an intentional, knowing or reckless act directed against a student for the purpose of pledging, initiation, affiliating with or holding office in an organization.

  24. True

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