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SMART SNACKS IN SCHOOL USDA’s “All Foods Sold in Schools” Standards. SMART SNACK STANDARDS. Preserve flexibility for time-honored traditions like fundraisers and parties Compliment recent improvements in school meals M ake the healthy choice the easy choice for Florida’s students.
SMARTSNACKSIN SCHOOLUSDA’s “All Foods Sold in Schools” Standards
SMARTSNACK STANDARDS • Preserve flexibility for time-honored traditions like fundraisers and parties • Compliment recent improvements in school meals • Make the healthy choice the easy choice for Florida’s students
SMARTSNACK STANDARDS on the school campus, all areas of the property under the jurisdiction of the school that are accessible to students, during the school day, the period from midnight before, to 30 minutes after the end of the official school day. Only apply to foods SOLD to students
Competitive Foods All foods and beverages outside of the Federal meal programs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkvcvUSyDTQ
SCHOOLS HAVE OPTIONS Healthy offerings are already available in the market place. Download a list of Smart Snacks https://www.healthiergeneration.org/live_healthier/eat_healthier/alliance_product_navigator/
Allowable Food Options • Grains made of 50% or more whole grain • Foods with fruits, vegetables, dairy, orprotein as the first ingredient • Combination foods with ¼ cup fruit or vegetable • Foods with 10% DV of calcium, potassium, vitamin D, or fiber (Effective July 1, 2016, this criterion is obsolete)
Examples Grains: muffins, cookies, rolls, crackers, corn chips, cereals, cereal bars, party mix, pastries made with whole grains Non-Grains: fruit cup, carrot sticks, yogurt, pudding, cheese stick, nuts, seeds, dried fruit Combination Foods:fruited gelatin, blueberry muffin, fruit cobbler or pie, chips & salsa, trail mix Fortified Foods: fruit snacks, fiber bars, fortified cereals, frozen buttermilk waffles (25% DV calcium).
Exemptions • Entrée items served in school meals and sold as a la carte foods on the day they are served or the day after are exempt from all competitive food standards. Entrées are defined as • Protein & whole grain, or • Protein & fruit or vegetable, or • Protein alone (except for certain snack-type foods) • SP 35-2014: Grain-only breakfast entrées also exempt • Fruits and vegetables (fresh, frozen, & canned) • Sugar-free chewing gum
Nutrient Standards Nutrient standards (accompaniments included) must be met for non-exempt entrées, side dishes, and snack foods. • Total fat (≤35% of calories)1,2 • Saturated fat (< 10% of calories)2 • Trans fat (zero – 0.5 grams) • Sugars (≤35% of weight)3 • Calories and Sodium • Entrees (non-exempt) ≤350 calories & ≤480 mg sodium • Snacks and Sides ≤200 calories & ≤230 mg sodium 1Exemptions to total fat: seafood 2Exemptions to total fat and saturated fat: reduced fat cheese and part skim mozzarella cheese; nuts and seedand nut/seed butters; products that consist of dried fruit with nuts and/or seeds with no added nutritive sweeteners or fat 3Exemptions to sugar: dried whole fruits or vegetables or dried whole fruit/vegetable pieces; dried fruits with nutritive sweeteners for palatability; dried fruit with nuts and/or seeds with no added nutritive sweeteners or fat
Beverage Options Water, milk, and 100% juice Calorie-free and low-calorie options for high school
SP 29-2014 USDA cannot grant waivers, but remains committed to providing training and technical assistance. FDACS – FNW Resources: http://www.freshfromflorida.com/Divisions-Offices/Food-Nutrition-and-Wellness/Nutrition-Programs/Smart-Snacks
Fundraisers • States are permitted to set exemptions for a certain number of infrequent school-sponsored fundraisers that do not meet the standards. • Schools can decide what can be sold at events outside of school hours.
States are permitted to set exemptions for a certain number of infrequent school sponsored fundraisers. • FDACS collected feedbackfrom stakeholders and determined it was necessary to amend its existing competitive foods rule. • On June 11, 2014, FDACS published a proposed amendment to its existing competitive food rule: • Adopts the Federal Smart Snack Rule, and • Establishes an exemption for infrequent school-sponsored fundraisers. • On June 18, 2014, FDACS held a public hearing to gather input from stakeholders as part of its rulemaking process. Subsequently, FDACS made substantive changes to incorporate feedback received. • On July 18th, FDACS requested approval to file its proposed rule for final adoption.
FLORIDA’SCOMPETITIVE FOOD RULE • Florida Administrative Code 5P-1.003(2) (b)-(d)was amended to be consistent with USDA’s Smart Snack Standards. • 5P-1.003(2) regulates the sale of food and beverage items in competition with the district approved food service program. • Smart Snack Standards (7 CFR 210.11) are incorporated by reference.
FLORIDA’SCOMPETITIVE FOOD RULE • Requires all competitive foods to meet the Smart Snack nutrition standards. This includes fundraisers, vending machines, school stores, snack bars, culinary programs, and a la carte. • Restricts meat/grain entrée itemsunless sold by the food service program as a la carte. • Allowsa specified number of school-sponsored fundraisers to be exempt from the Smart Snack nutrition standards and meat/grain entrée restriction.
What is a school-sponsored fundraiser? “Any event or activity occurring on the school campus during which currency, tokens, tickets, or the like are exchanged for the sale or purchase of items or servicesto benefit the school, a school organization or group, or a charitable organization, and which is authorized according to district school board policy and has been approvedby the school principal or designee.”
Vending machines, school stores, and snack bars ARE NOT considered “school-sponsored fundraisers”
When are school-sponsored fundraisers allowable? • Those which MEET THE STANDARDS can occur on any school day, 30 minutes after the last meal period. • Those which DO NOT MEET THE STANDARDS must be granted a special exemptionby the district school board not to exceed the maximum number of school daysper school campus each school year as shown in the rule. Specially exempted fundraisers can occur on designated days, 30 minutes after the last meal period.
FLORIDA’SCOMPETITIVE FOOD RULE To demonstrate compliance, each district school board shall maintain records documenting the occurrence of any exempted school-sponsored fundraisers
Record Keeping Each district school board must ensure compliance. Who is responsible? • The school food authority if sold by the nonprofit school food service department. • The local educational agency if sold in various venues under its jurisdiction.
FLORIDA’SCOMPETITIVE FOOD RULE Establish a Healthy School Team by June 30, 2015 for all schools in accordance with 42 U.S.C. 1758. Include: • Parents • Students • School food service representatives • School administrators • School health professionals • Physical education teachers • The public
FLORIDA’SCOMPETITIVE FOOD RULE Responsibilities of the Healthy School Team • Ensure compliance with federal and state rule • Report compliance to the designated person(s) responsible for the local school wellness policy. • Maintain a school calendar identifying dates when exempted food fundraisers will occur.
RESOURCES • FDACS FNW Smart Snack webpage http://www.freshfromflorida.com/Divisions-Offices/Food-Nutrition-and-Wellness/Nutrition-Programs/Smart-Snacks • USDA Smart Snacks in School website http://www.fns.usda.gov/school-meals/smart-snacks-school • AASA Competitive Foods Policy Initiative https://www.aasa.org/content.aspx?id=26208 • Alliance for a Healthier Generation (product calculator tool and extensive excel database of smart snacks) https://schools.healthiergeneration.org/resources__tools/school_meals/product_navigator/ • Sweet Deals: School Fundraising Can Be Healthy and Profitable http://cspinet.org/new/pdf/schoolfundraising.pdf (CSPI) Contact: Jamie Burch jamie.burch@freshfromflorida.com (850) 617-7448