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The Modern Era. Daily Agenda 1. Word of the Day 2. Ford 3. Carter. Word of the Day. p aucity PAW si tee. smallness of quantity; scarcity; scantiness. Towards the end of the cold war, the Soviet Union found themselves with a paucity of resources. President Ford.
The Modern Era Daily Agenda 1. Word of the Day 2. Ford 3. Carter
Word of the Day paucity PAW si tee smallness of quantity; scarcity; scantiness Towards the end of the cold war, the Soviet Union found themselves with a paucity of resources.
President Ford • Vice-President Ford was named President upon Nixon’s resignation (1974). • Pres. Ford then granted Nixon a “full, free and absolute pardon.” • U.S. faced bad recession in 1975 with high unemployment and high inflation. • Ford lost a close race for reelection in 1976 to the Democrat Jimmy Carter.
Carter Faces Domestic Challenges • Jimmy Carter came across as an honest man of deep religious faith who promised not to lie to the American people. • Tried to help the nation heal some of the wounds of the past. • Ex. He issued a pardon to thousands of Vietnam War draft dodgers. • Focused on human rights around the world. • Tried to deal with environmental issues. • Efforts to fix the economy mostly failed, so focused instead on the energy crisis
1970s Energy Crisis * • During the 1970s, demand for oil in the U.S. increased while domestic production decreased. • Reliance on foreign oil increased. • In 1973 and 1979, oil crises hit the U.S. • Effects? • Higher gas prices • Gasoline rationing • Recession • Domestic oil/gas exploration • Solutions? • Founding of Department of Energy • Alternative energy sources • 55 mph speed limit
Carter’s Foreign Policy * • Carter came to office with little foreign-policy experience. • Worked to strengthen ties between the United States and the Soviet Union and China. • Formally recognized the government of the Communist People’s Republic of China • Signed treaty with Panama to transfer control of the Panama Canal back to Panama by 1999. • Helped Egypt and Israel deal with some of the divisions that caused conflicts between their countries. • Camp David Accords
Camp David Accords * • Carter invited the leaders of Israel and Egypt to Camp David to negotiate a peace settlement (had been in state of war for years). • After 13 days, Carter had negotiated a peace treaty and framework for future negotiations. • Egypt would recognize Israel’s right to exist. • Israel would give control of the Sinai Peninsula back to Egypt.
How did international crises affect Carter’s presidency? • In a series of events occurred that seemed to overwhelm Carter’s presidency. • In 1979 the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan to install a friendly communist regime. • Afghan rebels organized to fight the invaders, and the war dragged on until 1989. • Carter responded with embargo on grain sales to Soviet Union and U.S. boycott on 1980 Summer Olympics. • Miracle on Ice
Iran Hostage Crisis * • On November 4, 1979, an angry mob of young Islamic revolutionaries overran the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, taking more than 60 Americans hostage. • Ally to the U.S. and repressive leader of Iran, Reza Shah Pahlavi, was forced to flee Iran in Jan., 1979, and a religious leader, Ayatollah Khomeini, set up a theocracy. • In Oct., 1979, President Carter gave permission for the Shah, suffering from cancer, to enter the U.S. for medical treatment.
Iran Hostage Crisis cont. * • The students vowed not to release the Americans until the U.S. returned the Shah for trial, along with billions of dollars they claimed he had stolen from the Iranian people. • A few hostages (women, minorities) were released, but 52 Americans remained hostages for over a year. • Carter tried to build pressure on Iran through economic sanctions, froze its assets in the U.S., attempted negotiation, and even sent a failed military rescue mission. • Nothing worked, and even though negotiations started 2 months before his reelection bid, Carter lost in 1980. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8bC1DEYbI4
Daily Agenda 1. Argo 2. Culture 3. Boat People
Argo: Inside Story • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxlVK9OjrB0
Culture and Society in the 1970s • New Age movement-used alternative methods, like yoga and martial arts, to achieve spiritual enlightenment. • Falling birth rates and rising employment of women. • TV shows featured single women and took on controversial topics like racism and abortion. • Music became less political. • Disco! • Decade of fads (message t-shirts, skateboards, mood rings, fitness, etc.)