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Using speaking to improve writing. Dr Dodie Brooks. The process of writing. Teacher’s role 1: 1 Adding new vocabulary and grammar 2 Analysing a model Students’ role 3 1 st draft check in pairs 2 nd draft Teacher’s role 2: 4 Revise mistakes + suggest new ideas to improve quality.
Using speaking to improve writing Dr Dodie Brooks
The process of writing Teacher’s role 1: 1 Adding new vocabulary and grammar 2 Analysing a model Students’ role 3 1st draft check in pairs 2nd draft Teacher’s role 2: 4 Revise mistakes + suggest new ideas to improve quality
Teacher’s Role Stage 1: • Improving vocabulary • Developing sentences • Organising text
Improving vocabulary 1 1 Collecting more verbs 1.1 for said “What’s that” she ________.
Finding interesting verbs • HOW:shout whisper cry gasp • WHY:explain order add tell ask 1.2 for go He went down the street How did he go? He _______ down the street.
Finding interesting verbs • HOW:run walk skip hop shuffle meander wander amble scurry 1.3 Play a game “Go across the room” Find as many ways as you can. Guess the action.
Improving vocabulary 2 2 Collecting more adjectives 2.1 describing light The sky was ______ as she set off on her adventure.
Finding adjectives • LIGHT: dazzling bright clear murky foggy dim 2.2 describing speed As he passed the castle he _________ to look at the fish.
Finding adjectives • SPEED:hurry rush amble dawdle linger hesitate dash delay slow race meander 3 Classifying words • positive / negative; fast / slow • put them in order
Application 1 3.1 Play a game: “Put these words in order” • Brainstorm words for fear • Write them on pieces of paper or card • Let groups of Ss hold them in the correct order:
Application 2 3.2 Description: Make a poem about an alien The Zog is: funnier than a cross-talk comedian faster than the train to Tibet cleverer than Einstein’s father … friendlier than … kinder than … more interesting than …
Improving vocabulary 3 3 Collecting adverbs • The boy spoke … • Dogs behave … • You should think … about that softly seriously badly carefully sensibly quietly loudly noisily rudely well fast calmly well messily beautifully
Types of adverbs 1 HOW (manner) slowly happily merrily well 2 WHERE (place) there here away outside inside 3 WHEN (time) now soon later yesterday 4 HOW OFTEN (frequency) ever regularly often usually never
Applications 1 Ask students to act a sentence as in a play. Guess the adverb. “Where are you going?” he asked ____. “Who’s there?” she called ______. “Why did you do that?” asked mother __.
Developing sentences 1 Expanding sentences 2 Adding connectives 3 Linking two sentences together with conjunctions 4 Making complex sentences
1 Expanding sentences 1 Each add to the sentence in the group The boy ate The boy ate lunch The boy ate a small lunch The hungry boy ate a small lunch … Another sentence Tom found a key.
Expanding sentences 2 2 Completing sentences The woman with the red umbrella (went into a shop and bought herself a new red dress.) George turned round and … The children took the money and …
2 Adding connectives 1 Using conjunctions after although as as if as long as before if in case since unless whenever wherever whereas It was raining. Fred went for a walk. Although it was raining, Fred went for a walk.
Adding conjunctions How many suitable conjunctions can you find? 1 He ate his dinner. He was hungry. 2 Paul played the piano. He wanted to appear cleverer. 3 We went to the library. We wanted the answer.
Linking sentences 1 to make an order • first later on after that next after a while then finally I saw the plane and then it seemed to disappear and then just when I thought that it had gone it came back and then it landed on the lake and then out climbed my favourite singer.
Sequences in time meanwhile suddenly later next at last a few days later after that then the next day that afternoon finally by this/that time a few hours later now 1 Put them into order. 2 Use them.
A possible order 1 now 2 meanwhile; suddenly 3 next; a few hours later; after that; that afternoon 4 then; later; a few days later; by this/that time 5 at last; finally
Improve it please! I saw the plane and then it seemed to disappear and then just when I thought that it had gone it came back and then it landed on the lake and then out climbed my favourite singer.
Improve it please! I saw the plane _______ it seemed to disappear _________just when I thought that it had gone it came back ________ it landed on the lake ________ out climbed my favourite singer.
Complex sentences 4 Joining sentences using who, which, where, when The man was eating. He had black hair The manwho was eatinghad black hair. The boy was playing football. He was as good as a professional. Susan likes to buy clothes. She is pretty.
Play a game: change the attributive clause The sentence: The ____ was tall / large. 1 The boy, who _______, was tall. 2 The tree, which ____________, was tall. 3 The house, where ________, was large. Make other sentences.
3 Organising text (1) • Brainstorm ideas A rabbit is down a well. It is sitting on a rock surrounded by water. There is a rope with a bucket hanging in the well. How can you save the rabbit?
Organising text (2) • Put them into order __ pull up the bucket __ let the rabbit smell the carrot __ encourage the rabbit to hop inside the bucket __ lower the bucket __ put a carrot in the bucket
Organising text (3) • Each stage/idea is one paragraph • Add extra information 1 Put the carrot in the bucket. • Make sure that the carrot is large and fresh. • Cut it into small pieces. 2 Lower the bucket.
Stage 2: student’s role 1 Write first try 2 Swap with a partner 3 Correct each other’s work for: • Grammar • Punctuation • Spelling 4 Swap back writing, explain changes and rewrite
Advantages 1 Students take more responsibility for their work 2 Students learn to examine their own work more critically 3 Less pressure on teachers
Stage 3: Teacher’s role Correcting (1) is the moon in the sky. we will see the moon two hours later. the moon turns on Axis once day. The earth takes the day spin. the moon take twenty-seven days spin on the acis. Moon takes a time to circle earth one time. This why we only see one said of moon.
Correcting (2) Is the moon in the sky? We will see the moon in two hours time The moon turns on its axis once a day. The earth takes one day to spin. The moon takes twenty-seven days to spin on its axis. The moon takes the same time to circle the earth once. This is why we only see one side ofthe moon.
Thank you If you would like to please contact me at: dodie2000uk@yahoo.co.uk