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SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - A Comparison of Traffic Models

This article explores the differences between the SERPM65 and SERPM6 traffic models, their history, setup controls, and file names. It also discusses the estimation process, mode choice, transit networks, and highway assignment.

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SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - A Comparison of Traffic Models

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  1. SERPM-6.5 & SERPM-6:Differences & Future DirectionsSoutheast Florida FSUTMS Users Group MeetingFt. Lauderdale, FL SERPM65 vs. SERPM6-Corradino

  2. TAC Team • FDOT - Districts 4 & 6 • Turnpike • Palm Beach MPO • Broward MPO • Miami-Dade MPO • SFRTA • Corradino (Consultant) SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  3. SERPM History SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  4. SERPM65 SERPM6 • Full time of day&24-Hour model • 2005 base year • Full time of day • 2000 base year 24-Hour & TOD Model… SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  5. SERPM-65 Coverage • Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade Counties • 2005 Population: 5.4 million • 2005 Households: 2.0 million • 4,284 TAZs (internal+dummy+ext) SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  6. SERPM65: Zone & Node Info… SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  7. SERPM6: Zone & Node Info… SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  8. All zonal data (ZDATA1/ZDATA2/ SCHOOL/WALK) in TAZ Shape file DBF 3 Period Time-of-day & 24-Hour Highway Model 2 Period Transit TOD Model Dynamic area types Estimation of initial speeds from posted speed and signals data Estimation of capacities from roadway physical characteristics Estimation of time delays at freeway merges Equilibration of speeds in peak period pre-assignment Trips for HHs with autos distributed using highway skims, while 0-auto HHs use transit skims Micro-coding of fixed-guideway transit stations Model is validated to observed highway speeds as well as to traffic counts Transit nets kept in PT, but Trnbuild used for paths, skims and assignment Non-motorized mode choice Built-in mode choice constant estimation process Better External Trip Process for Freeways More Scrutiny of Toll Facility Data and Volumes What’s New? SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  9. Setup controls and file names External – EE by period Trip Gen – LSGEN by auto ownership and TOD Highway – Includes speed and capacity calculators Distribution – Includes equilibration (FEEDBACK) of peak period highway speeds Transit Nets – PT  Trnbuild and connectors, paths, skims and fares Mode Choice Transit Assignment by access path and TOD Highway Trip Tables – Combines trip tables for assignment – 24H & TOD Highway Assignment – 24 Hour & by TOD (use most computer time) Highway Evaluation – HEVAL and RMSE by TOD and county SERPM65 – Model Flow SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  10. SERPM65: TAZ Attributes SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  11. SERPM65: TAZ Attributes (contd.) SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  12. SERPM65: T/G Folders & Inputs SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  13. SERPM65: T/G Folders & Outputs SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  14. SERPM65: T/P Structure SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  15. AREA TYPES • Now dynamically calculated by Voyager script from ZDATA densities (population + employment) • ATYPE may change for each year • Definitions: • CBD (same as old CBD) • Non-CBD Low-Density (similar to old OBD) • Non-CBD Medium-Density (similar to old Residential) • Non-CBD High-Density (similar to old Fringe) • Non-CBD Very Low-Density (similar to old Rural) SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  16. 2030 Area Types… 2005 Area Types… SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  17. Facility Types… SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  18. SERPM65: Unloaded Network Attributes SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  19. SERPM6: Unloaded Network Attributes SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  20. An Example of Network Difference… SERPM65 SERPM6 SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  21. TOD Counts… 24-Hour Counts… SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  22. Traffic Count by Facility: SERPM65 (2005) vs. SERPM6 (2000) SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  23. Initial Speed Estimation • Estimates uninterrupted flow initial speed from an equation • Adds delays from traffic control devices SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  24. Speed Relationships SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  25. SERPM65:IE/EI Trips (exiting/entering Freeway) T/D Logit Curve SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  26. Time of Day – Transit Model • Standard FSUTMS uses auto speeds from 24-hour assignment as for HBW mode choice • HBO & NHB use free-flow speeds • SERPM6/6.5 uses time of day • Peak period trips use AM congested speeds • Off-peak period trips use free-flow speeds SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  27. SERPM65 - Transit Nets SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  28. Transit Districts… SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  29. Mode Choice Transit District Constants SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  30. SERPM65 – Highway Assignment • Follows multi-user class link constrained equilibrium assignment methodologies (with selected node penalties) • For TOD Version • AM Peak (Warm-up & Final) • Off-Peak (Warm-up & Final) • PM Peak (Warm-up & Final) • Composite 24 Hours (add preceding) • For 24-Hour Version (NOT for SERPM6) • 24-Hour Assignment (Warm-up & Final) SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  31. SERPM65 SERPM6 Generalized Turning Penalties (MTURNDEF) … SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  32. SERPM65: Modified BPR Functions SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  33. Freeway & Ramp Merge Delay Functions SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  34. SERPM65: Highway Assignments Convergence Statistics SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  35. SERPM6: Highway Assignments Convergence Statistics SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  36. SERPM65:24-Hour Model Loaded Network Attributes SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  37. SERPM65: TOD Model Loaded Network Attributes SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  38. SERPM6: TOD Model Loaded Network Attributes SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  39. SERPM65 Validation Results (Selected) :24-Hour & Initial TOD Models SERPM65 vs. SERPM6-Corradino

  40. SERPM65 Districts SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  41. JTW vs. HBW (Model) Flows By County SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  42. JTW vs. HBW (Model) Trip Ends By District SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  43. Trip Production End (%s): JTW vs. HBW(Model) SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  44. Trip Attraction End (%s): JTW vs. HBW(Model) SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  45. Turnpike External Survey Data vs. SERPM65 Results SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  46. Selected Turnpike Segment Volume & Growth:2005 – 2030 (24-Hour Model) SERPM65 vs. SERPM6 - Corradino

  47. SERPM65:Further Directions • 24-Hour Model: • Address any “reasonable” comments • TOD Model (w/o HOT Lane modeling): • Validate model for “reasonable” volume estimates of toll facilities. • Prepare Technical Report & User’s Manual SERPM65 vs. SERPM6-Corradino

  48. SERPM65:Further Directions (Contd.) • TOD Model (revision): • Revised CV scripts to allow modeling of HOT Lanes • Modify skimming for SR2 & SR3+ to allow certain lanes as HOV2 & HOV3+ • Modify mode-choice programs to incorporate the above changes in skimming • Test & Revalidate the model for modeling of HOT Lanes • Technical Report & User’s Manual on the validation and operation of revised model SERPM65 vs. SERPM6-Corradino

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