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Bioimpedance Analysis and Vasoconstriction

Bioimpedance Analysis and Vasoconstriction. Taylor Guffey Lauren Morgan Harry Han Shelby Hassberger Daniel Kim Elizabeth Morris Rachel Patel Radu Reit. Purpose/Problem Statement.

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Bioimpedance Analysis and Vasoconstriction

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  1. Bioimpedance Analysis and Vasoconstriction Taylor Guffey Lauren Morgan Harry Han Shelby Hassberger Daniel Kim Elizabeth Morris Rachel Patel RaduReit

  2. Purpose/Problem Statement • The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether the temperature of the room can affect the body fat percentage reading for an individual.

  3. Sample Size Used • 23 estimated for statistical significance • 24 used in experiment Exclusion/Inclusion Criteria: • Only students in BMED1300 will participate in this study as part of a class project.

  4. Hypothesis Null Hypothesis • There will be no difference in the readings of body fat percentage from 24oC to4oC as measured by the bioelectrical impedance analysis. Alternative Hypothesis • There will be a significant increase in body fat percentage when the readings are taken from 24oC to4oC as measured by the bioelectrical impedance analysis.

  5. Materials • Instruction Sheet • Name tags • Consent Form • Survey • Scale • Meter Stick • Omron HBF-360 Fat Analyzer • Thermometer • Space Heater • A room at 24o C • A room at 4o C

  6. Methodology • 2 groups of 12 subjects each –24 Subjects total •Subjects are explained the experiment •Instruction sheet was given •Subjects sign a consent form •Subjects are each assigned a letter and number •Subjects enter hot room 1 minute apart •Time of subjects’ entrance was recorded •Height and weight were measured

  7. Methodology • Survey was administered that correlated with subjects’ letter and number •Subjects’ information is entered in BIA •Subjects sit in hot room for 10 minutes •BIA is taken twice •Subjects are escorted to the cold room •Subjects sit in cold room for 10 minutes •BIA is taken twice •Subjects are allowed to leave

  8. Results

  9. Analysis

  10. Analysis

  11. T-Value Calculation

  12. Analysis • T-value Needed= 1.68023 for 95% confidence • T-value = 0.40 • P value = 0.32 • Null Hypothesis is not rejected

  13. Outliers • Box with whiskers

  14. Discussion • The null hypothesis is not rejected • There is not a statistical significance between BIA readings and vasoconstriction.

  15. Improvements

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