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Persuasive Writing. Mitchell/Francisco 607. Day 1. Objective: We will be able to define persuasive essay and identify what needs to be in an essay for it to qualify as persuasive.
Persuasive Writing Mitchell/Francisco 607
Day 1 Objective: We will be able to define persuasive essay and identify what needs to be in an essay for it to qualify as persuasive. Teaching Point: This year students will need to be able to write a persuasive essay showing that they can form clear arguments and they can see the POV of the other side of the argument. Connect: What is an essay?
Mini-Lesson: Persuasive Essay Persuading – means arguing for or against something Persuasive Essay: when you give your OPINION or strong feeling about a subject. In this type of essay your job is to convince readers that this opinion is worthy of their consideration Why is a Persuasive Essay Challenging? 1) You have to learn as much as you can about your subject (research)
Mini-Lesson Cont’d… 2) Form an opinion about your subject that you can develop and support 3) Then you have to connect all of your thoughts in an essay that makes sense and is CONVINCING to your readers.
Guided Practice We will read aloud a sample persuasive essay. Let’s make a list of the reasons why this essay is considered persuasive
Sample Persuasive Essay: The American Dream? By Sally Dickerson It destroys its surroundings and causes many problems. It is a major cause of pollution and it’s extremely dangerous. You would think that something as destructive as this would not be tolerated in our society. You would think that people would have the common sense not to let something like this happen. Ironically Americans and many other around the world have become addicted to this thing. It is the autobmobile. Something that was once the Amercian Dream has now become the American Nightmare, and people are sitting back in their cars watching it happen.
There’s no doubt that the automobile is an important part of modern life. It is our main means of transportation, making many things in our lives much easier. But too many of us have become too dependent on the car. It may be hard to believe, but a new car is put on the road every second. As result of this growth, 50 percent of all North American cities are now made up of roads. More cars and more roads mean more congestion, and less natural beauty around us.
Our need for the automobile has made it one of the leading sources of air pollution. The average car gives off more than five tons of carbon dioxide every year, which is the number one cause of global warming. As many developing countries use more and more cars, global warming will rapidly increase. The emissions from cars also contribute to the problems of acid rain and urban smog. With the way things are going , the automobile may directly contribute to the destruction of our world unless some action is taken in the near future.
While the pollution problem is bad enough, cars are also the leading cause of death and serious injury. Globally, auto accidents kill 265,000 people each year and injure another 10 million. As a we have more cars on the road, the potential for serious auto accidents increases. In this country, two new developments are contributing to the dangers of car travel: the popularity of sport utility vehicles and the increasing reports of road rage. Sport utility vehicles are so big that they make the highways more dangerous for people driving smaller cars. Reports of road rage have risen 51 percent since 1990, and each time a driver become angry and reckless on the highways, a serous accident is in the making.
Conclusion of Sample Persuasive Essay The automobile has become an important and valued part of modern life. Since we are so attracted to the automobile, we too easily overlook its dangers. Unfortunately, the longer we ignore them, the harder it will become to change anything. As a result, we must rethink our feelings about the automobile. Once we do this, we might be able to make car use less harmful to the environment, and less dangerous to our lives.
What makes: The American Dream a Persuasive Essay 1st Paragraph (Beginning) – Opening Comments lead up to the focus, or thesis. Thesis is the last sentence. 2nd, 3rd, & 4th paragraphs (Middle) – Writer admits that the auto has value. She follows with facts and details that support her thesis. 5th Paragraph (Ending) – The writer restate her opinion and asks for the reader’s support.
Independent Practice Make a list of what you like about the persuasive essay and what makes the essay persuasive.
Closing… Share: Turn and Talk – Tell your partner what you wrote down about the persuasive essays. Homework: Bring in a newspaper or magazine for tomorrow’s class (free ones: AMNewYork, Metro)
Day 2 • Connect: Review Persuasive Notes • Objective: Writers will practice identifying the elements of a persuasive, using their notes from last class and sentence starters. • HW: Choose a topic below and find some research on that topic at home Bullying Minimum Wage Incarceration Women making less than Men Healthcare
Review What makes a Good Persuasive Essay? Student Generated Notes • In the introduction, the author should state his/her opinion • The author’s opinion should be backed up by facts from professionals • The author should discuss the opposite position of his/her opinion at some point during the essay • The conclusion should include a ‘Call to Action’, where the author lists what he/she wants the reader to do
“Discrimination in the Military” • Read the mentor text “Discrimination in the Military”, from start-to-finish • Answer the following questions in your Writer’s Notebook: • What is the author’s opinion? • What facts about the author’s opinion are in the essay? List all of them? • What facts does the author write against his opinion? • What is the call of action in the conclusion? What does the author what you (the reader) to do?
“Discrimination in the Military” • What is the author’s opinion? • People of the LGBT community are discriminated against in the military, and they should be able to serve openly. • What facts about the author’s opinion are in the essay? List all of them? • Being discriminated against because of your sexuality is the same as racial discrimination. • Discrimination doesn’t just happen in the Military, but in other jobs as well. • Sexual discrimination results in segregation (separating people), whether we recognize it or not.
“Discrimination in the Military” • What facts does the author write against his opinion? • None (not good) • What is the call of action in the conclusion? What does the author what you (the reader) to do? • Try to help end the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy in the military • Create a more peaceful and understanding world • Protect all people from discrimination
Review What makes a Good Persuasive Essay? Student Generated Notes • In the introduction, the author should state his/her opinion • The author’s opinion should be backed up by facts from professionals • The author should discuss the opposite position of his/her opinion at some point during the essay • The conclusion should include a ‘Call to Action’, where the author lists what he/she wants the reader to do
Day 3 Connect • Share some of the facts you uncovered about your 3 potential topics from the weekend Objective • Writers will brainstorm possible causes of their social injustice issue to use as support, using their prior knowledge and their research Homework • Complete Brainstorming Chart (will come up later in lesson)
Guided Tasks • Go back to the list of the Social Injustice topics. Choose the 1 topic you with to focus on. Star it • Which topic do you already know a little bit about? • Which topic did you find really good research for over the weekend? • Share • Answer the following questions about your chosen topic: • Did you already know that this problem existed? • Why did you chose this problem? Why does it matter to you? • Do you have more questions about this issue that you’d like Mr. Mitchell/Ms. Francisco to answer for you before continuing? • Share
Now that everyone has an issue they’ve chosen, it’s time to start thinking about reasons why you think your issue is important and why your audience should see your POV on the issue. First though, we need to consider what created these problems in the first place. There are no right or wrong answers, so think hard about what could have caused the problem that you have chosen.
Let’s Keep Brainstorming • Think about your social injustice topic. Brainstorm 5 reasons why you think this issue is such a problem in our society • Share your ideas with a neighbor. Allow your neighbor to help you choose the 3 best reasons. Circle them.
Independent Work • Next, fill in the following chart with the 3 causes that you chose above, and then brainstorm reasons why you think this should be fixed. • Share
Independent Work • Reread the introduction for “Discrimination in the Military” • Write an introduction for your topic • Make it sound professional • Make it sound convincing • Don’t give too many facts about your topic, you are just introducing it • Share/Peer Critic/Edit • Vote and Share
Day 4 Connect • What do you think is the difference between formal and informal language? Be prepared to share your answer. Objective • Writers will plan and outline their persuasive paper by completing a master graphic organizer and providing supporting details for their body paragraphs. • Writers will keep their audience in mind when writing.
Guided Practice • Answer the following analysis questions to get us thinking about our audience when writing a persuasive piece… • When it comes to writing, what do we mean by audience? • Why is it important to keep your audience in mind when you are writing? What happens if you do not? • Who is your audience for this writing project? • How are you going to keep your audience in mind?
Quick Notes Now that you’ve come up with your 3 main reasons to fix the social injustice that you chose to write about, it’s time to start planning our paragraphs so that you have a very strong paper in the end. The better you plan, the better your writing will be! • First, we must develop a strong thesis statement. Do you know what a thesis statement is? • A thesis statement = a formally written sentence about one specific topic that explains the author’s opinion
Creating a Great Thesis Statement • Remind yourself of your social injustice topic • Minimum Wage and Poverty • Formally state your opinion • US lawmakers need to increase minimum wage in an effort to eliminate poverty amongst the working class. • List reasons why this problem should be fixed • Families that work full-time should be able to provide for their necessities • Homelessness in the city can be reduced if working families could afford to live in areas they worked in • Petty crime can be reduced amongst the working-class if they were being paid what the needed to survive
Creating a Great Thesis Statement • Take your opinion and reasons, and put them together to form a thesis statement • US lawmakers need to increase minimum wage in an effort to eliminate poverty, and to make that happenlawmakers should ensure that minimum wage allows working-class families to provide for their necessities, to be able to afford to live in the areas they work, andthat wages are enough for working-class families to survive.
Independent Work • Remind yourself of your social injustice topic • Formally state your opinion • List reasons why this problem should be fixed • Take your opinion and reasons, and put them together to form a thesis statement • Share
Preparing For Research… Connect • What is the best way to search for appropriate and relevant research to back-up your persuasive essay opinion? What are some really good methods? Objective • Writer’s will prepare for in-class research by learning how to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant research sources using online search engines. Writer’s Notebook Setup • Title: Social Injustice Research
Preparing For Research… Types of Research • Facts • A powerful means of convincing, facts can come from your reading, observation, or personal experience. • Statistics • These can provide excellent support. Be sure your statistics come from responsible sources. Always cite your sources. • Quotes • Direct quotes from leading experts that support your position are invaluable. • Examples • Examples enhance your meaning and make your ideas concrete. They are the proof.
Preparing For Research… Ways to conduct research for a Persuasive Essay • Copy down your list of opinions about your topic (refer to your Persuasive Essay Packet) • Use your opinions to guide your search. In a search engine (for example Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) to type in key words from your opinion to find relevant information • Read the info found on the sites you choose. Write facts in your own words (making sure not to change facts), and site the source.
Preparing For Research… Guided Practice Minimum wage law
Preparing For Research… Guided Practice Bullied kids that commit sucide
Independent Work • Make the chart below in your Writer’s Notebook • Make large boxes, to have enough room for your opinions and research • Copy down your list of opinions about your topic (refer to your Persuasive Essay Packet) Tuesday… • Use your opinions to guide your search. In a search engine (for example Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) to type in key words from your opinion to find relevant information • Read the info found on the sites you choose. Write facts in your own words (making sure not to change facts), and site the source.
Body Para graphs • Prepare your 3 Persuasive Essay body paragraphs using your persuasive investigation packet and your investigative research in the following format:
Conclusion Paragraph Prepare your conclusion paragraphs using your persuasive investigation packet and your investigative research in the following format: • 1-2 sentences that restate your opinion or thesis statement: • 1-2 sentences that describe why this change is necessary to creating a better world, and give a quote or something for the audience to think about: Don’t Forget!!! • Use the mentor essay (Discrimination in the Military) for help • Your conclusion should be a Call to Action. What are your asking your audience to do?
Introduction Paragraph Waiting till the end of the writing process to do your Introduction sounds CRAZY, but it’s actually pretty smart. Once you have your body and conclusion paragraphs done, you’ll know EXACTLY how you will want to introduce your Social Injustice topic. Prepare your intro paragraphs using your persuasive investigation packet and your investigative research in the following format: • 1-2 sentences of opening information, introducing injustice (don’t introduce your topic yet): • 1-2 sentences of introducing your topic and why it matters: • Your extraordinarily fabulous thesis statement: Don’t Forget!!! • Use the mentor essay (Discrimination in the Military) for help
REVISION Revision: to make certain you have done everything in your writing to make sure the understands your writing • Step 1: Read your draft in your head 1x, read it quietly out loud once. Does it say what you want it to say? • Step 2: Read teacher comments. Take out things that don’t belong, add parts that may be missing. • Step 3: look for spelling/grammar mistakes. Does what you wrote make sense? • Step 4/5: Write your Next Steps Action Plan on the label of your draft. Use the writing rubric (in your portfolio) to decide what you wish to change about your draft for revision.
Moodle Posting MS322.org Posting Steps: • Post your Persuasive Essay Topic • Share your Introduction • Share your Body Paragraphs • Share your Conclusion • Submit your Draft Essay