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TAC Report

Recap of topics discussed at TERENA General Assembly in Catania, including server certificate service, European video platform, whitelisting, and more.

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TAC Report

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TAC Report Held in Catania May 15th 2006 TERENA GA - Catania May 18-19 2006

  2. AGENDA (1) Introduction Claudio Allocchio Briefing on the Server Certificate Service (SCS) John Dyer European Video Service: Problem Statemen Victor Reijs and Claudio Allocchio Connecting Schools Robert Symberlist TERENA GA - Catania May 18-19 2006

  3. AGENDA (2) Whitelisting Andrew Cormack Life Cycle and Portfolio Management Urs Eppenberger Revision of Technical Special Interest Areas for 2006/7 Claudio Allocchio + All TERENA GA - Catania May 18-19 2006

  4. Server Certificate Service (SCS) On GA agenda later • 2 NRENs in the joining process • 5 NRENs said “will join” • 2 NRENs said “considering to join” • Discussion on how to “serve certificates” to international organisations (DANTE and ESA) • “we got a cool service” TERENA GA - Catania May 18-19 2006

  5. European Video Service: Problem Statement Do we need supported video conferencing services??? • Report to help / support users published by TERENA • Many users still do not feel like it is a “call and go” service • Expertise is available, but is it advertised and used? • New protocols / paradigms on the horizon, but now ? • We need some support for H.323 now; • We need to be proactive in making the expertise known • We need to rise support to professional level • … while other protocols (SIP) or services (group collaboration tools) become mature • A TASK for the follow up of TF-VVC TERENA GA - Catania May 18-19 2006

  6. Services to Schools Follow the users’ needs and requests • Additional support for videoconferencing • Include H.320/H.323 gateways (yes… ISDN) • Help in providing interactive content - bridge between education content providers and schools • VISIT - proactive (even with equipment) expansion os the collaborating schools club TERENA GA - Catania May 18-19 2006

  7. Whitelisting Friends • Create something which will “treat better” some e-mail senders (domains, organizations, individuals,…) than others, I.e. List the “good ones” • Personal whitelists are in use by many people • Establish some Policy (common?) to enable Whitelist entrance • Establish mechanisms for whilelist exchanges • Need for a Central Authority • TACAR approach seems a model to follow. • TF-CSIRT will follow up, and try to setup a pilot basic whitelisting environment TERENA GA - Catania May 18-19 2006

  8. Life Cycle and Portfolio Management On agenda later on, with BOF results TERENA GA - Catania May 18-19 2006

  9. Special Interest Areas • Lower Layer Technologies • Security • Middleware • Mobility • Voice and Video Collaboration • Grid In addition, Campus and End-to-End issue coordination are challenges that have an impact across all SIAs. TERENA GA - Catania May 18-19 2006

  10. Questions? TERENA GA - Catania May 18-19 2006

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