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JAERI Facilities for the IFMIF Nuclear data - Experimental facilities & measurements status -. Presented by Takeo NISHITANI Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
JAERI Facilities for the IFMIF Nuclear data - Experimental facilities & measurements status - Presented by Takeo NISHITANI Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) IAEA Technical Meeting on „Nuclear Data for the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF)“, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK), Institut für Reaktorsicherheit, Germany, October 4-6, 2005
Takasaki Tokai Tokyo 100 km Outline of talk • FNS 14 MeV neutron facility (Tokai) • TIARA AVF cyclotron facility (Takasaki) • Li(p,n) neutron port • Charged particle port
Target Room II N Target Room I Rotating T-Target Ns :4x1012 n/s Accelerator Fixed T-Target D+ beam - Vac :400 kV - Ib :20 mA Ns :3x1011 n/s Work area TOF duct Control room FNS facility The Fusion Neutronics Source FNS is an accelerator based intense 14 MeV neutron source, which was established in 1981.
FNS Accelerator Type: Cockcroft-Walton Acceleration voltage: 400 kV (Max) Beam Current: 20 mA (Max) Beam ion:D+ Ion source: Bucket type
Target Room I (80° beam line) Target room I is used mainly for blanket neutronics experiments, cross-section measurements and detector developments. Fixed T target: 3.7 1011 Bq Neutron yield: 31011 neutron/s Blanket Neutronics Experiment
Target Room II (0° beam line) Target room I is used mainly for material irradiation tests and activation cross section e measurements. Rotating target ( 3.7 1013 Bq ) Neutron yield:41012 neutron/s
Pencil Beam line Pencil beam line from Target room II is used mainly for charged particle emission cross section measurements.
Charged-particle emission cross section measurement Emitted charged-particles are measured with a DE-E counter telescope.
9Be(n, CP) cross section DDX of 9Be(n,xa) reaction
9Be(n, CP) cross section Angular differential cross section (ADX) of 9Be(n,xa) reaction DDX and ADX of 9Be(n,t) reaction
G.S. 3.944 3.154 30deg. 2.372 1.472 DDX for 19F(n,xp) reactions
1.982 30deg. 3.63 G.S. 5.10 6.40 DDX for 19F(n,d) reactions 19F(n,d)
DDX for 19F(n,t) reaction G.S. 30deg. 0.871 3.843 3.055 1.9?
Deuteron induced activation cross section measurement AVF cyclotron accelerator Experiment chamber LA1 beam line Deuteron 40MeV, 0.1mA LA1 station
Stack foil method was used on the irradiation experiments TIARA-LA1 port Stacked sample foils Stack folder purity thickness Al 99.99% 200μm V 99.8% 25μm Fe 99.95% 50μm Ni 99% 20μm Cu 99.99% 25μm Ta 99.95% 10μm W 99.95% 20μm Cooling water Pressure<105 Pa Deuteron beam Al-sheet (0.1mm) Foil size:1cm X 1cm square
Measured d-induced activation cross sections ・ 27Al(d,2p)27Mg、 27Al(d,x)22,24Na ・ 51V(d,4n)49Cr ・ natFe(d,x)55,56Co ・ natNi(d,x)60,61Cu ・ natCu(d,x)62,63Zn, 61,64Cu ・ 181Ta(d,x)178,180Ta ・ natW(d,x)181-183,186Re Present results have been compared with the previous data in EXFOR and the evaluated data of ACCELAM which is calculated with ALICE-F.
Result of 27Al(d,x) 22Na Present result agrees with previous data. ACCSELAM values underestimate by factor 3-6.
Result ofnatNi(d,x)61Cu Present result agrees with previous data. ACCSELAM values overestimate by factor 3.
Result ofnatCu(d,x)61Cu Fulmer’s data agree with ACCSELAM values . Present data are factor 3 smaller than ACCSELAM values.
Result of181Ta(d,x)178Ta Experimental data in the energy range of <40MeV were obtained. ACCSELAM values overestimate by factor 2-6.
Energy spectra of 7Li(p,n) quasi-monochromatic neutron source
Future plan in 2005 and 2006 • FNS(14 MeV enutrons) • Charged particle emission cross section measurements for light nuclei (Li, C, etc.) • TIARA AVF Cyclotron (D+ beam) • D-induced activation measurements for structural material such as RAFM (F82H) and SS316. • TIARA AVF Cyclotron (Li(p,n) neutrons)