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  2. 0 0 9 0 0 0 5 3 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 0 9 5 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 3 0 4 9 8 7 6 5 4 4 2 3 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 7 1 0 2 1 9 8 6 1 5 0 0 3 2 1 0 4 8 9 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 STUDY STUDYSTUDY Hours Minutes Seconds

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  7. HERE WE GO!!!

  8. QUESTION #1 • An DEPRESSSANT DRUG IS ONE THAT • A- speeds up the central nervous system • B- slows down the central nervous system

  9. QUESTION #2 • A person that is living without alcohol anymore is in • A – a state of sobriety • B – a state of denial

  10. QUESTION #3 • Another name for alcohol is • A – ethanol • B – rohyphenol

  11. QUESTION #4 • When a person drinks 5 or more drinks in one short time frame that is • A – social drinking. • B – binge drinking.

  12. QUESTION #5 • The amount of alcohol in your bloodstream is known as your • A – BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) • B – CAB (Content of Alcohol in the Blood)

  13. QUESTION #6 • An alcoholic • A – is an addict that depends on alcohol to get through the day • B – drinks alcohol all the time no matter what

  14. QUESTION #7 • When yeast is placed into a liquid to act on the sugar, the liquid has been • A – sweetened • B - fermented

  15. QUESTION #8 • When someone stops using a drug and has conditions such as mood swings, shakes, or outbursts – they are going through • A – Dependance • B - Withdrawal

  16. QUESTION #9 • Someone who has a severe fatal reaction to alcohol has had • A – blackout • B – alcohol poisoning

  17. QUESTION #10 • Someone who has their brain poisoned by alcohol or another substance is • A – Detoxicated • B – Intoxicated

  18. QUESTION #11 • A person that is learning to live drug free is going through • A – recovery • B – withdrawal

  19. QUESTION #12 • Excessive use of alcohol is called • A – alcohol abuse • B – Binge Drinking

  20. QUESTION #13 • The organs that alcohol affects the most are the • A – heart, lungs, kidneys • B – liver, pancreas, brain

  21. QUESTION #14 • Some alcohols initially were discovered because • A – doctors were trying to knock out surgery patients • B – bartenders wanted more items to sell their customers

  22. QUESTION #15 • TRUE OR FALSE: Someone can die from alcohol the first night they drink. • A – TRUE • B – FALSE

  23. QUESTION #16 • It is possible that a mother who drinks can have a baby with FAS. That means • A – Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, when the baby has birth defects. • B – Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, when the baby has no birth defects.

  24. QUESTION #17 • Which doesn’t happen more when teens drink • A – violence goes up • B – risky behaviors go down • C- clear decisions are made

  25. QUESTION #18 • Alcohol affects ______________ more than anyone else • A – Women • B- Men

  26. QUESTION #19 • Kids drink mostly because of • A – Peer Pressure • B – Family • C - Media

  27. QUESTION #20 • The effects of alcohol are • A – long term • B – short term • C – long and short term.


  29. THE ANSWERS !!!!!

  30. QUESTION #1 • An DEPRESSSANT DRUG IS ONE THAT • A- speeds up the central nervous system • B- slows down the central nervous system

  31. QUESTION #2 • A person that is living without alcohol anymore is in • A – a state of sobriety • B – a state of denial

  32. QUESTION #3 • Another name for alcohol is • A – ethanol • B – rohyphenol

  33. QUESTION #4 • When a person drinks 5 or more drinks in one short time frame that is • A – social drinking. • B – binge drinking.

  34. QUESTION #5 • The amount of alcohol in your bloodstream is known as your • A – BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) • B – CAB (Content of Alcohol in the Blood)

  35. QUESTION #6 • An alcoholic • A – is an addict that depends on alcohol to get through the day • B – drinks alcohol all the time no matter what

  36. QUESTION #7 • When yeast is placed into a liquid to act on the sugar, the liquid has been • A – sweetened • B - fermented

  37. QUESTION #8 • When someone stops using a drug and has conditions such as mood swings, shakes, or outbursts – they are going through • A – Dependance • B - Withdrawal

  38. QUESTION #9 • Someone who has a severe fatal reaction to alcohol has had • A – blackout • B – alcohol poisoning

  39. QUESTION #10 • Someone who has their brain poisoned by alcohol or another substance is • A – Detoxicated • B – Intoxicated

  40. QUESTION #11 • A person that is learning to live drug free is going through • A – recovery • B – withdrawal

  41. QUESTION #12 • Excessive use of alcohol is called • A – alcohol abuse • B – Binge Drinking

  42. QUESTION #13 • The organs that alcohol affects the most are the • A – heart, lungs, kidneys • B – liver, pancreas, brain

  43. QUESTION #14 • Some alcohols initially were discovered because • A – doctors were trying to knock out surgery patients • B – bartenders wanted more items to sell their customers

  44. QUESTION #15 • TRUE OR FALSE: Someone can die from alcohol the first night they drink. • A – TRUE • B – FALSE

  45. QUESTION #16 • It is possible that a mother who drinks can have a baby with FAS. That means • A – Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, when the baby has birth defects. • B – Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, when the baby has no birth defects.

  46. QUESTION #17 • Which doesn’t happen more when teens drink • A – violence goes up • B – risky behaviors go down • C- clear decisions are made

  47. QUESTION #18 • Alcohol affects ______________ more than anyone else • A – Women • B- Men

  48. QUESTION #19 • Kids drink mostly because of • A – Peer Pressure • B – Family • C - Media

  49. QUESTION #20 • The effects of alcohol are • A – long term • B – short term • C – long and short term.

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