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Reform Movements and Revolutions. Congress of Vienna. After exiling Napoleon, Euro leaders at Congress of Vienna tried to restore order and reestablish peace. Purpose: Keep world safe from war. Maintain balance of power and diminish power of France
Congress of Vienna After exiling Napoleon, Euro leaders at Congress of Vienna tried to restore order and reestablish peace. Purpose: Keep world safe from war. Maintain balance of power and diminish power of France Effects - Nationalism spread, new nations would form. Revolutions occur in Latin America.
Conservatism 1815-1830 170 Edmund Burke- reaction to French Revolution Sudden change unacceptable, agst violent overthrow of government Favored obedience to pol authority Society organized and ordered Revived churches
Revolt of Latin America LAmerica in hands of Spanish and Portuguese 1807-1824 series of revolts enabled most of Latin America to become independent Simon Bolivar “GWasington of Latin America”Led troops across Andes to fight in Peru. Liberated Venezuela, Columbia, Ecuador, and Peru from Spanish
Jose de San Martin- his forces liberated Argentina, Chile, and Peru from Spanish authority. Led forces over Andes Effects of Revolution Guatemala, Honduras, Costa, Rica, Nicaragua indiv. Republics. British power and Monroe Doctrine protected Latin Americas Great Britain dominated economy- tobacco, sugar, wheat, coffee
Greek Revolt Greeks revolted agst Ottoman Turkish masters(Muslim control for 400 years), Russ/Turk war Ottoman empire leaves it in hands of Europeans to decide 1830 Greece independent, great powers supported it.
Russian Tsars Rural, agricultural, and autocratic Alexander I-absolute monarch freed pol prisoners, relaxed censorship, and reformed education. No constitution given to serfs Brother Nicholas took throne hired secret police, feared revolution “Policeman of Europe” Russian troops crushing rebellions
Liberalism “People should be free from restraint” Equality for all, Protection of civil liberties, basic rights of people limited suffrage-men with property qualify. Many believed in cons monarchy no king (limit powers of gov)
Nationalism Cause: Part of a community, Common institutions, traditions, language and customs “Nation” people have loyalty Each nationality should have own gov. Ex: Germans wanted German nation-state
Prison Reform Response to rev upheavals develop civilian police forces Prisons with separate cells (solitary confinement) Or sent to colonies ex: French sent people to New Guinea, increase in prison populations “More disciplined society”
Revolution in Germanic States, Austrian empire, Italy, Belgium, and France (again), Italy Failed revolutions : Poland, Russia, Italy, and Germ Reform legislation in Britain Successful Revolutions: in Greece, France, and Belgium
Romanticism • Romanticism-artistic movement 1750-1850 appealed to emotion rather than reason. • Writers combined, history, legend, and folklore with a sad character who felt out of step with society • Revival of Gothic medieval architecture, Gothic lit., horror (Edgar Allen Poe) • Poetry, worship of nature
Romanticism • Music: Romantic composers- Beethoven and Chopin, to stir deep emotions • Art: Artists painted the beauty and power of nature. Peasant life to medieval knights to current events using bright colors
Napoleon III 1848 France republic, universal male suffrage 1859-new generation Conservative leaders Louis Napoleon- support of French people Authoritarian monarchy Liberalize gov, Prussia military defeat brought regime to a collapse, gov subsidies, hospitals, free medicine, advocated better housing , modernize Paris, legalizing unions-right to strike
Victorian Period Queen Victoria took throne in 1837 (at 18) Long reign, died in 1901 (at 82) England became wealthiest nation British Empire expansion “The sun never sets on England.” Queen-empress over 200 million people living outside Great Britain India, North America, South Pacific, etc.
Victorian Period Ind. Revolution - Created new towns, goods, wealth, jobs for people climbing through middle class Gradual political reforms: First Reform Bill in 1832 extended vote to all men who owned property worth 10 lbs Second Reform Act in 1867 gave the right to vote to working-class men (except agricultural workers)
Victorian Period Women for suffrage – did not succeed until 1918 (30 & over) Universal adult suffrage 1928 extended vote to women at age 21 Factory Acts – limited child & women labor State supported schools est. in 1870; compulsory in 1880; free in 1891 Literacy rate increased from 40% to 90% from 1840-1900.
Crimean War Crimean War-Russia vs. Ottoman Empire GB and France declare war on Rus. 250,000 died. 60% disease Effect: Breakdown of alliances causes nationalism Florence Nightingale –Medical care to Brit soldiers Her Efforts in Crimean War, helped make nursing honorable profession for middle class women.
Unification of Italy and Germany Italy gained independ. through alliance w/ France and Prussia, & military action of Giuseppe Garibaldi. (1870) Germany-Ottoman van Bismark led Prussia to achieve unification of German states (1871)leader of “real politick”
Realism • Mid 1800s-Realists tried to show the world as it was. • Looked at the harsh sides of life. • Hoped to improve the society they described. • Charles Dickens portrayed the lives of the slum dwellers and factory workers.
Realism • Drama: Plays attacked the hypocrisy of society. For example, A Doll’s House showed a woman caught in a straitjacket of social rules • Art: Focused on ordinary subjects, especially working class men and women
Revolution of Health Care Discovery of microorganisms (germs) Principle of vaccination 1849s-1850s health movement in response cholera movement Gov hiring medical doctors, clean water1890s New Medical Schools (most closed to females), struggle
The Philosophers of Industrialization Laissez-faire Economics-economic policy of not interfering with businesses Adam Smith—defender of free markets, author of The Wealth of Nations Believes economic liberty guarantees economic progress Economic natural laws—self interest, competition, supply and demand Capitalism—system of privately owned businesses seeking profits
The Rise of Socialism Socialism—factors of production are owned and operated by the state for the people. Socialists think gov control can end poverty, bring equality Karl Marx—German journalist proposes a radical socialism, Marxism
Marxism: Radical Socialism The Communist Manifesto(1848) Marx believed society is divided into warring classes Capitalism helps “haves,” the employers known as the bourgeoisie Hurts “Have-nots,” The workers known as the proletariat Marx predicted the workers will overthrow the owners
Marxism: Radical Socialism The Future According to Marx Marx believes capitalism will eventually destroy itself Inequality would cause workers to revolt, seize factories and mills Communism—society where people own, share the means of production Marx’s ideas later take root in Russia, China, and Cuba Time has shown that society is not controlled by economic forces alone.
Labor Unions and Reform Laws Unionization Unions—associations formed by laborers to work for change Unions negotiate for better pay, conditions with employers Sometimes they strike—call a work stoppage—to pressure owners Skill workers are first to form unions Union goals were higher wages, shorter hours, improved conditions
Labor Unions and Reform Laws Reform Laws British, U.S. laws passed to stop worst abuses of industrialization 1842 Mines Act in Britain stops women, children working underground In 1847, workday for women, children limited to 10 hours in Britain U.S. ends child labor, sets maximum hours in 1904
The Reform Movement Spreads The Abolition of Slavery In 1833, reformers help end slavery in British empire Slavery ends in the U.S. in 1865; ends by 1888 in the rest of the Americas The Fight for Women’s Rights Women pursue economic and social rights as early as 1848 International Council for Women founded in 1888; worldwide membership
The Reform Movement Spreads Reforms Spread to Many Areas of Life Reformers establish free public schools in Europe in late 1800s Public schools common in U.S. by the 1850s; prison reform also sought
New Directions in Science • 1859-Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species. Argued humans had developed to their present state over millions of years. • To explain evolution, Darwin used the theory of natural selection which came to be known as “survival of the fittest.”
New Directions in Science • Darwin’s theory started a debate btwn scientists and religious leaders. • Social Darwinism: Applying the idea of survival of the fittest to war and economic competition. Social Darwinism encouraged racism, the belief that one racial group is superior to another