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The Modern Era

The Modern Era. Group 6 Nicholas Ly Alex McBean Stephen Searfoss Desmond Mobley. Rulers of T he Nation. Effected the W hole T ime Period. The Rise of Dictatorships. Benito Mussolini-Came to power for Italy in 1922 Adolf Hitler and Nazi party capitalized on Germany's economic woes

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The Modern Era

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  1. The Modern Era Group 6 Nicholas Ly Alex McBean Stephen Searfoss Desmond Mobley

  2. Rulers of The Nation Effected the Whole Time Period The Rise of Dictatorships Benito Mussolini-Came to power for Italy in 1922 Adolf Hitler and Nazi party capitalized on Germany's economic woes Vladimir Ilyich Lenin had sought in the 1920’s to create a society without a class system After Lenin’s death in 1924, Joseph Stalin took power • Charles Darwin(1809-1882) • Karl Marx (1818-1883) • Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) • Modernism- a broad trend in literature and other arts, from 1890’s to 1940’s • Reflect the fragmentation and uncertainly that characterized modern life • Rejected traditional poetic meters and wrote free verse • Novelist such as James Joyce employed a technique called Stream of Consciousness to record the randomness and free association of their characters thoughts Social Darwinism- only the fittest should survive and flourish

  3. Characteristics of Literature in the Modern Era • Dark and Pessimistic • Postmodern • It was a mix of poverty, anxiety, and the occasional prosperity. • People lived everywhere across the globe. • Dresses mostly varied from time period to time period.

  4. Historical Events in the 1900s • Started in 1901 after Queen Victoria’s death • 1914-1918: WWI • 1929: Stock Market crash • 1939-1945:WW2 • August 6th and 9th 1945: Hiroshima and Nagasaki had seen the use of the Atomic Bombs

  5. Historical Events continued • 1946: The first computer (ENIAC) • 1955: Civil Rights movement begins • 1969: U.S astronaut Neil Armstrong landed on the moon • 1991: Collapse of the Soviet Union • 2001: 9/11, Four planes hijacked by terrorists

  6. Literary Events • 1904: Abbey theater founded by W.B Yeats • 1922: Joyce’s Ulysses publishes • Nobel Prizes: Winston Churchill (1953) NaguibMahfouz (1988) W.B Yeats(1923)

  7. Major Writers • Winston Churchill (Blood, Sweat, and Tears) • Ben Okri (Shadows of War) • W.B Yeats (Abbey’s Theater) • James Joyce (Ulysses) • George Orwell (Shooting an Elephant) • T.S Eliot (The Wasteland)

  8. Types of Literature • Modernism • Thrillers • Postmodernism • Dystopian

  9. Major Works of Literature • The Hollow Men (T.S Eliot) • Night (Elie Wiesel) • In the Shadow of War (Ben Okri) • Shooting an Elephant (George Orwell) • Araby (James Joyce) • 1983 (George Orwell) • Animal Farm (George Orwell)

  10. Influence other nations had on Britain • Since the death of Queen Victoria, Britain has been losing it’s colonies, starting with India, Egypt, Ireland, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada • The effect of colonialism had on other countries produced postcolonial literature, which focused on how their culture had been uprooted and how foreign influence changed their way of life.

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