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Welcome to the Aerospace Instrumentation and Controls Collaboration Forum

Welcome to the Aerospace Instrumentation and Controls Collaboration Forum Ohio Aerospace Institute, 22800 Cedar Point Road, Cleveland, OH 44142 For

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Welcome to the Aerospace Instrumentation and Controls Collaboration Forum

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  1. Welcome to the Aerospace Instrumentation and Controls Collaboration Forum Ohio Aerospace Institute, 22800 Cedar Point Road, Cleveland, OH 44142 For The Building Blocks of Smart Sensors and other Technologies for Distributed High Temperature Intelligent Integrated Controls Networks for Aerospace Applications 25 August, 2011 Smart Sensors for Distributed Controls Mr. Dewey Benson Honeywell International

  2. Topics – For This Section • DECWG plans • Possible Areas of Collaboration

  3. What Does The DECWG Want To Do? • Develop requirements for: • Engine-level architecture  Open, scalable • Allow any engine manufacturer to design an engine-level distributed system • Node-level  Flexible, scalable node design • Allow anyone making high temperature electronic parts or assemblies to be able to plug into the engine-level system • Develop high temperature electronics to enable distributed controls • Scalable, flexible to accommodate several network configurations • Demonstrate a complete system • In a Hardware-In-The-Loop environment • On an engine • Develop industry base of suppliers and users of high temp electronics • Sustainable, supports decades long aero applications

  4. What is Distributed Engine Control Architecture? FederatedDistributed More Distributed fadec becomes card in avionics cold Control Law Processor Off Engine Temperature FADEC Core-Mounted With Active Cooling Network Network Data Concentrator Core-Mounted, Uncooled Network Network Smart Effectors Analog Analog Network Legacy Effectors Legacy Effectors Smart Effectors Smart Effectors hot Lower Weight More Embedded, More Modular The Evolution of Engine Control Architecture

  5. Requirements for Distributed Controls • Thermal Environment • Generic Physical/Functional Interface • Rapid Reconfiguration / Upgradability • Certification • Integration Testing • Cost targets that allow commercial viability Focus on Near-Term Objectives • Leverage commercial applications with production volumes • Design for flexibility on multiple applications

  6. Different from the Norm Failure Modes Loss of Power Single Point/Multi Point Failures Software Unintended Interactions Latency Data Integrity Increased Connections Reliability Potential Harsher Environment Smart nodes in hot section Communications Protocol(s) Coordination of multiple protocols? EMI/HIRF/Lightning Susceptibility Software Validation (DO-178B) Dispatchable failures? Considerations for Certifying a Distributed Engine Control Architecture Must Be As Good As Current Architecture

  7. Same set of SOI parts scaled from smart sensors to single loop module to complete core data concentrator Leverage commonality & quantity to drive down cost DECWG Objective – Leverage a Common Set of Parts Data Concentrator Node Signal P 3 , T 3 Cond . DP N 2 Processor Signal LVDT Cond . Fuel Temp Fuel Press Torque Motor MUX Gate Array Signal Overspeed A - to - D Cond . D - to - A Power Supply To be handled by FC power supply B A A Common Set of High Temp Parts Allows Scalable Hi-T Controls

  8. Collaboration Opportunities • Sensor I/O needs • Electronic HW needs • Wireless radio • Programmability needs • Smart sensors DECWG PIWG + Other “wigs” • System/Node Specs • Comm/Network Stds • PowerStds • Electronic parts • Host for System Demo

  9. Fan Fan LPT LPT LPC HPT HPT HPC HPC Is there a preferred network architecture? Example: Redundant linear bus Aircraft Computing Resource • One transceiver per node • Supports • Command and respond • TDMA round • Other • Physical Layer • LVDS • RS-485 • 1394 • Plus others below • Possible protocols • 429, Flexray • Simplified TTP • Simplified TT-Ethernet Comm Hub A Power Pre-cond A Node-2 B Node-2 A Node-1 B Node-1 A Node-3 B Node-3 A • No single point failure recovery Comm Hub B Power Pre-cond B Simplicity versus fault tolerance Aircraft Computing Resource

  10. Fan Fan LPT LPT LPC HPT HPT HPC HPC Do we need mixed network capability? Example: Braided Ring + Comm-Over-Power + Wireless Aircraft Computing Resource Sensor Comm over Power for smart sensors 2 wire comm + power network Comm Hub A Power Pre-cond A Node-2 A Node-1 A Node-2 B Node-1 B Wireless Sensors And Hub Node-4 B Node-4 A Node-3 A Node-3 B Comm Hub B Power Pre-cond B Aircraft Computing Resource • Can high temp digital electronics enable a 2-wire interface? • Wireless interfaces? • Which architecture provides best availability?

  11. Comparison of Different Physical Layers Example: RS-485 vs LVDS – Speed/Low Power vs Robustness

  12. Comparison of Signal Levels Large DC offset already built into several standards Can smart sensors be accommodated using ‘power over comm’? Allows two wire sensor solution.


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