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Explore a collection of analogies that highlight the relationship between opposite concepts, including expensive vs. cheap, cheerful vs. honest, and hot day vs. skinny. Discover how these analogies can help in understanding different aspects of language and communication.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Analogies

  2. expensive is to cheap as cheerful is to

  3. honest is to truthful as frightening is to

  4. trip is to fall as hot day is to

  5. skinny is to slim as noble is to

  6. entrance (entrihns) is to entrance (entraens) as content (kan tent ) is to

  7. ate is to eight as male is to

  8. hand is to finger as foot is to

  9. speeding is to ticket as heavy rain is to

  10. knead is to need as sell is to

  11. late is to early as illegal is to

  12. desert (dezərt) is to desert (dihzuhrt) as wind (waInd) is to

  13. banana is to tree as oak is to

  14. sleepy is to exhausted as tackle is to

  15. cheerful is to bubbly as unhealthy is to

  16. bow (baU) is to bow (bo) as row (raU) is to

  17. vegetable is to broccoli as insect is to

  18. smelly is to reeking as clever is to

  19. unhappy is to heartbreaking as hard is to

  20. door is to knob as cup is to

  21. wet is to dry as sick is to

  22. close (kloz) is to close (klos) as lead (led) is to

  23. noisy is to earsplitting as mischievous is to

  24. relaxed is to stress-free as contaminated is to

  25. spin is to dizzy as practice is to

  26. small is to microscopic as cute is to

  27. beverage is to milk as vehicle is to

  28. nose is to knows as pair is to

  29. chubby is to slender as unskilled is to

  30. famine is to hunger as intruder breaks in is to

  31. country is to India as reptile is to

  32. rooster crow is to wake up as fire is to

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