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Engineering Outreach Activities at WSU

Engineering Outreach Activities at WSU. NSF NEESR Project Performance-Based Design of New Masonry Buildings. Summer Engineering Camps. 1-week camps for middle schoolers and their science or math teachers Hands-on engineering projects

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Engineering Outreach Activities at WSU

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Engineering Outreach Activities at WSU NSF NEESR Project Performance-Based Design of New Masonry Buildings

  2. Summer Engineering Camps • 1-week camps for middle schoolers and their science or math teachers • Hands-on engineering projects • Goal is to introduce under-represented students to engineering and university environment • NY’EE Camp - Native Youth Exploring Engineering created more than 20 years ago • HY’EE Camp - Hispanic Youth Exploring Engineering started 4 years ago • Engineering activities now incorporated into university-wide science and engineering camp • Support for the camps provided by WSU, NSF, Boeing, HP and Battelle

  3. NY’EE Camp Native Youth Exploring Engineering • Approximately 60 participants each year from 8 NW tribes from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia

  4. HY’EE Camp HispanicYouth Exploring Engineering • Approximately 50 participants each year from central Washington and eastern Oregon

  5. EQ Module • Presentation on native buildings • Presentation on effects of EQs on structures • Discussion of EQ fundamentals • Shake table demonstrations • Construction of small buildings with different materials • Shaking of buildings

  6. Native American Buildings • Example buildings from across the Americas • Building shapes and materials selected based on available resources and environment • Innovative solutions to address community needs • Numerous elements present in modern buildings

  7. EQ Presentation • Cause of earthquakes • Examples of ground movements and damage from: • 1906 San Francisco • 1987 Loma Prieta • 1995 Kobe • 2001 Nisqually • Examples of damage to older masonry buildings and no damage to modern masonry buildings • Role of engineer in designing buildings to withstand collapse and protect public

  8. Educational Shake Table • Manufactured by Quanser Consulting Inc., Canada • Placed at 23 universities with connections to NSF national EQ centers • Cost of approximately $15,000 each • 120 V power, portable • Shaking as sine sweep, stored EQ records, and input records

  9. Earthquake Fundamentals • Examples of wave excitations • Wave amplitude, frequency and resonance • Structure excitation depends on structure frequency and earthquake frequency • Sine sweep of lolly-pop structures

  10. Construction of Small Buildings Legos Lincoln Logs Rubber Bricks

  11. Shaking of Buildings

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