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27 th april 2010, EDI Seminar

27 th april 2010, EDI Seminar. Air France KLM, a global air transport leader : one Group, two airlines, three types of business. No. 1 in terms of revenue with 23.9 billions euros* No. 2 in terms of air traffic with 74.5 million passengers*

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27 th april 2010, EDI Seminar

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  1. 27 th april 2010, EDI Seminar

  2. Air France KLM, a global air transport leader : one Group, two airlines, three types of business • No. 1 in terms of revenue with 23.9 billions euros* • No. 2 in terms of air traffic with 74.5 million passengers* • No. 3 in terms of maintenance revenue with 2.9 billions euros*  107,000 employees  621 aircrafts in operation  244 destinations in 104 countries • 2008-09 data

  3. 15 000 employees, 700 000 training hours 2.86 billion euros turnover 969 million euros is customer turnover (35%) Around 150 airline customers Support of more than 900 aircrafts AFI and KLM E&M Industrial Potential

  4. AFI and KLM E&M Services Overview • Airframe Services • Engine Services • Component Services • Total Care Services

  5. A global certification • First operator to obtain the Unique and Global Certification in the world… Since June 2007 • Quality Management ISO 9001-2000 • Aeronautic conception EN 9100 : 2003 • Aeronautic maintenance EN 9110 Edition P2 : 2003 • Distribution / Storage EN 9120 Edition P3 : 2003 • Environmental Management: ISO 14001 : 2004 • Food Safety ISO 22000 : 2005 • Cabin Quality Certification of the services delivered to passengers And, since June 2008 • Health and Security at Work OHSAS 18001 • Control of the documentation ISO 15489

  6. Why we committed to get theunique and global certification ? • To give confidence to the customers and other stakeholders : • The satisfaction of the industrial customers • balance Quality/Cost/Delays and on a consistent service all along the process • a way of managing which enables to pilot transversally the service delivered to the client. • Customers requests (in particular Airbus for the EN standards) • A lever to improve our performance with respect to the regulation(s) and the standard(s). • A simplification of the systems, a standardization of the approach for progress, an optimization of the resources. • To ensure the continuous existence of the gain, the improvements.

  7. To orientate and manage the company in function of the flows of values’ creation : To know them To control them To optimize them To identify the contribution of each activity in the reach of the general objectives. To adopt a transversal view of the ways of functioning. The Processes in the heartof the Management system clients

  8. Risks domains • And also, we have to control the risks in various domains.

  9. AF and KLM share a common vision of sustainable development … A common commitement is publiseh through the Corporate Social Responsibility Report2009-10 • AIR FRANCE-KLM sets out its approach to sustainable development in this report, by developing its relationships with stakeholders, and describing the five key issues : • combating climate change, • reducing environmental impact, • building sustainable customer relations, • promoting a responsible human resources strategy • contributing to regional development. As the Group's Chairman and CEO, Jean-Cyril Spinetta, declared "We must reconcile our profitable growth business model with increasingly expensive energy and our commitment to combat climate change." • … the main common driver already exists … • ….. A real opportunity for E&M to take the road

  10. How do AFI apply this commitment ? Program associated to the actions plan: “At work for the Safety” “Environment et Sustainable Development” The program “Environment and Sustainable Development” takes place in the extension of the IMS and HR plans. It is inscribed in the continuity of the program “Sustainable Development 2007-2008”, the program “Environment 2007-2008” and of the associated orientations. It gives rise to the determination of the objectives and the metrics which are the subject of an adapted reporting during the good authority meetings.

  11. The AFI program “Environment and Sustainable Development 2008/2009 – holder of the synergies with the stakeholders ECONOMY / GOVERNANCE • Water consumptions • Solar panels • Electric vehicles (test of twelve of them – to renew the pool progressively) • Realization of the carbon balance sheet • « Compass » = plan of “Déplacement Entreprise” • Investments of AFI representing the «territorial rooting» … • Orly = 70 M€ (ORYzon2010) • Eole = 80 M€ • Roissy : CMH = 60 M€ • Croix du Sud = 40 M€ • A380 Hangar = 65 M€ ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL / SOCIETAL • Actions concerning the professional integration and diversity • Alternation system • Opening towards the stakeholders (listening – development of proactive relationships – satisfaction measurement)

  12. Controlling Method of the shift environment

  13. Working space Management The 5S A method but also A state of mind (& inversely)

  14. Working space Management VISIBLE ORDER 5S Iceberg Saving of time, area, flows movements, working conditions improvement, safety, staff involvement, maintenance efficiency, increasing the equipments availability….

  15. Working space Management Nonperforming Working shift Some common points Benefit tiredness Safety Human Relations Assiduity

  16. Working space Management 5S METHOD MEANING Seiri Seiton Seiso Seiketsu Shitsuku : To clear : To tidy ( in good order ) : To clean : To standardize & keep in order : To involve & to be rigorous This consist in clarifying the physical space and, in consequence of, the social space and the mental space.

  17. Working space Management 5S examples

  18. Working space Management PHASE 1 To clear The useless things who overcrowed the working Area.

  19. Working space Management Build up an adapted cleaning kit : Duster, cleaner, … For security & aesthetics reasons, think to organise the electrical and computer cables Regularly think to optimise own computer : Scan disk, defrag, …

  20. Working space Management PHASE 2 Set in order A rational layout is an efficiency guarantee

  21. Working space Management PHASE 3 To clean On the way to always keeping the areas clean, put the adapted means A formwork on the cupboard avoid undesirable object storage

  22. Working space Management PHASE 4 Standardize Stick up the security instructions : IPE,… It’s useful to zone the objects areas

  23. Working space Management Think to put visual assistance on filing cabinet Identify the layout for each document For example : The diagonal line easily allow to see if documents are in order or if one is missing


  25. The PIQ Program Quality Innovation Program Since 1995 the entire personnel of Air France Industries (employees, technicians, managers, executives, working in factories, offices, agencies, warehouses, etc) have been invited to submit ideas for improvement in areas such as: • Customer Satisfaction • Quality • Security at Work • Flight Security • Environment and Sustainable Development • Cost Reduction • Working Conditions • …

  26. PIQ Objectives • To develop a management tool to reinforce company performance; • To deploy this program in an on-going dynamic way, oriented towards customer and stakeholder satisfaction; • To build up an easy-to-usetool that integrates individual contribution within collective efficiency; • To include every individualas a central and active element in the development of the Integrated Management System (I.M.S.) process • Make everyone a positive actor

  27. Objectives set according to departments, activities, and services - Total number of ideas, Average response rate, Participation rate; Comments on and analysis of indicators on a regular basis in Board meetings, activity/service meetings, team metings etc; Authors encouraged to propose ideas and solutions of problems met to the everyday life or targeted during challenges Executives/managers to encourage and facilitate the emergence and the implemented of the ideas PIQ. Hierarchical in charge of to encourage, to facilitate ideas production The network to oversee, coordinate and follow up the process in support of the coordinator’s activities. Collecting Ideas

  28. A base of collection and management of the ideas On-line form on our site is given to all A paper seizure is also possible

  29. I have an idea I fill the PIQ form I send it to my manager If my idea is applied and gives good results, it can be proposed by my N+1 to be granted The rule My manager gives me the reasons (under about fifteen days) dialogue Manager validation Refused Accepted I got my voutcher (under 15 days) I implement my project possibly by means of my N+1

  30. The idea must be constructive in order to solve a concrete issue; • The idea must be brand new and innovative or greatly improving the existing system; • The idea must improve (internal/external )customer satisfaction; • The idea must reduce cost or enable tangible positive effects, such as better security, better environment, better working conditions; • The idea must be coherent in relation to pre-set objectives, sector specifics, and strict regulations. Ideas Validation Process Eligibility criteria:

  31. Bonuses are granted: If the idea is highly relevant (generalizable); If the idea generates profit or any significant benefit; If the idea has been implemented and has proven to beeffective If the idea is selected on a monthly basis by the IMS Board members, and approved by Mr. Alain BASSIL, CEO Recognition Process • Financial compensation: • 1 Countermark • or 1 Voucher • Per idea approved by direct manager Donations can be made to: € 26.00 - Air France Foundation € 17.00 - ‘Aviation sans Frontières’ Association - Humanitarian Associations Evaluation Grid: 3 scales: € 170.00 € 340.00 € 510.00

  32. Recognition Process Honorary & Financial Reward • 3. Trophies • Based on a selection of the most remarkable idea in its category; • Based on the IMS Board’s yearly selection amongst already applied and rewarded ideas from all categories and sectors; • An annual ceremony takes place. Winners are granted with a personal reward from numerous internal and external C-suite Managers; • Videos of the ‘QIPist’ and his/her idea will be produced and broadcasted. 510.00 € 3

  33. Communication :challenges posters

  34. Communication : posters

  35. La communication : AF and AFI newspapers

  36. Communication : vidéos

  37. Indicators PIQ

  38. Indicators PIQ

  39. Mesure des économies réalisées au travers des PIQ revalorisés en millions € 11432 8594 7508 7138 4365 2922 1385 How to save money?

  40. Conclusion • PIQas a reflection of the social climate in the company: • The efficiency of the program reveals a good social climate in the company. Whereas the decreasing number of suggested ideas could be interpreted as an ‘alert’ to social issues; • Keys to a successful PIQ: • Management support (visual management, indicator follow-up); • Support of the Quality and idea management Network and IMS wide implication; • Long-lasting and consistent process • Reactivity (response time limit, implementation, etc) • On-going request for participation (via games and challenges) • -Suitable rewards and acknowledgement

  41. Merci

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