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КУРС АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА ДЛЯ МЕЖДУНАРОДНИКОВ И РЕГИОНОВЕДОВ УРОВЕНЬ – БАКАЛАВРИАТ КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТНЫЙ ПОДХОД 1 год обучения. Авторы : Е.Б.Ястребова, О.А.Кравцова, Л.Г.Владыкина. Slide 1. Introducing and Greeting People (1). Formal. A: Ms. Blake,'let me intro'duce Mr. Jones. ||
Slide 1. Introducing and Greeting People (1).Formal A: Ms. Blake,'let me intro'duce Mr. Jones. || 'may I intro'duce Mr. Jones. || Ms. Blake: 'How do you do? || Mr. Jones: 'How do you do? || 'Pleased to meet you. OR A: 'Let me intro duce myself. || I am 'John Thompson. || B: 'How do you do? || I am 'Kate Martin. || A: 'How do you do?
Slide 2. Introducing and Greeting People (2).Neutral A: Jane, 'meet 'Tanya Smith. || B: He llo, Tanya. || 'Nice/'pleased to meet you. Informal A: Hi, I am Jack. || B: Hi, I am Sasha.
Slide 3. Unit 1. How Are You?neutral = inquiry about one’s healthinformal = How are things? (Какдела?) How are you doing? (Какпоживаете?) COMPARE: 1. A: 'How are you? || B: I am fine, thank you. || And you? 2. A: 'How are things? B: 'Fine, thanks. || 'What about you? A: Fine./'Not too bad.
Slide 4. Пожалуйста: please, thank you, etc. Situation 1. (At the table): You are offered something. Your answer: Yes, ●please. Or Thank you. 'No, thank you. Situation 2. (At the table, etc): You are asked to pass something. Your answer: Here you are. (American : There you are). Situation 3. Somebody says “thank you” for your service, etc. Your answer: You are welcome. 'Don’t mention it. 'That’s al right. My pleasure.'Not at all.
Slide 5. Saying Hello and Good-bye. Formal: Good morning/ Morning. Good 'afternoon.Good evening/ Evening.Good- bye. Neutral: He llo, Jack/everybody. Good night. Good luck. 'Have a nice/good day (evening, week-end, trip, etc.) Informal: Hi, Jane! See you (later). 'Take care. Bye - bye. Bye.
Subject Auxiliary Verb Verb + + … ? Slide 6. General (Yes/No) Questions I Structure
Are you a student? Yes, I am. Are you a high school student? No, I am not. Slide 7.General (Yes/No) Questions II Intonation pattern: examples
Slide 8. Unit 2. Special (Wh-) Questions. Structure Question Word Subject Auxiliary Verb Verb + + + …?
Slide 9. Unit 2. Questions in which who/what is used as the subject. Structure Who/ What Verb + … ?
Slide 12. Unit 3. Making small talk (1). Conversation starters. Talking about the weather: 'Isn’t it a 'lovely day? 'Beautiful day, isn’t it? What 'lovely/'nice weather, isn’t it? It 'looks like it’s 'going to rain/ snow. I 'hear they’re 'fore'casting thunderstorms/ showers all weekend.
Slide 13. Unit 3. Making small talk (2). Talking about current events: Have you 'heard the news today/did you 'hear the news today? Have you 'heard/did you 'hear about the blackout/the floods…? I 'hear they have 'opened a 'new exhibition hall at the Tretyakov Gallery. I 'read in the paper today they are 'going to 'build a 'new shopping mall. 'What do you 'think about the 'new 'Stephen Spielberg film?
Slide 14. Unit 3. Making small talk (3). At a social event: Are you en joying yourself? 'Pretty 'nice place, isn’t it? Have you 'tried their sushi? It’s de licious! Have you 'known the 'Browns long? This 'dress 'suits you 'very well. Can I 'ask 'where you got it? How 'long have you been 'coming to this con vention (conference, workshop, etc.)?
Slide 15. Unit 3. Making small talk (4). Exit lines: That’s my bus/ train/etc. Must be going. They’ve just an'nounced my flight. Must be going. There are a 'few 'people here I 'haven’t 'said hello to yet. I have to 'say hello to some people. Can I 'get you a/another drink? I 'skipped lunch today so I 'need to 'go to the buffet ([‘bVfeI]). Ex cuse me for a moment, I 'need to have a quick 'word with Mr. Smith. Will you ex cuse me for a moment?
Slide 16. Unit 3. Извините: sorry, excuse me, I beg your pardon. Situation 1.Извините, виноват(а). Formal:I 'beg your pardon Neutral: I am sorry.I am very/ awfully sorry. Ex cuse me. Informal: I am sorry. Sorry. Situation 2.Извините, чтовысказали? Formal:I beg your pardon/ Pardon? Neutral : I am sorry? Ex cuse me? (Am.E) Informal: Sorry? Situation 3.Извините, не могли бы Вы … (attracting attention). Formal:Could I just trouble you for a moment? Neutral : Ex cuse me. I am sorry. Informal. Sorry.
Slide 17. Unit 3. Intonation and Stress (1). A statement is normally pronounced with the falling tone on the Tonic. The Tonic is the syllable of the greatest stress. e.g. 'Most 'capitals are cosmo politan cities. Note:such words as articles, one syllable prepositions, auxiliaries, modal verbs, most pronouns, etc. are NOT normally stressed. e.g. I 'don’t 'know any French, but my English is good. The rhythm of an English sentence is such that stressed and unstressed syllables alternate. e.g.There are 'many 'ethnic 'groups in London.
Slide 18. Unit 3. Intonation and Stress (2). The Tonic is usually the last stressed word in a sentence, but the speaker can put emphasis on a different word to change the meaning. COMPARE: 1. He 'went to Cali'fornia to 'get sup plies. 2. He 'went to Cali fornia to get supplies. OR 1. I knew you would help me. (you did) 2. I 'thought you would help me. (you did not)
Slide 19. Unit 3. Intonation and Stress (3). Read the poem: And 'crossing the 'Channel one 'cannot say much || For the French or the Spanish, the Danish or Dutch ; The 'Germans are Germans ,the 'Russians are red And the 'Greeks and I'talians eat garlic in bed The 'English are moral, the 'English are good And clever and modest and ımisunder stood…
Slide 20. Unit 3. Stating One’s Opinion. Useful phrases: I think … It’s my opinion that … I’m fairly certain… I feel … I believe … I’m pretty sure that … State your opinion using a phrase from above. Decide which word is the Tonic. e.g. I think 'Moscow is a nice city to live in. OR I believe 'Moscow is a difficult city to live in. 1. Moscow is a nice/difficult city to live in. 2. People in the county/small towns/large cities are much friendlier than …. 3. English people are cold and reserved/polite and friendly. 4. Young Europeans are more/less independent than young Russians. 5. University students have a lot more/less freedom than schoolchildren.
Slide 21. Unit 3. Tag Questions: Asking for Opinion/Information. Tag questions are little questions at the end of a sentence. e.g. You are from Moscow, aren’t you? If the speaker is not sure of the truth of the statement, he/she makes they are asking a question using the rising tone at the end. e.g. You 'didn’t 'take my book, did you? || – 'No, I didn’t. – 'Yes, I did. The 'Dutch can 'win the World Cup, can’t they? || – 'Yes, they can. – 'No, they can’t. Aust'ralia is a 'member of the Commonwealth, isn’t it? || – 'Yes, it is.
Slide 22. Unit 3. Tag Questions: Making a Statement. If the speaker makes a statement he/she believes to be true and expects an agreement, the falling tone is used at the end. e.g. You are students, aren’t you? || – 'Yes, we are. 'Traffic on' Monday mornings is awful, isn’t it? || – 'Yes, it is. 'People haven’t landed on Mars yet, have they? || – 'No, they haven’t.
Slide 23. Unit 4. Asking for information: Indirect Questions. Opening Phrase Question Word Subject + Verb + + …?
Slide 24. Unit 5. Suggesting, Requesting, Instructing. I 'wonder if it is 'possible to use your laptop? Would you 'mind if I 'used your phone? Do you 'think I could 'use your dictionary?* Do you 'mind if I 'use your phone? Could you help us? I 'don’t sup'pose you’ll be 'able to help us? / I sup 'pose you 'won’t be 'able to help us? 'Will you 'wait for him in the lobby? 'Why don’t you 'wait for him in the lobby? 'Is it all 'right if I 'use your dictionary? Can I 'use your phone? Formal Neutral Informal
Slide 25. Unit 5. Конечно: Certainly vs Of course. Situation 1. A: Can you give me his address? B: Certainly!/ Of course I can. Situation 2. A: Is 10 Downing Street the Prime Minister’s address? B: It certainly is. NOT:Of course, it is. OR A: Do you speak German? B: Yes, I do. “Of course” is not an appropriate answer if you are asked for information. “Of course” in this case implies that the answer is so evident that you shouldn’t have asked about it!
Slide 26. Unit 5. Asking for Opinion. You can ask someone’s opinion in the following way: Question Word Subject do you think Verb + + + …?
Slide 27. Unit 5. Asking and answering negative questions. 1. 'Don’t you 'like the concert? 'Yes, Ido.(= нет, нравится) 'No, Idon’t. (= да, не нравится) 2. You 'didn’t know the man, did you? 'Yes, I did. (= нет, знал) 'No, Ididn’t. (да, не знал) 3. I sup'pose he 'hasn’t bought the tickets? 'Yes, he has. (= нет, купил) 'No, hehasn’t. (= да, не купил)
Slide 28. Unit 6. Asking about one’s plans. Are you 'going to the party tomorrow? (implying that a decision would be welcome) Will you 'take 'part in ….? (requesting/insisting) Will you be at the party tomorrow? Will I 'see you at the party tomorrow?
Slide 29. Unit 6. Giving and Accepting Compliments. Compliment formula 1 (really) Noun Phrase Is/looks Adjective + + +
Slide 30. Unit 6. Giving and Accepting Compliments. Compliment formula 2 (really) like/love Noun Phrase I + + +
That’s That’s a 'really a 'great 'nice 'looking carpet. car. Slide 31. Unit 6. Giving and Accepting Compliments. Compliment formula 3 (really) Adjective Noun Phrase Pronoun + is + + + AND: You 'handled it marvelously! You ('really) 'did a 'good job. You 'did great! 'Nice game.
Slide 32. Unit 6. Compliment Response Formulas. 1. adding extra information I bought it at Marks and Spencer 2. playing it down I’ve had this dress for years. 3. shifting credit Ann did a lot to help me with it. 4. asking a question Do you really think so? 5. returning a compliment A:Your presentation was really good. B:Thank you. So was yours! Thank you/Thanks +
Slide 34. Unit 7.Agreeing and Disagreeing.Useful phrases to agree and disagreewith someone’s opinions
Slide 34a. Unit 7.Agreeing and Disagreeing.Useful phrases to agree and disagreewith facts
Slide 35. Unit 7. Ятоже: So do I/ Neither do I. Situation 1. 1) A: I hate large parties! B: 'So do I. 2) A: I can 'speak 'English fluently. B: 'So can I. Situation 2. 1) A: I wouldn’t 'like to 'join the army. B: 'Neither would I. 2) A: I have 'never been to the 'Middle East. B: 'Neither have I.
Slide 36. Unit 7. Showing Interest. Useful words to show interest: Right. Aha! OK. Really? Yes? Another way of saying Really? is to repeat the auxiliary verb the other speaker has used. e.g. A: I was the 'last to 'leave the party. B:Were you? A: I 'didn’t return 'home until 'four in the morning! B: Didn’t you?
Slide 37. Unit 8. Using Fillers. e.g. A: Do you think we should throw a party for our girls on the 8th of March? After all, it is their day. Or flowers might be a better idea? B: Well, I am not really sure. I mean if it is a surprise party we may find they have planned something else for the day.
Slide 38. Unit 8. Using Hedges. Hedges are used to protect the speaker from the risk of seeming to be wrong,impolite, etc. They can also act as fillers.The most common hedges are: e.g. A: Strictly speaking, I haven’t got much experience of learning a foreign language but I think that attending a summer language school will do you a world of good. In an English-speaking environment, your English will definitely improve. B: Correct me if I am wrong, but you did go to a summer school in Brighton last year but it wasn’t much help. Was it?
Slide 40. Unit 9. Expressing Conviction.Examples of Use: 1. I am con'vinced that'fast 'food 'poses a 'danger to 'human health. 2. I 'firmlybe'lieve that we are 'not alone in this vast universe ...3.I 'honestly 'feel that I've 'spent 'more 'time in my car this month than I 'have 'sitting on my sofa. 4. I am 'positive that 'change is good. ... 5. - Are you 'going to 'watch the game tonight? - Wi'thout a doubt! 6. I 'really 'feel 'mothers should 'stay at 'home with their 'young children.
Slide 41. Unit 9. Complaining.Useful phrases: I am 'sorry to 'have to say this, but … I’ve 'got a 'bit of a problem here, you see… Look, I am 'sorry to trouble you, but … I 'wonder if you could help me… (e.g., there are no towels in my room) I 'don't 'want to 'make it of ficial, but... I 'don't 'want to 'take it any further/to official channels, but….
Slide 42. Unit 9. Making and Accepting an Apology.Useful phrases:
Slide 43. Unit 10. Being Enthusiastic.Useful words and phrases: Lovely! Oh, 'that’s lovely! Great! 'That’s great! Fan tastic! Oh, 'that’s fan tastic! Marvellous! How marvellous! Wonderful! How wonderful! Ter rific! (infml.) e.g. A: Mary has 'finally 'won in a lottery! B: Oh, great!/ 'That’s fan tastic!/How wonderful!
Slide 44. Unit 10. Being Sympathetic.Useful phrases: LESS SERIOUS NEWS VERY SAD NEWS 'Oh, no! 'How awful! 'What a pity! 'How terrible! 'What a shame! That 'must have been awful! 'Poor you! I am 'really 'sorry to hear that. e.g. I. A: I have 'failed in Maths. B: 'What a pity!/ 'Oh, no! II. A: Their 'airplane 'crashed when landing. B: Oh, 'how terrible/ awful.
Talking of… That reminds me… Oh, before I forget… By the way…. Slide 46. Unit 11. Changing the Subject.Useful phrases e.g. A: I 'watched a rather 'interesting programme on T V the other day. They 'talked about the dec'lining birth rate… B: 'Talking of T V, I 'bought a 'new flat-'screen 'T V yesterday. C: Oh, it 'must have 'cost you a fortune! B:'Not really, 'though it was quite expensive. D: Oh, 'that re minds me. 'That restaurant 'John 'chose for his wedding celebration. That’s what I ●call ex ●pensive.
Slide 47. Unit 11. Interrupting and Returning to the Topic.Useful phrases: