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Day in the Life of Senator Arnold

Day in the Life of Senator Arnold. Storyboard of February 16, 2010. Morning Overview (0:36). Video: Sen. Arnold at his desk in the morning Audio: “Welcome to the Indiana Statehouse during the final days of the 2010 session as days are getting more and more packed. “

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Day in the Life of Senator Arnold

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Day in the Life of Senator Arnold Storyboard of February 16, 2010

  2. Morning Overview (0:36) Video: Sen. Arnold at his desk in the morning Audio: “Welcome to the Indiana Statehouse during the final days of the 2010 session as days are getting more and more packed. “ “Today the Homeland Security, Transportation and Veteran’s Affairs committee will meet to discuss bills on the calendar if they are going to see the light of day in the other chamber…There is no typical day here; we address the issues as they come. I will be speaking to you from various locations to keep you abreast to what is going on as we move through the session today. ”  Lead into other vid: walking to committee with V/O explaining committee and what they did that day

  3. Walking to committee (0:13) Video: Sen. Arnold walking through the halls of the statehouse with an intern going to his committee hearing Audio from V/O of Sen. Arnold: “ Today was the last day of the committee which means that everything that is going to pass or is going to be heard from our committee had to come out today…”  Continue V/O but fade into committee video

  4. Committee (~ 0:25) Video: Sen. Arnold sitting in committee, asking questions and taking notes Audio from V/O: “What we did today was mostly vote on resolutions honoring fallen law enforcement officers and renaming highways, or portions thereof, in their honor.” “It is important that these things be addressed. People think that these are filed and presented to the Senate but they have to go through the process by going through the committees and be voted out. We will be addressing those issues on the floor of the Senate in the days to come.”

  5. Constituent group meeting (~0:25) Video: Sen. Arnold walking and talking with the rep. from the Lake County Solid Waste Mgmt. Board Audio from V/O: “ One of the pleasureful portions of the senator’s activities down here is that during lunch time, between committee hearings and session, we have the opportunity to meet with various groups of constituents to discuss various topics and bills coming up…” “Today the Lake County Solid Waste Mgmt. Board will be here to educate us about what they do and how we can help them out.”  Video fade into Rural Caucus luncheon with cont. Arnold V/O

  6. Rural Caucus (~0:22) Video: Sen. Arnold inside speaking with the members of the Rural Caucus during lunch Cont. Audio from Arnold V/O: “I will also attend a luncheon on the rural caucus that deals with issues surrounding agriculture and farming in our respective communities.” “Trying to make it to one lunch is sometimes hard to do, but making three of them is going to make it that much more intense. But were going to get it done because it is very important that we have the opportunity to meet with these people to let them know how concerned we are.”

  7. Lauren Arnold and architecture (~0:30) Video: Lauren Arnold speaking about visit to statehouse & at (1) Rotunda pan around Audio: V/O (Elise) – “During one of Sen. Arnold’s lunch meetings we caught up with his wife, Lauren Arnold, who was visiting the senator at the statehouse…” Audio of Lauren: “This is my first visit this year to the statehouse. I’ve been down many times before last session, but it seems to be busier and busier as we go. Jim is down here doing his job for the constituents… (1) so I enjoy it very much down here. The architecture of the statehouse is very special to me.”

  8. Outside Senate Chamber (~0:20) Video: Sen. Arnold outside of Senate chamber Audio: “We’re getting ready to enter into Senate chamber now, and this is where the real fun and games begin. So, everything we have put forth and proposed to the committees, this is where it all culminates now into our final vote. I will be starting out there in just a few minutes.”  Fade into Floor Desk B-roll

  9. Atmosphere of session (0:40) Video: (1)Sen. Arnold working at desk b-roll (2)Fade into busyness of floor shot (3)Fade into meeting with steel workers Audio: “(1) I know that when people look at the legislative body, they wonder how we get anything accomplished (2) because there is a lot of movement and a lot of talk. But you have to remember so much of this is taken care of prior to coming on the floor that it is almost a formality in a lot of cases…we really are paying attention (3) but so much is taking place outside of the chamber that when it comes time to vote on matters that affect taxpayers we pay attention.”

  10. Volleyball resolution (0:25) Video: Resolution and Sen. Arnold shaking hands Audio: have screen black, fade in with clapping. President – “Questions on the adoption of the resolution…” then fade to Sen. Arnold’s voice - “Every day we hear resolutions on the floor. That’s where some senator proposes or takes advantage of the opportunity to make a special note of something that has happened good in their community or to recognize certain people that have done great things in our community. I have the honor as I stated earlier today to have the Indiana state champion Marquette Girls V-Ball team coming in this afternoon.”

  11. Caucus (0:15) Video: Sen. Arnold and intern walking into caucus room with sign on the door Audio: V/O (Elise) - “The Senate recessed session today to go into respective caucuses, or groups based on political party, to strategize and talk about the bills on the calendar that are being debated.”

  12. Jackie Dillon (0:20) Video: Jackie Dillon at Sen. Arnold’s desk during caucus Audio: “My name is Jackie Dillon and I am Sen. Arnold’s intern this session. Anything that he might need during the day I make sure he gets…Anything can happen because we never really know what a day is going to be like. So, I really don’t know what a typical day is because there isn’t one.”

  13. Outro (0:27) Video: Sen. Arnold at his desk after caucus/session explaining adjournment Audio: “Here we are back in my cubicle after session this afternoon, which proved to be very eventful. It is about 4:36 and we are wrapping up 3 hour meeting downstairs on the floor…During that time there were some issues on some bills heard in committee today. A long discussion was held over that and it was decided that the best course of action for today was to adjourn.”  Fade into thanks: “Hopefully agreements will be reached, the matters will be resolved and well adjust the issues and continue to move on as we near the end of the 2010 session so, thank you again.”

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