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Tutorial On Lex & Yacc

Tutorial On Lex & Yacc. Presented By Dewan Tanvir Ahmed Lecturer, CSE Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. Purpose of Tutorial. Provide a brief, non-technical, black-box introduction to lex and yacc. How to run lex and yacc. How to run them in Windows environment.

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Tutorial On Lex & Yacc

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  1. Tutorial On Lex & Yacc Presented By Dewan Tanvir Ahmed Lecturer, CSE Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

  2. Purpose of Tutorial • Provide a brief, non-technical, black-box introduction to lex and yacc. • How to run lex and yacc. • How to run them in Windows environment. More study needed Upcoming Assignments are on lex yacc May be included in CSE309

  3. Lex: what is it? • Lex: a tool for automatically generating a lexer or scanner given a lex specification (.l file) • A lexer or scanner is used to perform lexical analysis, or the breaking up of an input stream into meaningful units, or tokens. • For example, consider breaking a text file up into individual words.

  4. *.c is generated after running x.l %{ < C global variables, prototypes, comments > %} [DEFINITION SECTION] %% [RULES SECTION] %% < C auxiliary subroutines> This part will be embedded into *.c substitutions, code and start states; will be copied into *.c define how to scan and what action to take for each token any user code. For example, a main function to call the scanning function yylex(). Skeleton of a lex specification (.l file)

  5. The rules section %% [RULES SECTION] <pattern> { <action to take when matched> } <pattern> { <action to take when matched> } … %% Patterns are specified by regular expressions. For example: %% [A-Za-z]* { printf(“this is a word”); } %%

  6. Regular Expression Basics . : matches any single character except \n * : matches 0 or more instances of the preceding regular expression + : matches 1 or more instances of the preceding regular expression ? : matches 0 or 1 of the preceding regular expression | : matches the preceding or following regular expression [ ] : defines a character class () : groups enclosed regular expression into a new regular expression “…”: matches everything within the “ “ literally

  7. Lex Reg Exp (cont) x|yx or y {i} definition of i x/yx, only if followed by y (y not removed from input) x{m,n} m to n occurrences of x xx, but only at beginning of line x$ x, but only at end of line "s" exactly what is in the quotes (except for "\" and following character) A regular expression finishes with a space, tab or newline

  8. Meta-characters • meta-characters (do not match themselves, because they are used in the preceding reg exps): • ( ) [ ] { } < > + / , ^ * | . \ " $ ? - % • to match a meta-character, prefix with "\" • to match a backslash, tab or newline, use \\, \t, or \n

  9. Regular Expression Examples • an integer: 12345 • [1-9][0-9]* • a word: cat • [a-zA-Z]+ • a (possibly) signed integer: 12345 or -12345 • [-+]?[1-9][0-9]* • a floating point number: 1.2345 • [0-9]*”.”[0-9]+

  10. Lex Regular Expressions Lex uses an extended form of regular expression: (c: character, x,y: regular expressions, s: string, m,n integers and i: identifier). • c any character except meta-characters (see below) • [...] the list of enclosed chars (may be a range) • [...] the list of chars not enclosed • . any ASCII char except newline • xy concatenation of x and y • x* same as x* • x+ same as x+ (i.e. x* but not ) • x? an optional x (same as x+ )

  11. Two Rules • lex will always match the longest (number of characters) token possible. • 2. If two or more possible tokens are of the same length, then the token with the regular expression that is defined first in the lex specification is favored.

  12. Regular Expression Examples • a delimiter for an English sentence • “.” | “?” | ! OR • [“.””?”!] • C++ comment: // call foo() here!! • “//”.* • white space • [ \t]+ • English sentence: Look at this! • ([ \t]+|[a-zA-Z]+)+(“.”|”?”|!)

  13. Special Functions • yytext • where text matched most recently is stored • yyleng • number of characters in text most recently matched • yylval • associated value of current token • yymore() • append next string matched to current contents of yytext • yyless(n) • remove from yytext all but the first n characters • unput(c) • return character c to input stream • yywrap() • may be replaced by user • The yywrap method is called by the lexical analyser whenever it inputs an EOF as the first character when trying to match a regular expression

  14. Let us run a lex program

  15. Yacc: what is it? Yacc: a tool for automatically generating a parser given a grammar written in a yacc specification (.y file) A grammar specifies a set of production rules, which define a language. A production rule specifies a sequence of symbols, sentences, which are legal in the language.

  16. Skeleton of a yacc specification (.y file) *.c is generated after running x.y %{ < C global variables, prototypes, comments > %} [DEFINITION SECTION] %% [PRODUCTION RULES SECTION] %% < C auxiliary subroutines> This part will be embedded into *.c contains token declarations. Tokens are recognized in lexer. define how to “understand” the input language, and what actions to take for each “sentence”. any user code. For example, a main function to call the parser function yyparse()

  17. Structure of yacc File • Definition section • declarations of tokens • type of values used on parser stack • Rules section • list of grammar rules with semantic routines • User code

  18. The Production Rules Section %% production : symbol1 symbol2 … { action } | symbol3 symbol4 … { action } | … production: symbol1 symbol2 { action } %%

  19. statement expression expression expression number expression expression number expression expression number number + 5 4 - + 3 2 An example %% statement : expression { printf (“ = %g\n”, $1); } expression : expression ‘+’ expression { $$ = $1 + $3; } | expression ‘-’ expression { $$ = $1 - $3; } | NUMBER { $$ = $1; } %% According these two productions, 5 + 4 – 3 + 2 is parsed into:

  20. S -> E E -> E + T E -> E - T E -> T T -> T * F T -> T / F T -> F F -> ( E ) F -> ID S -> E E -> E + E E ->E - E E -> E * E E -> E / E E -> ( E ) E -> ID Choosing a Grammar

  21. Precedence and Associativity %right ‘=' %left '-' '+' %left '*' '/' %right '^'

  22. Defining Values expr : expr '+' term { $$ = $1 + $3; } | term { $$ = $1; } ; term : term '*' factor { $$ = $1 * $3; } | factor { $$ = $1; } ; factor : '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; } | ID | NUM ;

  23. Defining Values $1 expr : expr '+' term { $$ = $1 + $3; } | term { $$ = $1; } ; term : term '*' factor { $$ = $1 * $3; } | factor { $$ = $1; } ; factor : '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; } | ID | NUM ;

  24. Defining Values expr : expr '+' term { $$ = $1 + $3; } | term { $$ = $1; } ; term : term '*' factor { $$ = $1 * $3; } | factor { $$ = $1; } ; factor : '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; } | ID | NUM ; $2

  25. Defining Values expr : expr '+' term { $$ = $1 + $3; } | term { $$ = $1; } ; term : term '*' factor { $$ = $1 * $3; } | factor { $$ = $1; } ; factor : '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; } | ID | NUM ; $3 Default: $$ = $1;

  26. scanner.l Example: Lex %{ #include <stdio.h> #include "y.tab.h" %} id [_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]* wspc [ \t\n]+ semi [;] comma [,] %% int { return INT; } char { return CHAR; } float { return FLOAT; } {comma} { return COMMA; } /* Necessary? */ {semi} { return SEMI; } {id} { return ID;} {wspc} {;}

  27. decl.y Example: Definitions %{ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> %} %start line %token CHAR, COMMA, FLOAT, ID, INT, SEMI %%

  28. decl.y Example: Rules /*This production is not part of the "official" grammar. It's primary purpose is to recover from parser errors, so it's probably best if you leave ot here. */ line : /* lambda */ | line decl | line error { printf("Failure :-(\n"); yyerrok; yyclearin; } ;

  29. decl.y Example: Rules decl : type ID list { printf("Success!\n"); } ; list : COMMA ID list | SEMI ; type : INT | CHAR | FLOAT ; %%

  30. decl.y Example: Supplementary Code extern FILE *yyin; main() { do { yyparse(); } while(!feof(yyin)); } yyerror(char *s) { /* Don't have to do anything! */ }

  31. Let us Run a Program

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